Gendered Political Participation in Civil Society Organizations

Book Description

There is a well-known assumption that more participation of women in politics is important for democracy. In this respect, Civil Society- the third branch of power has opened up space for women s engagement through the issue of good governance. Taking women s experiences from two civil society organizations, the study tries to reveal how different types of understanding on good governance and participation may shape the interest of the Civil Society Organization. By applying the concepts of civil society, good governance and participation as analytical framework, the paper critically analyzes how donor- driven concepts of civil society created problem in women s everyday life, jeopardize their transformative potentials. Finally, considering historical and contextual reality of civil society, the paper came up with a recommendation in favour of political society to bring gender justice through social movement.

Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations

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Women are at the heart of civil society organizations (CSOs) that challenge oppressive practices at a local and global level and develop outstanding entrepreneurial activities. Yet CSO research tends to ignore considerations of gender, and the rich history of activist feminist organizations is rarely examined. This collection corrects that oversight, exploring the nexus between the emancipation of women and their roles in CSOs. Featuring contrasting, international studies from a wide range of contributors, it covers emerging issues such as the role of social media in organizing, the significance of religion in many cultural contexts, activism in Eastern Europe, and the impact of environmental degradation on women's lives. Asking whether involvement in CSOs offers a potential source of emancipation for women or maintains the status quo, this book will have an impact on both equal-opportunity policy and practice.

Governing Women

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Though the proportion of women in national assemblies still barely scrapes 16% on average, the striking outliers – Rwanda with 49% of its assembly female, Argentina with 35%, Liberia and Chile with new women presidents this year – have raised expectations that there is an upward trend in women’s representation from which we may expect big changes in the quality of governance. But getting women into public office is just the first step in the challenge of creating governance and accountability systems that respond to women’s needs and protect their rights. Using case studies from around the world, the essays in this volume consider the conditions for effective connections between women in civil society and women in politics, for the evolution of political party platforms responsive to women’s interests, for local government arrangements that enable women to engage effectively, and for accountability mechanisms that answer to women. The book’s argument is that good governance from a gender perspective requires more than more women in politics. It requires fundamental incentive changes to orient public action and policy to support gender equality.

Essays on Gender and Governance

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The relationship between gender and governance has too often been neglected in both theoretical and empirical work. Until very recently, most influential political thought has been built around a conceptual distinction between the public realm of politics, military affairs, and administration, and the private realm of family and domestic life. Women s role, in a wide range of traditions and in theoretical work influenced by them, has typically been associated with the private realm, and men s role with the public realm. The public/private distinction has been thoroughly criticized as being in many ways misleading and untenable. Nonetheless, it continues to influence both theoretical and empirical work, with the result that women s efforts to gain a voice in governance have often been ignored. The papers in this volume aim to set the record straight. They advance a theoretical structure, both positive and normative, within which the question of gendered governance may usefully be pursued. They also analyze some current developments that indicate many ways in which women are actively participating in governance, in both government and the institutions of civil society, and the obstacles that remain. The essays in this volume are the outcome of a year long collaborative exploration of the multiple factors that influence the process of engendering governance in complex societies, in particular the changing roles of various actors including women s movements, the state and civil society.

Gender Mainstreaming

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Civil Society and Gender Relations in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes

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Is civil society’s influence favorable to the evolvement of democratic structures and democratic gender relations? While traditional approaches would answer in the affirmative, the authors highlight the ambivalences. Focusing on women’s organizations in authoritarian and hybrid regimes, they cover the full spectrum of civil society’s possible performance: from its important role in the overcoming of power relations to its reinforcement as backers of government structures or the distribution of antifeminist ideas.

Aiding Empowerment

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Today, gender equality is widely seen as a critical dimension of democracy. Over the past three decades, the United States and other donor governments have spent millions on aid programs that seek to advance women's equal political participation and leadership around the world. What do these assistance programs consist of, and how effective have they been? In Aiding Empowerment, Saskia Brechenmacher and Katherine Mann take a critical look at this growing field of international aid and policy action. Drawing on research in Kenya, Nepal, Morocco, and Myanmar, they examine the varied methods aid providers use to challenge patriarchal political structures and support local reformers, identify persisting challenges and promising innovations, and make practical recommendations for reform.

Gender and Civil Society

Book Description

The international scope of the case studies means that the book will appeal to the international market Civil society and gender studies are both widely studied and pervious titles in these areas have sold well There are no competing titles that consider both civil society and women's political activities

Gender Politics in Global Governance

Book Description

From the grassroots to the global, women's movements worldwide are taking on new arenas, new goals and strategies, and in some cases a whole new vocabulary. International organizations, nonstate actors, regimes and norms, and a host of globalizing forces offer women and their representatives new opportunities and obstacles. This volume draws together a wide range of exciting new research that looks at the gendered nature of the institutions, practices, and discourses of global governance. The contributors describe the spaces women have carved out in international organizations, the strategies women's movements have employed to influence international politics, and the ways in which movement activism has contested gendered rules in global governance. Out of a stimulating diversity of approaches, the common goal of empowering women resounds.

Civil Society and Gender Justice

Book Description

Civil society and civic engagement have increasingly become topics of discussion at the national and international level. The editors of this volume ask, does the concept of “civil society” include gender equality and gender justice? Or, to frame the question differently, is civil society a feminist concept? Conversely, does feminism need the concept of civil society? This important volume offers both a revised gendered history of civil society and a program for making it more egalitarian in the future. An interdisciplinary group of internationally known authors investigates the relationship between public and private in the discourses and practices of civil societies; the significance of the family for the project of civil society; the relation between civil society, the state, and different forms of citizenship; and the complex connection between civil society, gendered forms of protest and nongovernmental movements. While often critical of historical instantiations of civil society, all the authors nonetheless take seriously the potential inherent in civil society, particularly as it comes to influence global politics. They demand, however, an expansion of both the concept and project of civil society in order to make its political opportunities available to all.