Genetics and Fish Breeding

Book Description

Genetics and Fish Breeding provides a thorough review of this important subject, highlighting species which are bred commercially, such as salmon, trout, carp and goldfish. The author, who is an acknowledged expert in this subject, has drawn together a wealth of information, providing a book which should be bought by all fish biologists, fisheries scientists, geneticists and aquarists.

Genetics and Fish Breeding

Book Description

Genetics and Fish Breeding gives an intensive survey of this vital subject, featuring species which are reproduced economically, for example, salmon, trout, carp and goldfish. The writer, has drawn together an abundance of data, giving a book which ought to be purchased by all fish researcher, fisheries researchers, geneticists and aquarists. A training initially created to deliver quality seed in imprisonment, actuated rearing has made awesome walks in angle populaces for India. The book offers a functional and concise diagram-from existing methods and operations to late patterns and their effects on aquaculture for what's to come. Provides point by point data about observational rearing practices like blended bringing forth and aimless hybridization; Presents the environmental and hormonal impact on development and bringing forth of fish with genuine fish rearing cases from around the globe; Includes well ordered logical measures to help tackle issues emerging from regular fish-cultivating botches; Provides genuine cases to maximize fish and seed creation to help general maintainability in aquaculture.

Fish Breeding and Genetics

Book Description

Genetics And Fish Breeding

Book Description

Fish Genetics and Breeding

Book Description

This book deals with the various practical problems on concepts based on Mendalian genetics such as monohybrid cross, incompletely dominant genes, lethal genes, dihybrid cross, heterosis in fish breeding, sex determination, inbreeding and effective breeding number, selection and heritability and gene and genotype frequency are given with solution and answers. It is also provides detailed protocol with explanation is also given for induction of Triploidy in fishes, Induction of Gynogenesis in fishes, Preparation of metaphase chromosomes from fish tissues, chromosome preparation from embryos, Cryopreservation of fish sperm and checking the fish sperm motility.

Selective Breeding in Aquaculture: an Introduction

Book Description

The foundation of quantitative genetics theory was developed during the last century and facilitated many successful breeding programs for cultivated plants and t- restrial livestock. The results have been almost universally impressive, and today nearly all agricultural production utilises genetically improved seed and animals. The aquaculture industry can learn a great deal from these experiences, because the basic theory behind selective breeding is the same for all species. The ?rst published selection experiments in aquaculture started in 1920 s to improve disease resistance in ?sh, but it was not before the 1970 s that the ?rst family based breeding program was initiated for Atlantic salmon in Norway by AKVAFORSK. Unfortunately, the subsequent implementation of selective breeding on a wider scale in aquaculture has been slow, and despite the dramatic gains that have been demonstrated in a number of species, less than 10% of world aquaculture production is currently based on improved stocks. For the long-term sustainability of aquaculture production, there is an urgent need to develop and implement e- cient breeding programs for all species under commercial production. The ability for aquaculture to successfully meet the demands of an ever increasing human p- ulation, will rely on genetically improved stocks that utilise feed, water and land resources in an ef?cient way. Technological advances like genome sequences of aquaculture species, and advanced molecular methods means that there are new and exciting prospects for building on these well-established methods into the future.

Applied Fish Genetics

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Aquatic Genomics

Book Description

In a scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder. M. Shelley (1818) Genomic analysis of aquatic species has long been overshadowed by the superb activity of the human genome project. However, aquatic genomics is now in the limelight as evidenced by the recent accomplishment of fugu genome sequencing, which provided a significant foundation for comparative fish genomics. Undoubt edly, such progress will provide an exciting and unparalleled boost to our knowl edge of the genetics of aquatic species. Thus, aquatic genomics research has become a promising new research field with an impact on the fishery industry. It is notewor thy that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has projected that current global fisheries production will soon become insufficient to supply the increasing world population and that aquaculture has a great potential to fulfill that demand. This book, Aquatic Genomic. ~: Steps Toward a Great Future, was designed as a collection of advanced knowledge in aquatic genomics and biological sciences. It covers a variety of aquatic organisms including fish, crustaceans, and shellfish, and describes various advanced methodologies, including genome analysis, gene map ping, DNA markers, and EST analysis. Also included are discussions of many sub jects such as regulation of gene expression, stress and immune responses, sex differ entiation, hormonal control, and transgenic fishes.