Generalized Coordination of Multi-robot Systems: Introduction 2. Overview 3. Group Theory 4. Graph Theory 5. Stability Theory for Gradient-flow Systems 6. Pairwise Coordination 7. Generalized Coordination with “Absolute” Measurements 8. Generalized Coordination with “Relative” Measurements 9. Application Examples 10. Concluding Remarks Acknowledgements Appendices References

Book Description

Multi-robot systems have huge potential for practical applications, which include sensor networks, area surveillance, and environment mapping. In many applications, cooperative coordination of the robots plays a central role. However, there are so many tasks and their variants, it is not viable to describe individually all the existing methods. Instead, in this monograph the authors focus on a generalized coordination problem which can cover a wide range of coordination problems and handle them in a unified manner. The reader is first introduced to the mathematics and a set of systematic tools that underpin subsequent discussions on the practical implementations. Each chapter in the second part of the book uses the same structure to address three types of generalized coordination problems, namely, Pairwise Coordination; Generalized Coordination with “Absolute” Measurements and Generalized Coordination with “Relative” Measurements. Finally, the authors present real-world applications of generalized coordination. Throughout, the authors provide examples to clearly illustrate the concepts being discussed. The book provides an accessible overview of the complexities of the topic for students, researchers and practitioners alike.

Generalized Coordination of Multi-robot Systems

Book Description

This book provides an accessible overview of the complexities of generalized coordination for students, researchers and practitioners alike. Covering both theory and practical issues, the authors provide examples throughout to clearly illustrate the concepts being discussed.

Multi-Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata

Book Description

In March 2002, the Naval Research Laboratory brought together leading researchers and government sponsors for a three-day workshop in Washington, D.C. on Multi-Robot Systems. The workshop began with presentations by various government program managers describing application areas and programs with an interest in multi robot systems. Government representatives were on hand from the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force, the Army Research Lab, the National Aeronau tics and Space Administration, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Top researchers then presented their current activities in the areas of multi robot systems and human-robot interaction. The first two days of the workshop of1ocalizatio~. concentrated on multi-robot control issues, including the topics mapping, and navigation; distributed surveillance; manipulation; coordination and formations; and sensors and hardware. The third day was focused on hu man interactions with multi-robot teams. All presentations were given in a single-track workshop format. This proceedings documents the work presented by these researchers at the workshop. The invited presentations were followed by panel discussions, in which all participants interacted to highlight the challenges of this field and to develop possible solutions. In addition to the invited research talks, students were given an opportunity to present their work at poster sessions.

Integrating Centralized and Decentralized Approaches for Multi-robot Coordination

Book Description

Autonomous multi-robot systems play important roles in many areas such as industrial applications for repetitive tasks, explorations in hazardous environments, and military missions in extreme conditions. Many existing coordination strategies are developed for two general types of multi-robot systems including strongly centralized systems and completely decentralized systems. For strongly centralized systems, the global information including the environment as well as the locations of all the robots is shared. It is typical for small number of robots in well structural environments and is not robust to dynamic environment or failures in communications and other uncertainties. For completely decentralized systems, each robot is executing its own control schemes completely autonomously. There are no specified leaders throughout the mission, and the team organization does not have a set structure. In many real-world applications, it is beneficial to use so-called weakly centralized systems, in which the leader robot is not specified a priori, but it is selected dynamically during the mission to guide the robot team through dynamic environments or other uncertainties. It is very challenging to develop coordination strategies for this type of systems because of the dynamic nature of the team structures. The strategies should not only allow for on-line leader role selection but also enable formation decomposition and reconfiguration whenever necessary. In this thesis, we describe a general coordination framework for weakly centralized multi-robot systems that integrates the features from both strongly centralized and completely decentralized coordination strategies at the individual robot level. The framework allows the robots to reconfigure the formation dynamically in the presence of obstacles or other uncertainties in the environment, and promotes the main advantages of multi-robot systems such as flexibility and modularity. Since the control schemes can be decentralized and this framework allows for the selection of the motion planner and local controller for a given task, the framework can be naturally applied to multi-robot systems with larger scales. We have implemented this framework on a team of two-wheeled differential driven mobile robots. Significant results from numerical simulations and experiments have been obtained to demonstrate that the coordination schemes are effective and robust, and the framework is viable and can be scaled to relative large scale multi-robot systems.

Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems

Book Description

The trend in the evolution of robotic systems is that the number of degrees of freedom increases. This is visible both in robot manipulator design and in the shift of focus from single to multi-robot systems. Following the principles of evolution in nature, one may infer that adding degrees of freedom to robot systems design is beneficial. However, since nature did not select snake-like bodies for all creatures, it is reasonable to expect the presence of a certain selection pressure on the number of degrees of freedom. Thus, understanding costs and benefits of multiple degrees of freedom, especially those that create redundancy, is a fundamental problem in the field of robotics. This volume is mostly based on the works presented at the workshop on Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS 2011. The workshop was envisioned as a dialog between researchers from two separate, but obviously related fields of robotics: one that deals with systems having multiple degrees of freedom, including redundant robot manipulators, and the other that deals with multirobot systems. The volume consists of twelve chapters, each representing one of the two fields.

Multi-Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata

Book Description

In March 2002, the Naval Research Laboratory brought together leading researchers and government sponsors for a three-day workshop in Washington, D.C. on Multi-Robot Systems. The workshop began with presentations by various government program managers describing application areas and programs with an interest in multi robot systems. Government representatives were on hand from the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force, the Army Research Lab, the National Aeronau tics and Space Administration, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Top researchers then presented their current activities in the areas of multi robot systems and human-robot interaction. The first two days of the workshop of1ocalizatio~. concentrated on multi-robot control issues, including the topics mapping, and navigation; distributed surveillance; manipulation; coordination and formations; and sensors and hardware. The third day was focused on hu man interactions with multi-robot teams. All presentations were given in a single-track workshop format. This proceedings documents the work presented by these researchers at the workshop. The invited presentations were followed by panel discussions, in which all participants interacted to highlight the challenges of this field and to develop possible solutions. In addition to the invited research talks, students were given an opportunity to present their work at poster sessions.

Multirobot Systems

Book Description

A collection of reprints on coordination of multiple robots with a common workspace, and control strategies in coordinated multiple-robot systems. No index. Acidic paper. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Integration, Coordination and Control of Multi-Sensor Robot Systems

Book Description

Overview Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the development of multi-sensory robot systems. The reason for this interest stems from a realization that there are fundamental limitations on the reconstruction of environment descriptions using only a single source of sensor information. If robot systems are ever to achieve a degree of intelligence and autonomy, they must be capable of using many different sources of sensory information in an active and dynamic manner. The observations made by the different sensors of a multi-sensor system are always uncertain, usually partial, occasionally spuri9us or incorrect and often geographically or geometrically imcomparable with other sensor views. The sensors of these systems are characterized by the diversity of information that they can provide and by the complexity of their operation. It is the goal of a multi sensor system to combine information from all these different sources into a robust and consistent description of the environment.