Geography, History and Social Sciences

Book Description

Georges Benko «Societies are much messier than our theories of them» Michael Mann The Sources of Social Power 1 Towards a unified social theory Why are there communication problems between the different disciplines of the social sciences? And why should there be so much misunderstanding? Most probably because the encounter of several disciplines is in fact the encounter of several different histories, and therefore of several different cultures, each interpreting the other according to the code dictated by its own culture. Inevitably geographers view other disciplines through their own cultural filter, and even a benevolent view remains 'ethnocentric'. It was in order to avoid such ethnocentricity that Femand Braudel called for more unity among the social sciences in 1958 : «l wish the social sciences . . . would stop discussing their respective differences so much . . . and instead look for common ground . . . on which to reach their first agreement. Personally I would call these ways : quantification, spatial awareness and 'longue duree'». In its place at the center of the social sciences, geography reduces all social reality to its spatial dimensions. Unfortunately, as a discipline, it considers itself all too often to be in a world of its own. There is a need in France for a figure like Vidal de la Blanche who could refocus attention away from issues of time and space, towards space and social reality. Geographic research will only take a step forward once it learns to address the problems facing all the sciences.

The History of the Social Sciences since 1945

Book Description

This compact volume covers the main developments in the social sciences since the Second World War. Chapters on economics, human geography, political science, psychology, social anthropology, and sociology will interest anyone wanting short, accessible histories of those disciplines, all written by experts in the relevant field; they will also make it easy for readers to make comparisons between disciplines. A final chapter proposes a blueprint for a history of the social sciences as a whole. Whereas most of the existing literature considers the social sciences in isolation from one other, this volume shows that they have much in common; for example, they have responded to common problems using overlapping methods, and cross-disciplinary activities have been widespread.

The School Textbook

Book Description

A study of the school textbook grounded in historical and comparative perspectives. The approach is broadly chronological, revealing changes in the theory and practice of textbook production and use. The book focuses largely on three associated subjects - geography, history and social studies.

The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography

Book Description

Historical geography is an active, theoretically-informed and vibrant field of scholarly work within modern geography, with strong and constantly evolving connections with disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. Across two volumes, The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography provides you with an an international and cross-disciplinary overview of the field, presenting chapters that examine the history, present condition and future potential of the discipline in relation to recent developments and research.

Place and Time: Teaching History, Geography and Social Sciences

Book Description

This product is designed to help intending and practicing teachers deal with the implementation of the current 2012 Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences, the composite curriculum model that replaced the original 2010 history and geography models. The authors have anticipated that further rolling revisions to the curriculum will take place and have written this textbook on that basis by outlining relevant research-based principles combined with practical examples that can be adapted as the curriculum evolves. It's based on general, research-based pedagogical principles and concepts that can be adapted to suit any modifications that result as the story of the Australian Curriculum unfolds. Current and prospective teachers of the humanities and social sciences disciplines who adopt the research-based ideas and concepts outlined in this book will be in a position to revive the teaching and learning of these disciplines within an integrated curriculum framework and within a more specialised, discipline-based framework.

The School Textbook

Book Description

A study of the school textbook grounded in historical and comparative perspectives. The approach is broadly chronological, revealing changes in the theory and practice of textbook production and use. The book focuses largely on three associated subjects - geography, history and social studies.

Digital Geography

Book Description

The purpose of this volume is to provide a review and analysis of the theory, research, and practice related to geospatial technologies in social studies education. In the first section, the history of geospatial technologies in education, the influence of the standards movement, and the growth of an international geospatial education community are explored. The second section consists of examples and discussion of the use of geospatial technologies for teaching and learning history, geography, civics, economics, and environmental science. In the third section, theoretical perspectives are proposed that could guide research and practice in this field. This section also includes reviews and critiques of recent research relevant to geospatial technologies in education. The final section examines the theory, research, and practice associated with teacher preparation for using geospatial technologies in education.

Social Sciences

Book Description