The African Debt Crisis

Book Description

Assessing both the macro- and micro-economic levels of the contemporary African Debt Crisis, this book, first published in 1989, begins by looking at the origins of the world debt crisis, and then looks closely at the problem as it affects Sub-Saharan Africa. The effects of debt on Africa’s position in international relations are considered, and the roles played by organisations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are assessed. The authors also examine the local effects in a series of case studies of various states including Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone, the Francophone States and Zaire.

Against Global Apartheid

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In 'Against Global Apartheid', Patrick Bond reveals the extent of the economic and human damage caused by policies implemented by World Bank and the IMF in developing countries, particularly South Africa, and argues that there is another way to more socially just economic development.

Global Economic Crisis

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Sub-Saharan Africa has been strongly affected by the global recession, despite initial optimism that the global financial system would have few spillover effects on the continent. Contents of this report: (1) Recent Develop.; (2) Congressional Interest; (3) African Economies; Trends Prior to the Crisis; Develop. Challenges; (4) How the Crisis is Affecting Africa: Internat. Trade: Trade with the U.S., and with China; Capital Flows: Migrant Remittances; Foreign Aid; (5) Implications of the Crisis in Africa; Sub-Regional Variations; Fiscal and Trade Balances; Poverty Reduction; Food Security; Political Stability; (6) Internat. Efforts to Address the Impact of the Crisis on Africa; Developed Countries; Internat. Financial Inst.; World Bank; ADB; IMF; African Gov¿ts.

The African Debt Crisis

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Beyond the New Orthodoxy

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Focuses on economic conditions in Africa from the mid-1960s to 1990.

Africa's External Debt

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The Sustainability of African Debt

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July 1996 The role of debt forgiveness is to alleviate what is known as debt overhang. This concept is the core idea of the Brady deals, and it now comes to the African debt crisis. How can one gauge the hypothesis of the debt overhang? To what extent can one attribute the growth slowdown of the 1990s to the debt crisis of the 1980s? Using data from the past decade, the author finds that debt variables play a significant role in that slowdown. In one exercise, he finds that more than half the growth slowdown of the large debtor countries in the 1980s could be attributed to the debt crisis. To what reasonable debt ratio should African debt be written down? Most exercises set the threshold of sustainability of debt at about 200 percent. The easiest way to rationalize such a threshold is first to measure the average value of debt-to-export ratios reached at the time of the first rescheduling of debt in a given country. Using Latin America as a benchmark, one finds an average threshold of 248 percent. However short-sighted such a ratio might be, it goes a long way toward rationalizing the view that a debt-to-export ratio between 200 and 300 percent is a strong signal of a forthcoming crisis. This naive approach takes no account of the changing environment (growth and interest rates) a country must confront. A more subtle approach should allow for the prospect of a country's growth to assess the sustainability of the debt it inherits. With the author's formula for so doing, Africa's debt-to-export ratio should be brought to 198 percent. Another way to assess the sustainability of debt is to look at the secondary market, which allows one to estimate the prospect of repayment expected by market participants. Few African debts are actually quoted on secondary markets, but the author presents a formula for reconstructing estimates of repayment prospects econometrically. By that method, Africa's debt-to-export ratio should be 210 percent, suggesting that a threshold between 200 and 250 percent is about right.

A Future for Africa

Book Description

Africa's societies and their economies are in crisis with mounting external debts and falling incomes leading to collapsing infrastructure, more widespread disease, illiteracy, malnourishment adn social conflict. The text argues that the problenms are not insuperable, but that whereas their causes are largely external, the only long-term solutions rest in African hands. The author shows that the adjustment programmes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF on many African countries have compounded the disastrous impact that foreign debt, trade restrictions and falling export prices have had. With the threats of proposed changes in the structure of world trade, they ammount to the virtual recolonization of much of the continent and offer its people little hope. To the contrary real development will only be achieved through long-term strategies appropriate to African circumstances, which return control of its abundant resources to Africans themselves and which ensure greater democracy and accountability in African political structures. The author is a member of the Economic Commission for Africa and Chair of the Institute for African Affairs.