Gerenciamento avançado redes de computadores

Book Description

O leitor que ache que gerenciar redes é apenas cortar e montar cabos e apertar o botão reset do roteador quando não há conexão com a Internet, encontrou um livro que irá fazer com que ele reveja seus conceitos... Redes de computadores são formadas por conjuntos de máquinas, fios e dispositivos constituídos de hardware e software dos mais variados tipos. Elas são utilizadas para o tráfego de informações essenciais a um grupo de pessoas, empresa ou corporação e sua importância faz com que nunca devam (ou devessem) deixar de funcionar. Mas isso não é o que acontece... tráfego pesado e não medido, cabeamentos e dispositivos gastos ou mal-instalados, servidores mal configurados ou que disponibilizam serviços não adequados, são apenas alguns exemplos de problemas causados pelo gerenciamento insuficiente dos recursos de uma rede. Para preveni-los ou remediá-los, nada melhor que o gerenciamento profissional de uma rede de computadores, com a montagem de servidores seguros e com um bom desempenho, e cabeamento realmente estruturado, no qual um cabo possa ser retirado ou substituído sem que isso afete o funcionamento da rede. Este livro mostra essas, dentre outras soluções técnicas, com ênfase na praticidade, economia de recursos técnicos e materiais e apresentação de resultados com alto grau de desempenho.

When Things Start to Think

Book Description

In When Things Start to Think, Neil Gershenfeld tells the story of his Things that Think group at MIT's Media Lab, the group of innovative scientists and researchers dedicated to integrating digital technology into the fabric of our lives. Gershenfeld offers a glimpse at the brave new post-computerized world, where microchips work for us instead of against us. He argues that we waste the potential of the microchip when we confine it to a box on our desk: the real electronic revolution will come when computers have all but disappeared into the walls around us. Imagine a digital book that looks like a traditional book printed on paper and is pleasant to read in bed but has all the mutability of a screen display. How about a personal fabricator that can organize digitized atoms into anything you want, or a musical keyboard that can be woven into a denim jacket? When Things Start to Think is a book for people who want to know what the future is going to look like, and for people who want to know how to create the future.

Meu Próprio Negócio Extra

Book Description

Reunir as melhores matérias publicadas na Meu Próprio Negócio sobre o mundo digital já entrou para as tarefas anuais da redação. Afinal, não tem interesse mais crescente entre nossos leitores do que o empreendedorismo e boas ações de gestão que envolvam a web e suas tantas ferramentas. Para que você conte com um bom apanhado de informações que possam tanto inspirá-lo a novos negócios quanto ajudá-lo a incrementar o seu, confira o resultado desta edição especial Negócios na Internet.

Internet of Things for Agriculture 4.0

Book Description

This new book provides an insightful look at the varied and exciting uses and applications of Wi-Fi and the Internet of Things in agriculture. With internet-enabled communications becoming more widely available, farms and agricultural establishments can take advantage of these new technologies for a wide range of farm operations, such as crop management, farm vehicle tracking, livestock monitoring, storage monitoring, and more. The collected data from these devices can be stored in the cloud system or server and accessed by the farmers via the internet or mobile phones. This book shows the many benefits to farmers from applying IoT, including better utilizing information for monitoring crops, optimizing water use, planning effective fertilization strategies, and saving time and reducing the operation expenses. Topics include using IoT for vertical farming, IoT-based smart irrigation system, landslide susceptibility assessment, automated aeroponics systems, crop survival analysis, and more. The volume also considers the challenges of IoT in agriculture, such as the requirements of applications of wireless sensor networks, the threat of attacks and the detection of vulnerabilities in wireless sensor networks, and more. Internet of Things for Agriculture 4.0: Impact and Challenges provides a better understanding of the time- and resourcing-saving benefits of wireless sensors and remote monitoring devices in agriculture. The volume will be useful for those involved in agricultural operations as well as scientists and researchers, and faculty and students in agriculture and computer and information science engineering.

Book Description

Opportunities in 5G Networks

Book Description

Opportunities in 5G Networks: A Research and Development Perspective uniquely focuses on the R&D technical design of 5th-generation (5G) networks. It is written and edited by researchers and engineers who are world-renown experts in the design of 5G networks. The book consists of four sections: The first section explains what 5G is, what its re

E-Business and Virtual Enterprises

Book Description

The fast progress in computer networks and their wide availability complemented with on one hand the "explosion" of the mobile computing and on the other hand the trends in the direction of ubiquitous computing, act as powerful enablers for new forms of highly dynamic collaborative organizations and emergence of new business practices. The first efforts in virtual enterprises (VE) were strongly constrained by the need to design and develop horizontal infrastructures aimed at supporting the basic collaboration needs of consortia of enterprises. Even pilot projects that were focused on specific business domains were forced to first develop some basic infrastructures before being able to develop their specific business models. Nowadays, although there is still a need to consolidate and standardize the horizontal infrastructures, the focus is more and more directed to the development of new vertical business models and the corresponding support tools. At the same time, in the earlier R&D projects, the attention was almost exclusively devoted to the operation phase of the VE life cycle, while now there are more activities addressing the creation phase, developing mechanisms to support the rapid formation of new virtual organizations for new business opportunities. In order to complete the life cycle, there is a need to also invest on support for VE dissolution.

Dicionário de informática e Internet

Book Description

O que seria da Informática sem a Internet? E o que é a Internet sem a língua inglesa? Quem trabalha - ou mesmo somente brinca - com computador sabe - todo dia aparecem novidades. É nessa hora que o 'Dicionário de Informática e Internet' cumpre o seu objetivo. Ele se destina aos tradutores, professores, profissionais da área de Informática, bem como ao simples usuário de computador, incluindo o navegador da Internet.

Ambient Assisted Living

Book Description

Addresses an Emerging Shift in Developing CountriesThe authors and contributors of Ambient Assisted Living have recognized that the demographic profile is changing in many developing countries and have factored in an inversion of the demographic pyramid. The technology of ambient assisted living (AAL), supports the elderly and disabled in their dai

Python Para Todos

Book Description

Python para Todos está diseñado para introducir a los estudiantes en la programación y el desarrollo de software a través de un enfoque en la exploración de datos. Puedes pensar en Python como una herramienta para resolver problemas que están más allá de las capacidades de una simple hoja de cálculo.Python es un lenguaje de programación fácil de usar y sencillo de aprender, disponible de forma gratuita para equipos Macintosh, Windows, o Linux. Una vez que aprendes Python, puedes utilizarlo el resto de tu carrera sin necesidad de comprar ningún software.Existen copias electrónicas gratuitas de este libro en varios formatos, así como material de soporte para el libro, que pues encontrar en Los materiales del curso están disponibles bajo una Licencia Creative Commons, de modo que puedes adaptarlos para enseñar tu propio curso de Python.