Genetic Modification of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Book Description

Gene Transfer into Hematopoietic Cells: From Basic Science to Clinical Application Christopher Baum 1. The Potential of Gene Transfer into Hematopoietic Vectors with the potential for stable transgene integration are Cells widely used in basic hematology and clinical trials of gene me- cine. In basic research, both gain-of-function and loss-of-fu- tion situations of individual genes can be created by gene transfer, leading to a wide range of applications in developmental biology, stem cell biology, immunology, leukemia research, and human genetics. With the first evidence of successful modification of murine hematopoietic cells using retroviral gene vectors (1, 2), researchers have also explored the therapeutic potential of this approach. To date, the emerging discipline of gene therapy is a highly diversified field that offers entirely novel approaches to treat a great variety of human diseases (3). All hematopoietic cell types are of major interest in this context, since the modification of the hematopoietic stem cell population may potentially give rise to a completely transgenic hematopoiesis with the potential to cure genetic disorders or fight severe chronic infections, and the targeting of mature cells such as lymphocytes or antigen-p- senting dendritic cells offers all types of transient and semiper- nent modifications of the immune system. The unifying principle of gene medicine is the need to transfer complex nucleic acids cells that do not contribute to the germline (somatic cells).

Genetic Modification of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Book Description

Gene Transfer into Hematopoietic Cells: From Basic Science to Clinical Application Christopher Baum 1. The Potential of Gene Transfer into Hematopoietic Vectors with the potential for stable transgene integration are Cells widely used in basic hematology and clinical trials of gene me- cine. In basic research, both gain-of-function and loss-of-fu- tion situations of individual genes can be created by gene transfer, leading to a wide range of applications in developmental biology, stem cell biology, immunology, leukemia research, and human genetics. With the first evidence of successful modification of murine hematopoietic cells using retroviral gene vectors (1, 2), researchers have also explored the therapeutic potential of this approach. To date, the emerging discipline of gene therapy is a highly diversified field that offers entirely novel approaches to treat a great variety of human diseases (3). All hematopoietic cell types are of major interest in this context, since the modification of the hematopoietic stem cell population may potentially give rise to a completely transgenic hematopoiesis with the potential to cure genetic disorders or fight severe chronic infections, and the targeting of mature cells such as lymphocytes or antigen-p- senting dendritic cells offers all types of transient and semiper- nent modifications of the immune system. The unifying principle of gene medicine is the need to transfer complex nucleic acids cells that do not contribute to the germline (somatic cells).

Genetic Engineering of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Book Description

MSC (mesenchymal stem cells) have been reported to initiate revascularization after injury, to facilitate engraftment of blood-forming stem cells, and to reduce the incidence of graft-vs. host disease through their immune-suppressive qualities. Finally, bone marrow-derived MSC have been reported to home to areas of solid tumor revascularization, and thus may be used as delivery vehicles to target ablative agents into dividing tumor cells. Recently the characteristics of human MSC from adipose (fat) tissue have also been identified. The possibility of repairing tissues, speeding stem cell engraftment, and targeting solid tumors for specific killing, using MSC easily harvested from bone marrow, or better yet, from unwanted fat tissue, holds broad appeal, and is an intriguing possibility that could have dramatic effect on health care. This book has information on how to isolate, grow, and characterize MSC from marrow and fat, and gives important insight into how these cells may be used for gene delivery and cellular therapies in the future. Updates on emerging clinical trials are given.

Primary and Stem Cells

Book Description

This book describes basic cell engineering methods, emphasizing stem cell applications, and use of the genetically modified stem cells in cell therapy and drug discovery. Together, the chapters introduce and offer insights on new techniques for engineering of stem cells and the delivery of transgenes into stem cells via various viral and non-viral systems. The book offers a guide to the types of manipulations currently available to create genetically engineered stem cells that suit any investigator's purpose, whether it's basic science investigation, creation of disease models and screens, or cells for therapeutic applications.

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols

Book Description

The ability to highly purify and characterize hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from mice and humans has opened up an exceedingly rich field of basic science research with enormous clinical potential. Many of the techniques used in st- ies of HSC biology have become more standardized over the last several years, which makes it possible to compile a set of methods that can be used by both seasoned investigators and novices in the stem cell field. We have attempted to be as comprehensive as possible and yet focus on what we perceive to be the most widely used approaches for studies of murine and human HSC. This first edition of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols will therefore have some obvious omissions that were dictated by contemporary circumstances. It is our hope that readers will feel free to contribute their personal suggestions for further chapters as well as on how existing chapters can be improved for future editions. We certainly expect that old approaches will be refined, new assays will be developed, and other animal model and vector systems will be described that will become the new gold standards for future work. Our s- cere thanks goes out to all of the contributors and to those in the stem cell field that have enlarged our thinking and provided new tools to further understand this fascinating cell type.

Stem Cells from Cord Blood, in Utero Stem Cell Development and Transplantation-Inclusive Gene Therapy

Book Description

The title "Stem Cells from Cord Blood, In Utero Stem Cell Develop ment, and Transplantation-Inclusive Gene Therapy" suggests that more than one topic is combined in one workshop. Indeed, at first glance the recovery of stem cells from cord blood has to be seen as separate from the attempts to achieve effective in utero therapy by stem cell trans plantation, because the first issue deals with an innovative stem cell source as an alternative to bone marrow, which is already spreading rapidly in medical practice, whereas the second topic is still strictly ex perimental and only investigated in medical centers with the appropri ate background. It is, however, not only justified, but helpful to com bine the two topics in one workshop and consequently to cover them in the same volume of the Ernst Schering Research Foundation Work shop series, because they are intimately related and both based on the new insights into the biology of stem cells. Professor Werner Arber, the Nobel Laureate from the University of Basel, pointed out in his In- Professor Dr. W. Holzgreve VI Preface The participants of the workshop troductory Lecture that our understanding of hematopoietic stem cells as descendents of totipotent cells and our current approaches to using them in post-and prenatal therapy have been furthered significantly by genetic engineering technologies which are "artificial contributions to the process of biologic evolution".