Geometry from Euclid to Knots

Book Description

This text provides a historical perspective on plane geometry and covers non-neutral Euclidean geometry, circles and regular polygons, projective geometry, symmetries, inversions, informal topology, and more. Includes 1,000 practice problems. Solutions available. 2003 edition.

Mathematical Logic

Book Description

Contents include an elementary but thorough overview of mathematical logic of 1st order; formal number theory; surveys of the work by Church, Turing, and others, including Gödel's completeness theorem, Gentzen's theorem, more.

Analytical Mechanics of Gears

Book Description

This volume provides a solid foundation for logical gear design practices and data. Topics include an analysis of conjugate gear-tooth action, nature of the contact, and resulting gear-tooth profiles of several types of gears, plus gear teeth in action. Indispensable guide for engineers concerned with tooth geometry, manufacturing accuracies, and general design. 1949 edition.

Electrolyte Solutions

Book Description

Classic text deals primarily with measurement, interpretation of conductance, chemical potential, and diffusion in electrolyte solutions. Detailed theoretical interpretations, plus extensive tables of thermodynamic and transport properties. 1970 edition.

Figures for Fun

Book Description

This motley collection features more than 100 puzzles involving coin tricks, chess problems, magic squares, and a host of other intriguing scenarios. Minimal mathematical knowledge required. Includes solutions.

Classical Mechanics

Book Description

Applications not usually taught in physics courses include theory of space-charge limited currents, atmospheric drag, motion of meteoritic dust, variational principles in rocket motion, transfer functions, much more. 1960 edition.

The Real Number System in an Algebraic Setting

Book Description

Proceeding from a review of the natural numbers to the positive rational numbers, this text advances to the nonnegative real numbers and the set of all real numbers. 1962 edition.

Introduction to Logic

Book Description

This classic undergraduate treatment examines the deductive method in its first part and explores applications of logic and methodology in constructing mathematical theories in its second part. Exercises appear throughout.

The Godelian Puzzle Book

Book Description

These recreational logic puzzles provide entertaining variations on Gödel's incompleteness theorems, offering ingenious challenges related to infinity, truth and provability, undecidability, and other concepts. Written by a distinguished mathematician and creator of numerous popular puzzle books, this volume requires no background in formal logic and will delight readers of all ages.

Fourier Analysis on Groups

Book Description

Self-contained treatment by a master mathematical expositor ranges from introductory chapters on basic theorems of Fourier analysis and structure of locally compact Abelian groups to extensive appendixes on topology, topological groups, more. 1962 edition.