Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This graduate-level text demonstrates the basic techniques for researchers interested in the field of geometric analysis.

Curvature of Space and Time, with an Introduction to Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This book introduces advanced undergraduates to Riemannian geometry and mathematical general relativity. The overall strategy of the book is to explain the concept of curvature via the Jacobi equation which, through discussion of tidal forces, further helps motivate the Einstein field equations. After addressing concepts in geometry such as metrics, covariant differentiation, tensor calculus and curvature, the book explains the mathematical framework for both special and general relativity. Relativistic concepts discussed include (initial value formulation of) the Einstein equations, stress-energy tensor, Schwarzschild space-time, ADM mass and geodesic incompleteness. The concluding chapters of the book introduce the reader to geometric analysis: original results of the author and her undergraduate student collaborators illustrate how methods of analysis and differential equations are used in addressing questions from geometry and relativity. The book is mostly self-contained and the reader is only expected to have a solid foundation in multivariable and vector calculus and linear algebra. The material in this book was first developed for the 2013 summer program in geometric analysis at the Park City Math Institute, and was recently modified and expanded to reflect the author's experience of teaching mathematical general relativity to advanced undergraduates at Lewis & Clark College.

Methods of Geometric Analysis in Extension and Trace Problems

Book Description

The book presents a comprehensive exposition of extension results for maps between different geometric objects and of extension-trace results for smooth functions on subsets with no a priori differential structure (Whitney problems). The account covers development of the area from the initial classical works of the first half of the 20th century to the flourishing period of the last decade. Seemingly very specific these problems have been from the very beginning a powerful source of ideas, concepts and methods that essentially influenced and in some cases even transformed considerable areas of analysis. Aside from the material linked by the aforementioned problems the book also is unified by geometric analysis approach used in the proofs of basic results. This requires a variety of geometric tools from convex and combinatorial geometry to geometry of metric space theory to Riemannian and coarse geometry and more. The necessary facts are presented mostly with detailed proofs to make the book accessible to a wide audience.

Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This book describes very recent results involving an extensive use of analytical tools in the study of geometrical and topological properties of complete Riemannian manifolds. It analyzes in detail an extension of the Bochner technique to the non compact setting, yielding conditions which ensure that solutions of geometrically significant differential equations either are trivial (vanishing results) or give rise to finite dimensional vector spaces (finiteness results). The book develops a range of methods, from spectral theory and qualitative properties of solutions of PDEs, to comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry and potential theory.

Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part I

Book Description

The authors present the theory of asymptotic geometric analysis, a field which lies on the border between geometry and functional analysis. In this field, isometric problems that are typical for geometry in low dimensions are substituted by an "isomorphic" point of view, and an asymptotic approach (as dimension tends to infinity) is introduced. Geometry and analysis meet here in a non-trivial way. Basic examples of geometric inequalities in isomorphic form which are encountered in the book are the "isomorphic isoperimetric inequalities" which led to the discovery of the "concentration phenomenon", one of the most powerful tools of the theory, responsible for many counterintuitive results. A central theme in this book is the interaction of randomness and pattern. At first glance, life in high dimension seems to mean the existence of multiple "possibilities", so one may expect an increase in the diversity and complexity as dimension increases. However, the concentration of measure and effects caused by convexity show that this diversity is compensated and order and patterns are created for arbitrary convex bodies in the mixture caused by high dimensionality. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers who want to learn about this exciting subject. Among the topics covered in the book are convexity, concentration phenomena, covering numbers, Dvoretzky-type theorems, volume distribution in convex bodies, and more.

Geometric Analysis and Function Spaces

Book Description

This book brings into focus the synergistic interaction between analysis and geometry by examining a variety of topics in function theory, real analysis, harmonic analysis, several complex variables, and group actions. Krantz's approach is motivated by examples, both classical and modern, which highlight the symbiotic relationship between analysis and geometry. Creating a synthesis among a host of different topics, this book is useful to researchers in geometry and analysis and may be of interest to physicists, astronomers, and engineers in certain areas. The book is based on lectures presented at an NSF-CBMS Regional Conference held in May 1992.

Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This edited volume has a two-fold purpose. First, comprehensive survey articles provide a way for beginners to ease into the corresponding sub-fields. These are then supplemented by original works that give the more advanced readers a glimpse of the current research in geometric analysis and related PDEs. The book is of significant interest for researchers, including advanced Ph.D. students, working in geometric analysis. Readers who have a secondary interest in geometric analysis will benefit from the survey articles. The results included in this book will stimulate further advances in the subjects: geometric analysis, including complex differential geometry, symplectic geometry, PDEs with a geometric origin, and geometry related to topology. Contributions by Claudio Arezzo, Alberto Della Vedova, Werner Ballmann, Henrik Matthiesen, Panagiotis Polymerakis, Sun-Yung A. Chang, Zheng-Chao Han, Paul Yang, Tobias Holck Colding, William P. Minicozzi II, Panagiotis Dimakis, Richard Melrose, Akito Futaki, Hajime Ono, Jiyuan Han, Jeff A. Viaclovsky, Bruce Kleiner, John Lott, Sławomir Kołodziej, Ngoc Cuong Nguyen, Chi Li, Yuchen Liu, Chenyang Xu, YanYan Li, Luc Nguyen, Bo Wang, Shiguang Ma, Jie Qing, Xiaonan Ma, Sean Timothy Paul, Kyriakos Sergiou, Tristan Rivière, Yanir A. Rubinstein, Natasa Sesum, Jian Song, Jeffrey Streets, Neil S. Trudinger, Yu Yuan, Weiping Zhang, Xiaohua Zhu and Aleksey Zinger.

Geometric Analysis

Book Description

This volume includes expanded versions of the lectures delivered in the Graduate Minicourse portion of the 2013 Park City Mathematics Institute session on Geometric Analysis. The papers give excellent high-level introductions, suitable for graduate students wishing to enter the field and experienced researchers alike, to a range of the most important areas of geometric analysis. These include: the general issue of geometric evolution, with more detailed lectures on Ricci flow and Kähler-Ricci flow, new progress on the analytic aspects of the Willmore equation as well as an introduction to the recent proof of the Willmore conjecture and new directions in min-max theory for geometric variational problems, the current state of the art regarding minimal surfaces in R3, the role of critical metrics in Riemannian geometry, and the modern perspective on the study of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for Laplace–Beltrami operators.

Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This book is not a textbook, but rather a coherent collection of papers from the field of partial differential equations. Nevertheless we believe that it may very well serve as a good introduction into some topics of this classical field of analysis which, despite of its long history, is highly modem and well prospering. Richard Courant wrote in 1950: "It has always been a temptationfor mathematicians to present the crystallized product of their thought as a deductive general theory and to relegate the individual mathematical phenomenon into the role of an example. The reader who submits to the dogmatic form will be easily indoctrinated. Enlightenment, however, must come from an understanding of motives; live mathematical development springs from specific natural problems which can be easily understood, but whose solutions are difficult and demand new methods or more general significance. " We think that many, if not all, papers of this book are written in this spirit and will give the reader access to an important branch of analysis by exhibiting interest ing problems worth to be studied. Most of the collected articles have an extensive introductory part describing the history of the presented problems as well as the state of the art and offer a well chosen guide to the literature. This way the papers became lengthier than customary these days, but the level of presentation is such that an advanced graduate student should find the various articles both readable and stimulating.

The Ethics of Technology

Book Description

Autonomous cars, drones, and electronic surveillance systems are examples of technologies that raise serious ethical issues. In this analytic investigation, Martin Peterson articulates and defends five moral principles for addressing ethical issues related to new and existing technologies: the cost-benefit principle, the precautionary principle, the sustainability principle, the autonomy principle, and the fairness principle. It is primarily the method developed by Peterson for articulating and analyzing the five principles that is novel. He argues that geometric concepts such as points, lines, and planes can be put to work for clarifying the structure and scope of these and other moral principles. This geometric account is based on the Aristotelian dictum that like cases should be treated alike, meaning that the degree of similarity between different cases can be represented as a distance in moral space. The more similar a pair of cases are from a moral point of view, the closer is their location in moral space. A case that lies closer in moral space to a paradigm case for some principle p than to any paradigm for any other principle should be analyzed by applying principle p. The book also presents empirical results from a series of experimental studies in which experts (philosophers) and laypeople (engineering students) have been asked to apply the geometric method to fifteen real-world cases. The empirical findings indicate that experts and laypeople do in fact apply geometrically construed moral principles in roughly, but not exactly, the manner advocates of the geometric method believe they ought to be applied.