Geometry And Topology Of Submanifolds, Iii: Proceedings Of The Leeds Differential Geometry Workshop 1990

Book Description

This workshop collected together works by experts working in various aspects of the differential geometry of submanifold and discussed recent advances and unsolved problems. Two important linking lectures were on the work done by Thorbergsson and others on classifying isoparametric submanifolds of Euclidean spaces and the generalisation of these to Hilbert spaces due to Terng and others. Isoparametric submanifolds provides examples of minimal, taut submanifolds, of harmonic maps and submanifolds with parallel second fundamental form-all topics discussed at this workshop. There were also lectures on the rapidly developing topic of the affine geometry of hypersurfaces and on applications. Amomg the applications discussed are new methods for using PDE's for generating surfaces with special shapes for use in engineering design.

Geometry And Topology Of Submanifolds Viii

Book Description

This proceedings consists of papers presented at the international meeting of Differential Geometry and Computer Vision held in Norway and of international meetings on Pure and Applied Differential Geometry held in Belgium. This volume is dedicated to Prof Dr Tom Willmore for his contribution to the development of the domain of differential geometry. Furthermore, it contains a survey on recent developments on affine differential geometry, including a list of publications and a problem list.

Geometry And Topology Of Submanifolds X: Differential Geometry In Honor Of Professor S S Chern

Book Description

Contents:Progress in Affine Differential Geometry — Problem List and Continued Bibliography (T Binder & U Simon)On the Classification of Timelike Bonnet Surfaces (W H Chen & H Z Li)Affine Hyperspheres with Constant Affine Sectional Curvature (F Dillen et al.)Geometric Properties of the Curvature Operator (P Gilkey)On a Question of S S Chern Concerning Minimal Hypersurfaces of Spheres (I Hiric( & L Verstraelen)Parallel Pure Spinors on Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds (I Kath)Twistorial Construction of Spacelike Surfaces in Lorentzian 4-Manifolds (F Leitner)Nirenberg's Problem in 90's (L Ma)A New Proof of the Homogeneity of Isoparametric Hypersurfaces with (g,m) = (6, 1) (R Miyaoka)Harmonic Maps and Negatively Curved Homogeneous Spaces (S Nishikawa)Biharmonic Morphisms Between Riemannian Manifolds (Y L Ou)Intrinsic Properties of Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space Forms (P J Ryan)On the Nonexistence of Stable Minimal Submanifolds in Positively Pinched Riemannian Manifolds (Y B Shen & H Q Xu)Geodesic Mappings of the Ellipsoid (K Voss)η-Invariants and the Poincaré-Hopf Index Formula (W Zhang)and other papers Readership: Researchers in differential geometry and topology. Keywords:Conference;Proceedings;Berlin (Germany);Beijing (China);Geometry;Topology;Submanifolds X;Differential Geometry;Dedication

Geometry And Topology Of Submanifolds Iv - Proceedings Of The Conference On Differential Geometry And Vision

Book Description

This proceedings on pure and applied differential geometry, discusses several subjects in submanifold theory, such as the Willmore problem, minimal surfaces, submanifolds of finite type, affine differential geometry, indefinite Riemannian geometry, and applications of differential geometry in human and artificial vision.

Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds

Book Description

Geometry And Topology Of Submanifolds Ix

Book Description

Contents:Affine Bibliography 1998 (T Binder et al.)Contact Metric R-Harmonic Manifolds (K Arslan & C Murathan)Local Classification of Centroaffine Tchebychev Surfaces with Constant Curvature Metric (T Binder)Hypersurfaces in Space Forms with Some Constant Curvature Functions (F Brito et al.)Some Relations Between a Submanifold and Its Focal Set (S Carter & A West)On Manifolds of Pseudosymmetric Type (F Defever et al.)Hypersurfaces with Pseudosymmetric Weyl Tensor in Conformally Flat Manifolds (R Deszcz et al.)Least-Squares Geometrical Fitting and Minimising Functions on Submanifolds (F Dillen et al.)Cubic Forms Generated by Functions on Projectively Flat Spaces (J Leder)Distinguished Submanifolds of a Sasakian Manifold (I Mihai)On the Curvature of Left Invariant Locally Conformally Para-Kählerian Metrics (Z Olszak)Remarks on Affine Variations on the Ellipsoid (M Wiehe)Dirac's Equation, Schrödinger's Equation and the Geometry of Surfaces (T J Willmore)and other papers Readership: Researchers doing differential geometry and topology. Keywords:Proceedings;Geometry;Topology;Valenciennes (France);Lyon (France);Leuven (Belgium);Dedication

Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds, X

Book Description

Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VIII

Book Description

This proceedings consists of papers presented at the international meeting of Differential Geometry and Computer Vision held in Norway and of international meetings on Pure and Applied Differential Geometry held in Belgium. This volume is dedicated to Prof Dr Tom Willmore for his contribution to the development of the domain of differential geometry. Furthermore, it contains a survey on recent developments on affine differential geometry, including a list of publications and a problem list.

Introduction to Geometry and Topology

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to topology, differential topology, and differential geometry. It is based on manuscripts refined through use in a variety of lecture courses. The first chapter covers elementary results and concepts from point-set topology. An exception is the Jordan Curve Theorem, which is proved for polygonal paths and is intended to give students a first glimpse into the nature of deeper topological problems. The second chapter of the book introduces manifolds and Lie groups, and examines a wide assortment of examples. Further discussion explores tangent bundles, vector bundles, differentials, vector fields, and Lie brackets of vector fields. This discussion is deepened and expanded in the third chapter, which introduces the de Rham cohomology and the oriented integral and gives proofs of the Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem, the Jordan-Brouwer Separation Theorem, and Stokes's integral formula. The fourth and final chapter is devoted to the fundamentals of differential geometry and traces the development of ideas from curves to submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. Along the way, the book discusses connections and curvature--the central concepts of differential geometry. The discussion culminates with the Gauß equations and the version of Gauß's theorema egregium for submanifolds of arbitrary dimension and codimension. This book is primarily aimed at advanced undergraduates in mathematics and physics and is intended as the template for a one- or two-semester bachelor's course.