Genesis Retold - Paleo Hebrew Edition

Book Description

Genesis Retold is a single volume that contains four individual books: 1 Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, and The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (T12P). All translations have been emended and edited for accuracy, and brought closer in line with the source texts that we have available to us today. In the case of Enoch and Jubilees, the English version set forth here is a major revision of the monumental work by Dr. R. H. Charles. His work was revised to bring it closer in line with the Aramaic and Hebrew texts uncovered at Qumran which were not available to him. Likewise the existing Ethiopic, Latin, and Greek texts were also consulted. Similarly, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs was also highly revised and emended from Charles' English translation, including some fragments from an Aramaic Testament of Levi from the Cairo Genizah, and a Hebrew Testament of Naphtali which was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jasher set forth here is a major revision of J. H. Parry & Co.'s English translation which has been emended and brought closer in line with the Hebrew source text that underlies it. It was discovered in this process that numerous entire sections present in the Hebrew text have been omitted from the current English versions for more than a century. The version available in Genesis Retold includes these sections. Above all else, Genesis Retold has treated the Name of the Almighty with special care. As further explained in the Preface, the Name is written in Paleo-Hebrew letters as yod-hey-vav-hey, also called the Tetragrammaton. This should avoid dogmatic debate over pronunciation. However, placing the Name into the English text was not an arbitrary process. The underlying source texts were carefully examined and compared to see where placeholders were used, to determine where the Name would be if it were a Hebrew original. All other names have likewise been restored to a Hebraic pronunciation when possible. All Elizabethan English style terms (thee, thou, thine, dost, etc.) have been revised into modern English, and thousands of entire sentences have been rewritten and/or reworded to flow better in Modern American English. Multiple appendices fill the back of the book, including an etymological breakdown of the names of the key angels in Enoch. The final appendix includes a list of more than 130 verses in the New Testament, and corresponding passages in the books of Genesis Retold. Many of these show direct correlation and even quotes between these books and the New Testament. There are also nearly 600 footnotes that further elaborate on word definitions, provide cross-references between the books (and Biblical books), provide variant readings, and highlight other possible translations. This is more than just a Restored Name version. This is a Critical Edition, with Names Restored, keeping in the tradition of the Literal English Version family of books.

Genesis Retold (2nd Ed.)

Book Description

Genesis Retold is a single volume that contains four individual books: 1 Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, and The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (T12P). All translations have been emended and edited for accuracy, and brought closer in line with the source texts that we have available to us today. In the case of Enoch and Jubilees, the English version set forth here is a major revision of the monumental work by Dr. R. H. Charles. His work was revised to bring it closer in line with the Aramaic and Hebrew texts uncovered at Qumran which were not available to him. Likewise the existing Ethiopic, Latin, and Greek texts were also consulted. Similarly, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs was also highly revised and emended from Charles' English translation, including some fragments from an Aramaic Testament of Levi from the Cairo Genizah, and a Hebrew Testament of Naphtali which was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jasher set forth here is a major revision of J. H. Parry & Co.'s English translation which has been emended and brought closer in line with the Hebrew source text that underlies it. It was discovered in this process that numerous entire sections present in the Hebrew text have been omitted from the current English versions for more than a century. The version available in Genesis Retold includes these sections. Above all else, Genesis Retold has treated the Name of the Almighty with special care. As further explained in the Preface, the Name is written in Hebrew block print letters as yod-hey-vav-hey, also called the Tetragrammaton. This should avoid dogmatic debate over pronunciation. However, placing the Name into the English text was not an arbitrary process. The underlying source texts were carefully examined and compared to see where placeholders were used, to determine where the Name would be if it were a Hebrew original. All other names have likewise been restored to a Hebraic pronunciation when possible. All Elizabethan English style terms (thee, thou, thine, dost, etc.) have been revised into modern English, and thousands of entire sentences have been rewritten and/or reworded to flow better in Modern American English. Multiple appendices fill the back of the book, including an etymological breakdown of the names of the key angels in Enoch. The final appendix includes a list of more than 130 verses in the New Testament, and corresponding passages in the books of Genesis Retold. Many of these show direct correlation and even quotes between these books and the New Testament. There are also nearly 600 footnotes that further elaborate on word definitions, provide cross-references between the books (and Biblical books), provide variant readings, and highlight other possible translations. This is more than just a Restored Name version. This is a Critical Edition, with Names Restored, keeping in the tradition of the Literal English Version family of books.

Genesis Retold

Book Description

Genesis Retold is a single volume that contains four individual books: 1 Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, and The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (T12P). All translations have been emended and edited for accuracy, and brought closer in line with the source texts that we have available to us today. In the case of Enoch and Jubilees, the English version set forth here is a major revision of the monumental work by Dr. R. H. Charles. His work was revised to bring it closer in line with the Aramaic and Hebrew texts uncovered at Qumran which were not available to him. Likewise the existing Ethiopic, Latin, and Greek texts were also consulted. Similarly, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs was also highly revised and emended from Charles' English translation, including some fragments from an Aramaic Testament of Levi, and a Hebrew Testament of Naphtali which was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and therefore was not available to Charles. The Book of Jasher set forth here is a major revision of J. H. Parry & Co.'s English translation which has been emended and brought closer in line with the Hebrew source text that underlies it. It was discovered in this process that numerous entire sections present in the Hebrew text have been omitted from the current English versions for more than a century. The version available in Genesis Retold includes these sections. Above all else, Genesis Retold has treated the Name of the Almighty with special care. As further explained in the Preface, the Name is written in Hebrew block print letters as yod-hey-vav-hey, also called the Tetragrammaton. This should avoid dogmatic debate over pronunciation. However, placing the Name into the English text was not an arbitrary process. The underlying source texts were carefully examined and compared to see where placeholders were used, to determine where the Name would be if it were a Hebrew original. All other names have likewise been restored to a Hebraic pronunciation when possible. All Elizabethan English style terms (thee, thou, thine, dost, etc.) have been revised into modern English, and thousands of entire sentences have been rewritten and/or reworded to flow better in Modern American English. Multiple appendices fill the back of the book, including an etymological breakdown of the names of the key angels in Enoch. The final appendix includes a list of more than 130 verses in the New Testament, and corresponding passages in the books of Genesis Retold. Many of these show direct correlation and even quotes between these books and the New Testament. There are also nearly 600 footnotes that further elaborate on word definitions, provide cross-references between the books (and Biblical books), provide variant readings, and highlight other possible translations. This is more than just a Restored Name version. This is a Critical Edition, with Names Restored, keeping in the tradition of the Shem Qadosh Version family of books.

The Book of Beginnings

Book Description

This artistic interpretation of the Book of Genesis follows the stories of Man, Woman, the Walker, the Land Baron, the Merchant, the Princess, the Schemer, the Dreamer, and other familiar biblical characters recast in simple, yet elegant, storybook prose. Similar to Walter Wangerin's bestselling The Book of God, this book breathes new life into familiar Bible stories and characters.

A New World

Book Description

"A New World" is the first book of Moses, more commonly known as Genesis, retold in a unique form. Smooth-flowing verses of perfectly rhyming couplets and a fast, dynamic rhythm instantly sweep the reader from the verdant delights of the Garden of Eden, past Noah and the flood and the adventures of Abraham and Isaac, to Joseph's arrival in Egypt and his rise to power as Pharaoh's right-hand man. A light-hearted but never irreverent style brings the characters from this biblical story to life and makes "A New World" a highly enjoyable read for both children and adults alike. The detailed, faithful rendering of the original book of Genesis also makes it an invaluable aid for modern religious teaching.

Genesis thru Revelation: Complete Bible Study

Book Description

This Bible study is based on God’s inerrant Word. This study is unique in that it is laid out into thirty-two sessions that can be completed in one school year. This Bible study can be tailored to a junior/senior high school class setting, a two-semester college-level setting, or to a less formal teen or adult Bible-study group setting. Learning is reinforced by students reading the Word, then hearing the Word, and finally writing about the Word. Each session covers main events and/or people relevant to the Bible’s main message. The main message is that God’s plan to save a fallen world was accomplished through the redemptive act of his Son, Jesus, who died on the cross and rose from the grave. For all who believe in Jesus, he will grant eternal life. By the time you complete all thirty-two sessions, you will have spent time in every one of the sixty-six books of the Bible. In the teacher’s copy, detailed information is provided to help the teacher design his/her course that will be most relevant to their classes. Further, the teacher’s copy contains all of the answers to the questions in every session.

Genesis thru Revelation: Complete Bible Study

Book Description

This Bible study is based on God’s inerrant Word. This study is laid out into thirty-two sessions that can be completed in one school year. It can be tailored to a junior/senior high school class setting, a two-semester college-level setting, or to a less-formal teen or adult Bible study group setting. Learning is reinforced by students reading the Word, then hearing the Word, and then writing about the Word. Each session covers main events and/or people relevant to the Bible’s main message. The main message is that God’s plan to save a fallen world was accomplished through the redemptive act of his son, Jesus, who died on the cross and rose from the grave. For all who believe in Jesus, he will grant eternal life. By the time you complete all thirty-two sessions, you will have spent time in every one of the sixty-six books in the Bible. In the teacher’s copy, detailed information is provided to help the teacher design his or her course that will be most relevant to the class setting. Further, the teacher’s copy contains all of the answers to the questions in every session.

Genesis Retold

Book Description

The Enchanted Garden

Book Description

Genesis for Ordinary People, Second Edition

Book Description

The book of Genesis is considered by some people to be inspired, truthful, and sacred. Others think of it as a fairy story and wonder why people still believe such an ancient book. Genesis for Ordinary People doesn't shy away from the questions that go through people's minds as they read the first book in the Bible. Are there reasons it is trustworthy? In addressing these questions, Paul Poulton follows the intriguing thread that runs through the entire book of Genesis. He takes a good look at the story's wonderful (and flawed) people and beings, inviting readers to gaze into the garden of Eden to witness the reality of what actually happened there. He follows the storyline of Genesis but often looks back, adding a fresh perspective to Adam and Eve's enthralling lives. A fascinating picture emerges as the layers of Genesis accumulate.