Generatieve Fonologie

Book Description

De fonologie beschouwt het als haar taak, de klanksystemen der verschillende talen alsmede de functies van elk hunner elementen te bestuderen. En die taak vloeit voort uit het inzicht, dat de klanken ener taal een geordend systeem vormen, waarin elk hunner een bepaalde plaats inneemt. (N. van Wijk, Phon%gie een hoofdstuk uit de structurele taalwetenschap) 1. 1. Het onderwerp van dit boek De bekende Amerikaanse fonoloog James Harris begint in zijn laatste boek (Harris 1983) een uiteenzetting over de Spaanse lettergreep als voIgt: "Consider the word huey 'ox' ". Zo'n mooie openingszin hebben wij voor dit boek niet kunnen bedenken, maar we zijn het weI met Harris eens dat een inleiding het gemakkelijkst begonnen kan worden met een voorbeeld. We beginnen daarom met de volgende zin: (1) De groep praatte als een stelletje gladiolen over de dwarsdruknorm. Aan de hand van deze zin kan een grote hoeveelheid taalkunde worden geillustreerd. Met een deel daarvan benje ongetwijfeld bekend, met een deel misschien een beetje, en met een groot deel (kunnen we zonder schroom aannemen) totaal niet. In het deel waarmee je redelijk goed bekend bent, huist hoogstwaarschijnlijk bijvoorbeeld de simpele observatie dat het eerste woord van de zin een zogenaamd lidwoord is; ook dat het eerste zelfstandig naamwoord van de zin bestaat uit de opeenvolging van klanken g. r. oe en p; dat het werkwoord be staat uit de klanken t, p, r, a en de zwakke klinker e, maar dan in een andere volgorde, enzovoort.

Voicing in Dutch

Book Description

This volume focuses on the phonology, phonetics and psycholinguistics of voicing-related phenomena in Dutch. Dutch phonology has played a touchstone role in the past few decades where competing phonological theories regarding laryngeal representation have been concerned. Debates have focused on the phonetic facts (Is final neutralization complete or incomplete? Are the assimilation rules phonetic or phonological?) and the most adequate phonological analyses (Is [voice] a binary feature? What constraints are necessary? What is the best way of implementing the role of morphology?). This volume summarises and adds fuel to these debates on several fronts, by providing an overview of analyses so far (rule-based as well as constraint-based) and proposing a new one, by drawing attention to new facts, such as exceptions to final devoicing in certain dialects and the behaviour of loanwords, and by re-examining the phonetic state of affairs and the behaviour of voiced, voiceless and partially devoiced segments in psycholinguistic experiments.

The Phonological Spectrum: Segmental structure

Book Description

The two volumes of the "Phonological Spectrum" aim at giving a comprehensive overview of current developments in phonological theory, by providing a number of papers in different areas of current theorizing which reflect on particular problems from different angles. Volume I is concerned with segmental structure, and focuses on nasality, voicing and other laryngeal features, as well as segmental timing. With respect to nasality, questions such as the phonetic underpinning of a distinctive feature [nasal] and the treatment of nasal harmony are treated. As for voicing, the behaviour of voicing assimilation in Dutch is covered while its application in German is examined with an eye to its implications for the stratification of the German lexicon. In the final section of volume I, the structure of diphthongs is examined, as well as the treatment of lenition and the relation between phonetic and phonological specification in sign language.

Understanding Phonology

Book Description

This widely acclaimed textbook provides a complete introduction to the phonology of human languages ideal for readers with no prior knowledge of the subject. This skilfully written text provides a broad, yet up-to-date, introduction to phonology. Assuming no previous knowledge of phonology or linguistic theory, the authors introduce the basic concepts and build on these progressively, discussing the main theories and illustrating key points with carefully chosen examples. A wide range of phenomena are covered: speech production, segmental contrasts, tone, quantity, prosodic structure, metrical relations and intonation. The main theories, including feature geometry and optimality theory are introduced, and their contributions to our understanding of phonology, as well as their shortcomings, are discussed objectively. This new edition has been updated and revised to meet the needs of today's students. Difficult points are given fuller explanation, references have been updated, and new exercises have been introduced to enable students to consolidate their learning.

Sound Structures

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Studies in West Frisian Grammar

Book Description

In this volume, Germen de Haan gives a multi-faceted view of the syntax, sociolinguistics, and phonology of West-Frisian. The author discusses distinct aspects of the syntax of verbs in Frisian: finiteness and Verb Second, embedded root phenomena, the verbal complex, verbal complementation, and complementizer agreement. Because Frisian has minority language status and is of interest to sociolinguists, the author reviews the linguistic changes in Frisian under the influence of the dominant Dutch language and, more generally, reflects on how to deal with contact-induced change in grammar. Finally, in three phonological articles, the author discusses nasalization in Frisian, the putatively symmetrical vowel inventory of Frisian, and the variation between schwa + sonorant consonants and syllabic sonorant consonants.


Book Description

This handbook aims at a state-of-the-art overview of both earlier and recent research into older, newer and emerging non-standard varieties (dialects, regiolects, sociolects, ethnolects, substandard varieties), transplanted varieties and daughter languages (mixed languages, creoles) of Dutch. The discussion concerns the theoretical embedding, potential interdisciplinary connections and the methodology of the studies at issue, keeping in mind comparability and generalizability of the findings. It presents general concepts and approaches in the broad domain of Dutch variation linguistics and the main developments in different varieties of Dutch and their offspring abroad. The book counts 47 chapters, written by over 40 scholars from the Netherlands, Flanders, Germany, England, South Africa, Australia, the USA, and Jamaica.

Analysis and Synthesis of Speech

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Dialect Levelling in Limburg

Book Description

This volume presents a study of the phenomenon of dialect levelling, the process of the reduction of structural variation. This process affects variation both in the cross-dialectal and in the dialectal-standard language dimension (in German dialectology referred to as Ausgleich and Abbau, respectively). The study is based on a research project on an originally rural Limburg dialect of Dutch. On the basis of a survey of the relatively rare relevant literature, a sociolinguistic model of dialect levelling is developed. A model is also proposed for embedding the study of this special type of linguistic change in formal phonological theory; this model centres on the role of the syllable in phonological processes. After a sketch of the social history and the dialect situation of the research area as well as an exposition of the methodology, descriptions and (mainly formal) explanations of the 21 dialect features at issue are presented. The approach is basically sociolinguistic and the analysis of the fieldwork data primarily quantitative. The patterns that emerge in the processes of the levelling out of the dialect features are related to both internal and external factors. In accounting for the findings, methods and insights from historical linguistics, dialectology as well as (linear and non-linear) phonological theory play an important role. After a discussion of the findings, the outlines are sketched of a theory of dialect levelling. The possibilities as well as some of the problems are discussed of an integration of the study of language variation and change on the hand and formal linguistic theory on the other.