Geodetic Reference Frames

Book Description

Geodetic reference frames are the basis for The programme of the Symposium was divided three-dimensional, time dependent positioning according to the Sub-commissions, Projects in all global, regional and national networks, in and Study Groups of Commission 1 into eight cadastre, engineering, precise navigation, geo- general themes: information systems, geodynamics, sea level studies, and other geosciences. They are 1. Combination of space techniques necessary to consistently estimate unknown 2. Global reference frames and Earth rotation parameters using geodetic observations, e. g. , 3. Regional reference frames station coordinates, Earth orientation and 4. Interaction of terrestrial and celestial frames rotation parameters. Commission 1 “Reference 5. Vertical reference frames Frames” of the International Association of 6. Ionosphere modelling and analysis Geodesy (IAG) was established within the new 7. Satellite altimetry structure of IAG in 2003 with the mission to 8. Use of GNSS for reference frames study the fundamental scientific problems for the establishment of reference frames. One day of the Symposium was dedicated to a The principal objective of the scientific work joint meeting with the International Congress of the Commission is basic research on: of Federación Internationale des Géomètres - Definition, establishment, maintenance, and (FIG) and the INTERGEO congress of the improvement of geodetic reference frames. German Association of Surveying, Geo- - Advanced development of terrestrial and information and Land Management. The space observation techniques for this contributions presented at this meeting are purpose. integrated into these proceedings.

Precise Geodetic Infrastructure

Book Description

Geodesy is the science of accurately measuring and understanding three fundamental properties of Earth: its geometric shape, its orientation in space, and its gravity field, as well as the changes of these properties with time. Over the past half century, the United States, in cooperation with international partners, has led the development of geodetic techniques and instrumentation. Geodetic observing systems provide a significant benefit to society in a wide array of military, research, civil, and commercial areas, including sea level change monitoring, autonomous navigation, tighter low flying routes for strategic aircraft, precision agriculture, civil surveying, earthquake monitoring, forest structural mapping and biomass estimation, and improved floodplain mapping. Recognizing the growing reliance of a wide range of scientific and societal endeavors on infrastructure for precise geodesy, and recognizing geodetic infrastructure as a shared national resource, this book provides an independent assessment of the benefits provided by geodetic observations and networks, as well as a plan for the future development and support of the infrastructure needed to meet the demand for increasingly greater precision. Precise Geodetic Infrastructure makes a series of focused recommendations for upgrading and improving specific elements of the infrastructure, for enhancing the role of the United States in international geodetic services, for evaluating the requirements for a geodetic workforce for the coming decades, and for providing national coordination and advocacy for the various agencies and organizations that contribute to the geodetic infrastructure.

Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences

Book Description

Reference systems and frames are of primary importance for many Earth science applications, satellite navigation as well as for practical applications in geo-information. A precisely defined reference frame is needed for the quantification of, e.g. Earth rotation and its gravity field, global and regional sea level variation, tectonic motion and deformation, post-glacial rebound, geocenter motion, large scale deformation due to Earthquakes, local subsidence and other ruptures and crustal dislocations. All of these important scientific applications fundamentally depend on a truly global reference system that only space geodesy can realize. This volume details the proceedigns of the IAG Symposium REFAG2010 (Marne la Vallée, France, October 4-8, 2010) The primary scope of REFAG2010 was to address today’s achievements on theoretical concepts of reference systems and their practical implementations by individual space geodetic techniques and their combinations, underlying limiting factors, systematic errors and novel approaches for future improvements.

Observing our Changing Earth

Book Description

At the XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), held July 2-13, 2007 in Perugia, Italy, the International As- ciation of Geodesy (IAG) also had its quadrennial General Assembly. The IAG - organized and contributed to several Union Symposia, as well as to Joint Symposia with other Associations. It also organized ve Symposia of its own, one dedicated to eachofitsfourCommissionsanda fthonededicatedtotheGlobalGeodeticObse- ing System (GGOS). This volume contains the proceedings of these ve Symposia, which are listed below: Symposium GS001: Reference Frames Convener: H. Drewes Co-convener: A. Dermanis Symposium GS002: Gravity Field Convener: C. Jekeli Co-conveners: U. Marti, S. Okubo, N. Sneeuw, I. Tziavos, G. Vergos, M. Vermeer, P. Visser Symposium GS003: Earth Rotation and Geodynamics Convener: V. Dehant Co-convener: Chengli Huang Symposium GS004: Positioning and Applications Convener: C. Rizos Co-convener: S. Verhagen Symposium GS005: The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Conveners: M. Rothacher Co-conveners: R. Neilan, H.-P. Plag The Symposia were organized based on the structure of the IAG (i. e., one per Commission) and covered the there pillars of geodesy, namely geometry, Earth ro- tion, and gravity eld, plus their applications. The inclusion of the Symposium on GGOS - which is no longer a project but a major component of the IAG - integrated all geodetic areas and highlighted the importance of multidisciplinarity in, and for, geodetic research.

Global Geodetic Observing System

Book Description

The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) has been established by the Int- national Association of Geodesy (IAG) in order to integrate the three fundamental areas of geodesy, so as to monitor geodetic parameters and their temporal varia- ?9 tions, in a global reference frame with a target relative accuracy of 10 or b- ter. These areas, often called ‘pillars’, deal with the determination and evolution of (a) the Earth’s geometry (topography, bathymetry, ice surface, sea level), (b) the Earth’s rotation and orientation (polar motion, rotation rate, nutation, etc. ), and (c) the Earth’s gravity eld (gravity, geoid). Therefore, Earth Observation on a global scale is at the heart of GGOS’s activities, which contributes to Global Change - search through the monitoring, as well as the modeling, of dynamic Earth processes such as, for example, mass and angular momentum exchanges, mass transport and ocean circulation, and changes in sea, land and ice surfaces. To achieve such an - bitious goal, GGOS relies on an integrated network of current and future terrestrial, airborne and satellite systems and technologies. These include: various positioning, navigation, remote sensing and dedicated gravity and altimetry satellite missions; global ground networks of VLBI, SLR, DORIS, GNSS and absolute and relative gravity stations; and airborne gravity, mapping and remote sensing systems.

Geodetic Reference Frames

Book Description

Geodetic reference frames are the basis for The programme of the Symposium was divided three-dimensional, time dependent positioning according to the Sub-commissions, Projects in all global, regional and national networks, in and Study Groups of Commission 1 into eight cadastre, engineering, precise navigation, geo- general themes: information systems, geodynamics, sea level studies, and other geosciences. They are 1. Combination of space techniques necessary to consistently estimate unknown 2. Global reference frames and Earth rotation parameters using geodetic observations, e. g. , 3. Regional reference frames station coordinates, Earth orientation and 4. Interaction of terrestrial and celestial frames rotation parameters. Commission 1 “Reference 5. Vertical reference frames Frames” of the International Association of 6. Ionosphere modelling and analysis Geodesy (IAG) was established within the new 7. Satellite altimetry structure of IAG in 2003 with the mission to 8. Use of GNSS for reference frames study the fundamental scientific problems for the establishment of reference frames. One day of the Symposium was dedicated to a The principal objective of the scientific work joint meeting with the International Congress of the Commission is basic research on: of Federación Internationale des Géomètres - Definition, establishment, maintenance, and (FIG) and the INTERGEO congress of the improvement of geodetic reference frames. German Association of Surveying, Geo- - Advanced development of terrestrial and information and Land Management. The space observation techniques for this contributions presented at this meeting are purpose. integrated into these proceedings.

Reference Frames

Book Description

This book on reference systems is the first comprehensive review of the problem of celestial and terrestrial reference systems and frames. Over 20 years, the importance of this problem emerged slowly as the accuracy of new observational techniques improved. The topic has already been approached in several symposia such as Stresa (1967), Morioka (1971), Perth (1973), Columbus (1975, 1978 and 1985), Kiev (1977) and San Fernando (1978). Two IAU colloquia held in Turin (1974) and in Warsaw (1980) were exclusively devoted to discuss reference systems. During this time, the problem of terrestrial and celestial reference systems has been discussed also in many astronomical and geodetic symposia, but always among other topics. Thus, a review devoted solely to the definition and practical realization of such systems was needed. It is hoped that this book, containing modern comprehensive reviews of important facets of this problem will contribute not only to a better and wider understanding of the mathematics and the physics that are behind the concepts and the realizations, but also to future development in a field that can only expand with the rapidly increasing accuracy of geodetic and astronomical observations. We are pleased to thank all the authors of the book who have enthusiastically agreed to contribute to the book in their field of competence and have gracefully accepted guidance from the editors in the definition of the subject and of the interfaces with other chapters. We thank Prof. Y.

Concepts in Geodetic Reference Frames

Book Description

The report reviews conceptual aspects and problems arising in a precise definition of reference frames for the purpose of geodesy and geodynamics. The concepts: physical, conventional, and average system are introduced. Inertial systems are discussed from the point of view of classical mechanics and of the theory of relativity. The concept of celestial pole, which plays a fundamental role in a precise definition of precession, nutation and polar motion, is reviewed in some detail. A section is devoted to tidal effects, which should be removed from the coordinates. Finally, various definitions of terrestrial reference systems are compared. (Author).

Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames

Book Description

IAG Scientific Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September, 3-9, 1997

Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century

Book Description

Covers the latest developments in PNT technologies, including integrated satellite navigation, sensor systems, and civil applications Featuring sixty-four chapters that are divided into six parts, this two-volume work provides comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the-art in satellite-based position, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies and civilian applications. It also examines alternative navigation technologies based on other signals-of-opportunity and sensors and offers a comprehensive treatment on integrated PNT systems for consumer and commercial applications. Volume 1 of Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications contains three parts and focuses on the satellite navigation systems, technologies, and engineering and scientific applications. It starts with a historical perspective of GPS development and other related PNT development. Current global and regional navigation satellite systems (GNSS and RNSS), their inter-operability, signal quality monitoring, satellite orbit and time synchronization, and ground- and satellite-based augmentation systems are examined. Recent progresses in satellite navigation receiver technologies and challenges for operations in multipath-rich urban environment, in handling spoofing and interference, and in ensuring PNT integrity are addressed. A section on satellite navigation for engineering and scientific applications finishes off the volume. Volume 2 of Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications consists of three parts and addresses PNT using alternative signals and sensors and integrated PNT technologies for consumer and commercial applications. It looks at PNT using various radio signals-of-opportunity, atomic clock, optical, laser, magnetic field, celestial, MEMS and inertial sensors, as well as the concept of navigation from Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites. GNSS-INS integration, neuroscience of navigation, and animal navigation are also covered. The volume finishes off with a collection of work on contemporary PNT applications such as survey and mobile mapping, precision agriculture, wearable systems, automated driving, train control, commercial unmanned aircraft systems, aviation, and navigation in the unique Arctic environment. In addition, this text: Serves as a complete reference and handbook for professionals and students interested in the broad range of PNT subjects Includes chapters that focus on the latest developments in GNSS and other navigation sensors, techniques, and applications Illustrates interconnecting relationships between various types of technologies in order to assure more protected, tough, and accurate PNT Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications will appeal to all industry professionals, researchers, and academics involved with the science, engineering, and applications of position, navigation, and timing technologies.