Geometric Methods in PDE’s

Book Description

The analysis of PDEs is a prominent discipline in mathematics research, both in terms of its theoretical aspects and its relevance in applications. In recent years, the geometric properties of linear and nonlinear second order PDEs of elliptic and parabolic type have been extensively studied by many outstanding researchers. This book collects contributions from a selected group of leading experts who took part in the INdAM meeting "Geometric methods in PDEs", on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Ermanno Lanconelli. They describe a number of new achievements and/or the state of the art in their discipline of research, providing readers an overview of recent progress and future research trends in PDEs. In particular, the volume collects significant results for sub-elliptic equations, potential theory and diffusion equations, with an emphasis on comparing different methodologies and on their implications for theory and applications.

Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems and PDE Control

Book Description

This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications GEOMETRIC METHODS IN INVERSE PROBLEMS AND PDE CONTROL contains a selection of articles presented at 2001 IMA Summer Program with the same title. We would like to thank Christopher B. Croke (University of Penn sylva nia), Irena Lasiecka (University of Virginia), Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington), and Michael S. Vogelius (Rutgers University) for their ex cellent work as organizers of the two-week summer workshop and for editing the volume. We also take this opportunity to thank the National Science Founda tion for their support of the IMA. Series Editors Douglas N. Arnold, Director of the IMA Fadil Santosa, Deputy Director of the IMA v PREFACE This volume contains a selected number of articles based on lectures delivered at the IMA 2001 Summer Program on "Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems and PDE Control. " The focus of this program was some common techniques used in the study of inverse coefficient problems and control problems for partial differential equations, with particular emphasis on their strong relation to fundamental problems of geometry. Inverse coef ficient problems for partial differential equations arise in many application areas, for instance in medical imaging, nondestructive testing, and geophys ical prospecting. Control problems involving partial differential equations may arise from the need to optimize a given performance criterion, e. g. , to dampen out undesirable vibrations of a structure , or more generally, to obtain a prescribed behaviour of the dynamics.

Geometry in Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This book emphasizes the interdisciplinary interaction in problems involving geometry and partial differential equations. It provides an attempt to follow certain threads that interconnect various approaches in the geometric applications and influence of partial differential equations. A few such approaches include: Morse-Palais-Smale theory in global variational calculus, general methods to obtain conservation laws for PDEs, structural investigation for the understanding of the meaning of quantum geometry in PDEs, extensions to super PDEs (formulated in the category of supermanifolds) of the geometrical methods just introduced for PDEs and the harmonic theory which proved to be very important especially after the appearance of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, which provides a link between geometry and topology.

Differential Geometric Methods in the Control of Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This volume contains selected papers that were presented at the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on "Differential Geometric Methods in the Control of Partial Differential Equations", which was held at the University of Colorado in Boulder in June 1999. The aim of the conference was to explore the infusion of differential-geometric methods into the analysis of control theory of partial differential equations, particularly in the challenging case of variable coefficients, where the physical characteristics of the medium vary from point to point. While a mutually profitable link has been long established, for at least 30 years, between differential geometry and control of ordinary differential equations, a comparable relationship between differential geometry and control of partial differential equations (PDEs) is a new and promising topic. Very recent research, just prior to the Colorado conference, supported the expectation that differential geometric methods, when brought to bear on classes of PDE modelling and control problems with variable coefficients, will yield significant mathematical advances. The papers included in this volume - written by specialists in PDEs and control of PDEs as well as by geometers - collectively support the claim that the aims of the conference are being fulfilled. In particular, they endorse the belief that both subjects-differential geometry and control of PDEs-have much to gain by closer interaction with one another. Consequently, further research activities in this area are bound to grow.

Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

Our understanding of the fundamental processes of the natural world is based to a large extent on partial differential equations (PDEs). The second edition of Partial Differential Equations provides an introduction to the basic properties of PDEs and the ideas and techniques that have proven useful in analyzing them. It provides the student a broad perspective on the subject, illustrates the incredibly rich variety of phenomena encompassed by it, and imparts a working knowledge of the most important techniques of analysis of the solutions of the equations. In this book mathematical jargon is minimized. Our focus is on the three most classical PDEs: the wave, heat and Laplace equations. Advanced concepts are introduced frequently but with the least possible technicalities. The book is flexibly designed for juniors, seniors or beginning graduate students in science, engineering or mathematics.

Geometry In Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This book emphasizes the interdisciplinary interaction in problems involving geometry and partial differential equations. It provides an attempt to follow certain threads that interconnect various approaches in the geometric applications and influence of partial differential equations. A few such approaches include: Morse-Palais-Smale theory in global variational calculus, general methods to obtain conservation laws for PDEs, structural investigation for the understanding of the meaning of quantum geometry in PDEs, extensions to super PDEs (formulated in the category of supermanifolds) of the geometrical methods just introduced for PDEs and the harmonic theory which proved to be very important especially after the appearance of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, which provides a link between geometry and topology.

Nonlinear PDEs, Their Geometry, and Applications

Book Description

This volume presents lectures given at the Summer School Wisła 18: Nonlinear PDEs, Their Geometry, and Applications, which took place from August 20 - 30th, 2018 in Wisła, Poland, and was organized by the Baltic Institute of Mathematics. The lectures in the first part of this volume were delivered by experts in nonlinear differential equations and their applications to physics. Original research articles from members of the school comprise the second part of this volume. Much of the latter half of the volume complements the methods expounded in the first half by illustrating additional applications of geometric theory of differential equations. Various subjects are covered, providing readers a glimpse of current research. Other topics covered include thermodynamics, meteorology, and the Monge–Ampère equations. Researchers interested in the applications of nonlinear differential equations to physics will find this volume particularly useful. A knowledge of differential geometry is recommended for the first portion of the book, as well as a familiarity with basic concepts in physics.

Geometric Partial Differential Equations - Part I

Book Description

Besides their intrinsic mathematical interest, geometric partial differential equations (PDEs) are ubiquitous in many scientific, engineering and industrial applications. They represent an intellectual challenge and have received a great deal of attention recently. The purpose of this volume is to provide a missing reference consisting of self-contained and comprehensive presentations. It includes basic ideas, analysis and applications of state-of-the-art fundamental algorithms for the approximation of geometric PDEs together with their impacts in a variety of fields within mathematics, science, and engineering. About every aspect of computational geometric PDEs is discussed in this and a companion volume. Topics in this volume include stationary and time-dependent surface PDEs for geometric flows, large deformations of nonlinearly geometric plates and rods, level set and phase field methods and applications, free boundary problems, discrete Riemannian calculus and morphing, fully nonlinear PDEs including Monge-Ampere equations, and PDE constrained optimization Each chapter is a complete essay at the research level but accessible to junior researchers and students. The intent is to provide a comprehensive description of algorithms and their analysis for a specific geometric PDE class, starting from basic concepts and concluding with interesting applications. Each chapter is thus useful as an introduction to a research area as well as a teaching resource, and provides numerous pointers to the literature for further reading The authors of each chapter are world leaders in their field of expertise and skillful writers. This book is thus meant to provide an invaluable, readable and enjoyable account of computational geometric PDEs

Partial Differential Equations arising from Physics and Geometry

Book Description

Presents the state of the art in PDEs, including the latest research and short courses accessible to graduate students.

Applications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential Equations

Book Description

In the study of integrable systems, two different approaches in particular have attracted considerable attention during the past twenty years. (1) The inverse scattering transform (IST), using complex function theory, which has been employed to solve many physically significant equations, the `soliton' equations. (2) Twistor theory, using differential geometry, which has been used to solve the self-dual Yang--Mills (SDYM) equations, a four-dimensional system having important applications in mathematical physics. Both soliton and the SDYM equations have rich algebraic structures which have been extensively studied. Recently, it has been conjectured that, in some sense, all soliton equations arise as special cases of the SDYM equations; subsequently many have been discovered as either exact or asymptotic reductions of the SDYM equations. Consequently what seems to be emerging is that a natural, physically significant system such as the SDYM equations provides the basis for a unifying framework underlying this class of integrable systems, i.e. `soliton' systems. This book contains several articles on the reduction of the SDYM equations to soliton equations and the relationship between the IST and twistor methods. The majority of nonlinear evolution equations are nonintegrable, and so asymptotic, numerical perturbation and reduction techniques are often used to study such equations. This book also contains articles on perturbed soliton equations. Painlevé analysis of partial differential equations, studies of the Painlevé equations and symmetry reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations. (ABSTRACT) In the study of integrable systems, two different approaches in particular have attracted considerable attention during the past twenty years; the inverse scattering transform (IST), for `soliton' equations and twistor theory, for the self-dual Yang--Mills (SDYM) equations. This book contains several articles on the reduction of the SDYM equations to soliton equations and the relationship between the IST and twistor methods. Additionally, it contains articles on perturbed soliton equations, Painlevé analysis of partial differential equations, studies of the Painlevé equations and symmetry reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations.