Our Scene is London

Book Description

With its three-part rubric of London, drama, and space, this study brings to the currently vigorous critical discussion of Jonsonian authorship the sense of how another sort of dramatic text—that of London’s spaces as interpreted through dramatic practice both in the streets of the city and on its stages—is also an integral factor in the emergence of the early modern author.

Ben Jonson's London

Book Description

Ben Jonson was a Londoner. He lived there from infancy, left for only brief periods of travel, and used various locales in or near London as the settings for eleven of his seventeen plays. Ben Jonson's London opens with a discussion of the purpose, scope, and success of Jonson's use of London settings as Placenames. Chalfant demonstrates that Ben Jonson brought the same judicious, erudite, and dramatically functional insight to his handling of London topography-from overall settings to very brief mentions-as he did to his well-known use of classical, mythological, and iconographical detail.

Philip Massinger and John Fletcher

Book Description

An attempt to establish the authorship of those plays which the two wrote together, & those parts of others which were rewritten or revised by Massinger.

Clothing and Queer Style in Early Modern English Drama

Book Description

This book examines early modern drama's depiction of non-standard forms of masculinity grounded in superficiality, inauthenticity, affectation, and the display of the extravagantly clothed body. Practices of extravagant dress destabilized distinctions between able-bodied and disabled, human and non-human, and the past and present, distinctions that structure normative ways of thinking about sexuality. In city comedies by Ben Jonson, George Chapman, Thomas Middleton, and Thomas Dekker, extravagantly dressed male characters imagine alternatives to the prevailing modes of subjectivity, sociability, and eroticism in early modern London. While these characters are situated in hostile narrative and historical contexts, this book draws on recent work on disability, materiality, and queer temporality to rethink their relationship to those contexts in order to access the world-making possibilities of early modern queer style. In their rich representations of life in London around the turn of the seventeenth century, these plays not only were, but also remain, uniquely sensitive to the intersection of sexuality, urbanization, and material culture. The attachments and pleasures of early modern sartorial extravagance they depict can estrange us from the epistemologies that narrow current thinking about sexuality's relationship to authenticity, pedagogy, interiority, and privacy.