Free Radicals: from Basic Science to Medicine

Book Description

Free radical-mediated reactions have been well known in chemistry and physical chemistry for many years. Applying this knowledge to living organisms, biochemists have shown that reactive free radicals are formed at many intracellular sites during normal metabolism, and they have started to suggest possible roles in various pathological processes and conditions, for example in radiation damage, in the metabolism of xenobiotics, in carcinogenesis and in metabolic disorders. At present, a large and relevant mass of experimental evidence supports the view that reactive free radicals are involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases and syndromes. This literature has captured the attention and interest of people involved in the biomedical field. Exciting developments in radical research are probable in the near future, establishing a greater interaction between basic science research and medicine. While the task of defining the involvement of free radicals in human pathology is difficult, it is nonetheless extremely important that such interaction be fulfilled as soon as possible. These were the considerations motivating us during the organization of the VI Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Free Radical Research held in Torino, Italy, in June 1992, and also during the preparation of this book. Experts in the various aspects of free radical research were invited to participate in the Torino Meeting and to contribute chapters for this volume.

Criminology as Peacemaking

Book Description

Criminology has traditionally been a military science, a science of war. "The criminal element" is the enemy. Repression and restraint are the primary tools of criminal justice, and criminologists study how to make those tools effective in the "war on crime." We are beginning to realize that this is a war against ourselves and one that we are losing. Our inability to make peace with crime and criminals is reflected in the paucity of our daily personal relations, where we live by domination and discipline, where forgiveness and mercy are seen as naive surrender to victimization. The essays in this volume propose peacemaking as an effective alternative to the "war" on crime. They range from studies of the intellectual roots of the peacemaking tradition to concrete examples of peacemaking in the community, with special attention to feminist peacemmaking traditions and women's experience.

Flying Black Ponies

Book Description

The tragic, the comic, the terrifying, the poignant are all part of the story of the Black Pony pilots who distinguished themselves in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War. Flying their turboprop Broncos "down and dirty, low and slow," they killed more of the enemy and saved more allied lives with close-air support than all the other naval squadrons combined during the three years they saw action. Author Kit Lavell was part of this squadron of "black sheep" given a chance to make something of themselves flying these dangerous missions. The U.S. Navy's only land-based attack squadron, Light Attack Squadron Four (VAL-4) flew support missions for the counter insurgency forces, SEALs, and allied units in borrowed, propeller-driven OV-10s. For fixed-wing aircraft they were dangerous, unorthodox missions, a fact readers quickly come to appreciate.

Functional Foods

Book Description

"Accuse not Nature! She has done her part; Do Thou but Thine!" Milton, Paradise Lost 1667 The concept that nature imparted to foods a health-giving and curative function is not new. Herbal teas and remedies have been used for centuries and continue in use in many parts of the world today. In modern society, we have turned to drugs to treat, miti gate, or prevent diseases. However, since the discovery of nutrients and our increasing analytical capabilities at the molecular level, we are beginning to become more knowledgeable of the biochemical structure-function relationship of the myriad of chemicals that occur naturally in foods and their effect on the human body. The holistic approach to medicine and diet that began in the 1970s has now seen a renewal as we realize that certain foods, because of the presence of specific biochemicals, can have a positive impact on an individual's health, physical well-being, and mental state. In fact, because of the negative image of drugs, and the grey area of s- xi Foreword xii plements, the use of foods that are "functional" is becoming a growth area for the food industry. In Japan this concept has led to one of the largest growing markets, where they have defined "functional foods" as regular foods derived only from naturally occurring in gredients. The Japanese further require that the functional foods be consumed as part of the diet and not in supplement form (i. e.