Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony

Book Description

This book is a critique of claims regarding how emerging economies are supposedly rewriting the rules of global governance and ushering in alternative models to neoliberal orthodoxy. It argues that such assumptions are abstractions that ignore both the transnationalizing nature of the global political economy and the actual policy goals of the ruling classes within most emerging economies. Considering the larger issues behind the emerging economies (or powers) debate, the book deploys an adapted global capitalism perspective with insights from Gramsci, Poulantzas and Cox, to argue that the transnational nature of the global political economy and the actual policy goals of the dominant elites within most emerging economies merge to undermine any transformative element. Far from challenging the global order, these ostensible new rivals in fact seek to integrate their economies more and more within the existing liberal global economy. Inter-state dynamics and even inter-elite tensions exist and it is clear that the nation state has not simply become a transmission belt for global capital, but equally we must move beyond the surface phenomena that are most visible in global tensions to get at the underlying essence of social and class forces in the global political economy. Looking at the largest emerging powers, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, Taylor explains why the emerging powers’ elites, although essentially subscribing to neoliberalism (in all its variegated forms) may confront the core in a myriad of ways, but that these are not challenges to the ongoing world order and, in fact, the so-called emerging powers serve a legitimizing function for the extant global system. The book will be of great use to graduates and scholars of International Relations, Global/International Political Economy and International Development.

Global Governance in Question

Book Description

Introduction to global governance -- a key aspect of globalisation studies -- presenting a critical approach.

Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics

Book Description

Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics is concerned with the nature of corporate power against the backdrop of the decline of the West and the struggle by non-western states to challenge and overcome domination of the rest of the world by the West. This book argues that although the US continues to preside over a quasi-imperial system of power based on global military preponderance and financial statecraft, and remains reluctant to recognize the realities global economic convergence, the age of imperial state hegemony is giving way to a new international order characterized by capitalist sovereignty and competition between regional and transnational concentrations of economic power. This title seeks to interrogate the structure of world order by examining leading approaches to globalization and political economy in international relations and international political economy. Breaking with the classical school, Woodley argues that geopolitics should be understood as a transnational strategic practice employed by powerful state actors, which mirrors predatory corporate rivalry for control over global resources and markets, reproducing the structural conditions for corporate power through the transnational state form of capital. In a period of increasing geopolitical insecurity and economic instability this title provides an authoritative yet accessible commentary on debates on capitalism and globalization in the wake of the financial crisis. It is valuable resource for students and scholars seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the historical determinants of the changing dynamics of neoliberal capitalism and their implications for world order.

Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony

Book Description

The book is a critique of the excited talk about how various emerging economies (often teleologically extended to them being "powers") are re-writing the rules of global governance and ushering in a new set of economic assumptions.

Hegemony and World Order

Book Description

Hegemony and World Order explores a key question for our tumultuous times of multiple global crises. Does hegemony – that is, legitimated rule by dominant power – have a role in ordering world politics of the twenty-first century? If so, what form does that hegemony take: does it lie with a leading state or with some other force? How does contemporary world hegemony operate: what tools does it use and what outcomes does it bring? This volume addresses these questions by assembling perspectives from various regions across the world, including Canada, Central Asia, China, Europe, India, Russia and the USA. The contributions in this book span diverse theoretical perspectives from realism to postcolonialism, as well as multiple issue areas such as finance, the Internet, migration and warfare. By exploring the role of non-state actors, transnational networks, and norms, this collection covers various standpoints and moves beyond traditional concepts of state-based hierarches centred on material power. The result is a wealth of novel insights on today's changing dynamics of world politics. Hegemony and World Order is critical reading for policymakers and advanced students of International Relations, Global Governance, Development, and International Political Economy.

Global Governance Facing Structural Changes

Book Description

Contemporary governance is a contested field of competing institutional schemes and system of rules. This book analyzes new institutional trajectories, the renewal of old institutions or the emergence of new ones, to understand their interaction and how they can help renew collective action in a new world of global digital capitalism.

Globalization and Transnational Capitalism

Book Description

This volume examines how globalization and transnational capitalism have reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic, and political relations - both at the national and the global levels - and how the relations of domination and subordination are reproduced in new forms beyond national borders. It discusses the essential question on whether the resilient hegemony of transnational capitalism can be possibly reproduced, containing alternative systems of organization. The book can be heuristically summarized by the Chinese words for "crisis," which is made up of two syllables - Wei and Ji - representing danger and opportunity, respectively. It means that there is a crisis, there is an element of danger, and that there is opportunity. Consequently, while it is important to understand the embedded limits of capitalism, it is equally important to continue the effort to search for alternative opportunities.

World Orders, Development and Transformation

Book Description

The book examines how hegemonic development ideas and practices emerged in the context of the changing world order post-1945 and how this transformation was characterized by neoliberalism and securitization of development and security. Sahle also explores the rise of China and the start of Obama's presidency.

Hegemony and Global Citizenship

Book Description

The first decade of the 21st century raised many questions regarding hegemonic power. This system for managing global affairs has significant costs and limits. This book explores one alternative, global citizenship and more democratic global governance - an alternative that is arguably now both necessary and possible.

Global Capitalism and Transnational Class Formation

Book Description

The global capitalism perspective is a unique research program focused on understanding relatively recent developments in worldwide social, economic, and political practices related to globalization. At its core, it seeks to contextualize the rearticulation of nation-states and broad geographic regions into highly interdependent networks of production and distribution, and in so doing explain consequent changes in social relations within and between countries in the contemporary era. The present volume contributes to this effort by focusing on social class formation across borders via the processes and actors that make globalized capitalism possible. The essays presented here offer a wide range of emphases in terms of the particular lenses and evidence they use. They cover such topics as the emergence of a transnational capitalist class-based fascist regime responding to the structural crises of global capitalism as well as the links between global class formation and the US racial project as it relates to electoral politics and demographic changes in the US South. This book was published as a special issue of Globalizations.