Public financial management in Latin America

Book Description

The efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of public financial management in Latin America is critical for the supervision of public resources, fiscal stability, and sustainable economic development. In recent years, the countries of Latin America have embraced reforms in public financial management and have made many important advances; however, many challenges remain. This book brings together the knowledge and experiences of IMF and IDB staff and representatives from 16 governments in the region to document these reforms, and examines the experiences and lessons learned. It is a valuable resource for those looking at issues in public financial management.

The Fiscal Institutions of Tomorrow

Book Description

The Fiscal Institutions of Tomorrow, the first publication in the series Institutions for People, addresses issues of public management that are key to economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It presents the challenges that the countries in the region face to strengthen fiscal institutions with a view to the future and with policy recommendations. This publication serves as reference material for policymakers and economic analysts interested in studying the evolution of fiscal institutions in the region and identifying areas to improve governance.


Book Description

Economic activity has been recovering, driven by robust performance in the export and agricultural sectors. Fiscal consolidation efforts have continued; Togo complied with the WAEMU deficit convergence criteria in 2017 and 2018, two years ahead of the timeline agreed by member states; public debt declined from 81 percent of GDP at end-2016 to 76 percent of GDP at end-2018. Inflation stood at 2 percent in March 2019 (y-o-y). The external position has improved. The privatization process for the first public bank encountered delays.

Public Financial Management in Peru An OECD Peer Review

Book Description

This report analyses current public financial management practices in Peru in light of OECD recommendations and good practices, and identifies areas where Peru could improve. It focuses on four areas: budgetary practices and governance; treasury modernisation and cash management systems; ensuring a fiscally sustainable, competitive pay regime for the Peruvian public sector; and public infrastructure programming, budgeting and management.

Financial Management Information Systems and Open Budget Data

Book Description

This study is the first attempt to explore the effects of Financial Management Information Systems on publishing open budget data and improving budget transparency, and develop some guidelines on relevant aspects. The findings of the study are expected to provide a comprehensive view of the current government practices.

Gestión del patrimonio familiar

Book Description

¿Tienes claros los conceptos de patrimonio y de familia? ¿Estás preparado para diseñar un plan estratégico que preserve e, incluso, aumente el patrimonio al mismo tiempo que cimientas las bases de una estructura y que mantenga unida a tu familia durante las próximas generaciones? Si tus respuestas son no, entonces este es el libro que te sacará de dudas. La decisión de una estirpe de poner en común recursos y alinear objetivos vitales supone un reto que va más allá de la aplicación del recetario clásico de la gestión de inversiones. Se debe reflexionar sobre estos objetivos tanto a nivel individual como familiar, puesto que así se conseguirá alinear los recursos y la energía de la familia en una dirección acorde con las metas comunes. Además, la reflexión definirá de manera explícita un sistema de valores imprescindibles para la gestión del patrimonio familiar. Para ello, habrá que recurrir a la intrahistoria de cada grupo familiar: sus antecedentes, el origen de su patrimonio, el destino o misión del mismo, los intangibles reputacionales que hay que defender, la visión particular sobre la ética, etc. Esta dimensión subjetiva y particular es, precisamente, una de las características que distinguen la gestión de patrimonios familiares frente a otras actividades de gestión fiduciaria y hace que sea un proceso dinámico que tiene que evolucionar con cada generación para evitar la tendencia natural de la separación.