General Permits and Permits by Rule - Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Six Source Categories (Us Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (Epa) (2018 Edition)

Book Description

General Permits and Permits by Rule - Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Six Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) The Law Library presents the complete text of the General Permits and Permits by Rule - Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Six Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition). Updated as of May 29, 2018 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing general permits for use in Indian country pursuant to the Federal Minor New Source Review (NSR) Program in Indian Country for new or modified minor sources in the following six source categories: concrete batch plants; boilers and emergency engines; stationary spark ignition engines; stationary compression ignition engines; graphic arts and printing operations; and sawmill facilities. This book contains: - The complete text of the General Permits and Permits by Rule - Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Six Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section

General Permits and Permits by Rule for the Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Five Source Categories (Us Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (Epa) (2018 Edition)

Book Description

General Permits and Permits by Rule for the Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Five Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) The Law Library presents the complete text of the General Permits and Permits by Rule for the Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Five Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition). Updated as of May 29, 2018 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing general permits for use in Indian country pursuant to the Federal Minor New Source Review (NSR) Program in Indian Country for new or modified minor sources in the following two source categories: Hot mix asphalt (HMA) plants; and stone quarrying, crushing, and screening (SQCS) facilities. The EPA is also finalizing permits by rule for use in Indian country for new or modified minor sources in three source categories: Auto body repair and miscellaneous surface coating operations; gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs), except in California; and petroleum dry cleaning facilities. The EPA is also taking final action authorizing the use of general permits established under the program to create synthetic minor sources for the HMA and SQCS source categories. This book contains: - The complete text of the General Permits and Permits by Rule for the Federal Minor New Source Review Program in Indian Country for Five Source Categories (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section

Nonattainment New Source Review, Us Environmental Protection Agency Regulation, 2018

Book Description

Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR) (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) The Law Library presents the complete text of the Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR) (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition). Updated as of May 29, 2018 The EPA is finalizing revisions to the regulations governing the nonattainment new source review (NSR) program mandated by section 110(a)(2)(C) of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act). These revisions implement changes to the preconstruction review requirements for major stationary sources in nonattainment areas in interim periods between designation of new nonattainment areas and adoption of a revised State Implementation Plan (SIP). The revisions conform the nonattainment permitting rules that apply during the SIP development period following nonattainment designations before SIP approval to the Federal permitting rules applicable to SIP-approved programs. The changes are intended to provide a consistent national program for permitting major stationary sources in nonattainment areas under section 110(a)(2)(C) and part D of title I of the Act. In particular, these changes conform the regulations to the NSR reform provisions that EPA promulgated by notice dated December 31, 2002, except that these changes do not include the NSR reform provisions for "clean units" or "pollution control projects," which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated in New York v. EPA, 413 F.3d 3 (DC Cir. 2005). In addition, these changes include an interim interpretation of the NSR reform provision for a "reasonable possibility" standard for recordkeeping and reporting requirements, in accordance with that court decision. This interim interpretation to the "reasonable possibility" standard applies for appendix S purposes, pending the completion of rulemaking to develop a more complete interpretation. This book contains: - The complete text of the Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR) (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section

EPA Strategic Plan

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Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans - Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan - Stationary Source Permits (Us Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (Epa) (2018 Edition)

Book Description

Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans - Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan - Stationary Source Permits (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) The Law Library presents the complete text of the Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans - Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan - Stationary Source Permits (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition). Updated as of May 29, 2018 EPA is finalizing a limited approval and limited disapproval of revisions to the applicable state implementation plan for the State of Nevada. The revisions include new or amended State rules governing applications for, and issuance of, permits for stationary sources, but not including review and permitting of major sources and major modifications under parts C and D of title I of the Clean Air Act. EPA is taking this action under the Clean Air Act obligation to take action on State submittals of revisions to state implementation plans. The intended effect of the limited approval and limited disapproval action is to update the applicable state implementation plan with current State rules with respect to permitting, and to set the stage for remedying deficiencies in the permitting rules with respect to certain new or revised national ambient air quality standards. This limited disapproval action would not trigger sanctions under section 179 of the Clean Air Act but does trigger an obligation on EPA to promulgate a Federal Implementation Plan unless the State of Nevada corrects the deficiencies, and EPA approves the related plan revisions, within two years of the final action. This book contains: - The complete text of the Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans - Revisions to Nevada State Implementation Plan - Stationary Source Permits (US Environmental Protection Agency Regulation) (EPA) (2018 Edition) - A table of contents with the page number of each section

Application Form 2D--general Information

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