Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Mapping for the Development and Management of Marine Aquaculture

Book Description

The objective of this document is to illustrate the ways in which Geographical Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing and mapping can play a role in the development and management of marine aquaculture. The perspective is global. The approach is to employ example applications that have been aimed at resolving many of the important issues in marine aquaculture. The underlying purpose is to stimulate the interest of individuals in the government, industry and educational sectors of marine aquaculture to make more effective use of these tools. A brief introduction to spatial tools and their use in the marine fisheries sector precedes the example applications. The most recent applications have been selected to be indicative of the state of the art, allowing readers to make their own assessments of the benefits and limitations of use of these tools in their own disciplines. Also published in Chinese and Spanish.

Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Mapping for the Development and Management of Marine Aquaculture

Book Description

The objective of this document is to illustrate the ways in which Geographical Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing and mapping can play a role in the development and management of marine aquaculture. The perspective is global. The approach is to employ example applications that have been aimed at resolving many of the important issues in marine aquaculture. The underlying purpose is to stimulate the interest of individuals in the government, industry and educational sectors of marine aquaculture to make more effective use of these tools. A brief introduction to spatial tools and their use in the marine fisheries sector precedes the example applications. The most recent applications have been selected to be indicative of the state of the art, allowing readers to make their own assessments of the benefits and limitations of use of these tools in their own disciplines. Also published in Chinese and Spanish.

Advances in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Fisheries and Aquaculture

Book Description

The publication is an easy-to-understand publication that emphasizes the fundamental skills and processes associated with geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. The first chapter initially puts the array of spatially related problems into perspective and discusses the earlier applications of GIS and remote sensing. Chapters, 2, 3 and 4 outline what are considered to be the basics on which GIS can function, i.e. hardware and software; spatial data; and how GIS systems themselves are best implemented. Chapter 5 looks at preparing the data for GIS use and Chapter 6 explores what remote sensing consists of and the main purposes for its use. Chapter 7 discusses the functional tools and techniques offered by typical GIS software packages. Chapters 8, 9 and 10 examine respectively, the current issues and status, including extensive case studies, of the application of GIS and remote sensing to aquaculture, to inland fisheries and to marine fisheries.

Aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management under the ecosystem approach to aquaculture

Book Description

The ecosystem approach to aquaculture provides the conceptual guideline to spatial planning and management. This publication describes the three major steps in spatial planning and management, namely, zoning, site selection and design of an aquaculture management area, or AMA. The rationale for and objectives of each step, the ways (methodologies) to implement it, and the means (tools) that are available to enable a methodology are described in a stepwise fashion. Recommendations to practitioner s and policy-makers are provided. A separate policy brief accompanies this paper. The benefits from spatial planning and management are numerous and include higher productivity and returns for investors, and more effective mitigation of environmental, economic and social risks, the details of which are provided in this paper. This publication is organized in two parts. Part one is the “Guidance”; it is the main body of the document and describes the processes and steps for spatial planning, incl uding aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management. Part two of the publication includes six annexes that present key topics, including: (i) binding and non-legally binding international instruments, which set the context for sustainable national aquaculture; (ii) biosecurity zoning; (iii) aquaculture certification and zonal management; (iv) an overview of key tools and models that can be used to facilitate and inform the spatial planning process; (v) case studies from ten countries – Brazil, Chile, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Oman, the Philippines, Turkey, Uganda and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and (vi) a workshop report. The country case studies illustrate key aspects of the implementation of spatial planning and management at the national level, but mostly within local contexts.

Geographic Information Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries

Book Description

Over the last two decades there has been increasing recognition that problems in oceanography and fisheries sciences and related marine areas are nearly all manifest in the spatio-temporal domain. Geographical Information Systems (GIS), the natural framework for spatial data handling, are being recognized as powerful tools with useful applications

Geographical Information Systems

Book Description

The late 20th century has witnessed increasing crises in the world's marine fisheries. A causal analysis of these reveals that a common element are various manifestations of spatial inequity. This most frequently includes the inequity of access rights to the resource, but factors such as variations in resource depletion, spatio-temporal variations in stock recruitment, the imposition of regulatory zoning, destruction of marine ecosystems and the siting of mariculture facilities are other examples. To resolve some of these problems, management practices must be improved. As has been shown in other fields where spatially related problems occur, there is now a promising tool, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), which, combined with other analytical tools and models, could allow for improved spatial management. GIS are basically integrated computer based systems which allow for the input of digital geo-referenced data to produce maps plus other textual, graphical and tabular output. The essential usefulness of GIS however, lies in its ability to manipulate data in a large number of ways and to perform various analytical functions so as to produce output which makes for more efficient decision making.As with many computer based systems, the key to GIS success lies in the acquisition of suitable data. The various means by which both primary and secondary data can be located, gathered, accessed and stored are described.

Remote Sensing for Aquaculture

Book Description

Allocated zones for aquaculture - A guide for the establishment of coastal zones dedicated to aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

Book Description

This guide is a collection of concepts and practical information aimed at facilitating the establishment of allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It provides detailed information on the process involved in the establishment of an AZA and it is intended as a practical and comprehensive tool to better understand site selection and planning for aquaculture. This publication first provides a brief overview of the international and regional context, and reviews the institutional and legal framework related to AZAs at various levels. Sequential explanations on the AZA establishment process as well as suggestions for the main steps are then presented. The step-by-step approach for the establishment of AZAs takes into account a number of specific aspects, such as geographic information system tools, exclusion criteria and stakeholder participation, the main actors to be involved, the role of relevant authorities in charge of geographical and/or marine aquaculture planning, statutory responsibilities, prevention and resolution of possible conflicts, and decision-making. The guide also describes the objectives and contents of AZA management plans and presents the parameters to be used as reference points for the AZA implementation. It is addressed to decision-makers from relevant bodies and administrations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific research institutions, aquaculture producers and fishing communities, as well as other relevant stakeholders involved in aquaculture activities, coastal development, and in the use of the aquatic environment and resources.

Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems

Book Description

Marine and coastal applications of GIS are finally gaining wide acceptance in scientific as well as GIS communities, and cover the fields of deep sea geology, chemistry and biology, and coastal geology, biology, engineering and resource management. Comprising rigorous contributions from a group of leading scholars in marine and coastal GIS, this book will inspire and stimulate continued research in this important new application domain. Launched as a project to mark the UN International Year of the Ocean (1998) and supported by the International Geographical Union's Commission on Coastal Systems, this book covers progress and research in the marine and coastal realms, in the areas of theory, applications and empirical results. It is the first book of its kind to address basic and applied scientific problems in deep sea and coastal science using GIS and remote sensing technologies. It is designed for GIS and remote sensing specialists, but also for those with an interest in oceans, lakes and shores. Coverage ranges from seafloor spreading centres to Exclusive Economic Zones to microscale coastal habitats; and techniques include submersibles, computer modelling, image display, 3-D temporal data visualization, and development and application of new algorithms and spatial data structures. It illustrates the broad usage of GIS, image processing, and computer modelling in deep sea and coastal environments, and also addresses important institutional issues arising out of the use of these technologies.