Global Impact and Challenges of Unconventional Monetary Policies

Book Description

This paper takes stock of unconventional monetary policies (UMP) and their impact so far, and looks ahead towards exit and prospects for policy coordination. It synthesizes earlier staff work on UMP,1 the findings of a substantial and growing academic and central banking literature, as well as further staff analysis contained in the Background Paper. While some widely accepted conclusions have emerged from the large and growing number of studies on UMP, many important questions remain unsettled, as enough time has not elapsed to draw definitive conclusions. In those cases, the paper will pose the relevant questions and provide possible nswers, while recognizing the uncertainty that remains.

Global Impact and Challenges of Unconventional Monetary Policies - Background Paper

Book Description

This paper provides case studies of 13 of the largest non-UMP countries. The case studies begin with an overview of recent macro-economic developments as well as capital flow patterns during the crisis up to the first U.S. tapering announcement in May 2013. Country experiences with capital inflows are judged along five dimensions: (i) the size of capital inflows, (ii) policies used to manage inflows, (iii) external stability, measured by exchange rate overvaluation and current account deficits relative to fundamentals,2 (iv) asset price and credit market reactions, and (v) financial sector stability. Case studies mostly draw on published IMF Staff Reports for each country, as well as the 2013 Pilot External Stability Report (IMF 2013d).

Global Impact and Challenges of Unconventional Monetary Policies

Book Description

This paper takes stock of unconventional monetary policies (UMP) and their impact so far, and looks ahead towards exit and prospects for policy coordination. It synthesizes earlier staff work on UMP,1 the findings of a substantial and growing academic and central banking literature, as well as further staff analysis contained in the Background Paper. While some widely accepted conclusions have emerged from the large and growing number of studies on UMP, many important questions remain unsettled, as enough time has not elapsed to draw definitive conclusions. In those cases, the paper will pose the relevant questions and provide possible nswers, while recognizing the uncertainty that remains.

Macroeconomic Shocks and Unconventional Monetary Policy

Book Description

Barely two decades after the Asian financial crisis Asia was suddenly confronted with multiple challenges originating outside the region: the 2008 global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, and finally developed economies' implementation of unconventional monetary policies. The implementation of quantitative easing, ultra-low interest rate policies, and negative interest rate policies by a number of large central banks has given rise to concerns over financial stability and international capital flows. Macroeconomic Shocks and Unconventional Monetary Policy: Impacts on Emerging Markets explains how shocks stemming from the global financial crisis have affected macroeconomic and financial stability in emerging Asia. Macroeconomic Shocks and Unconventional Monetary Policy: Impacts on Emerging Markets brings together the most up-to-date knowledge impacts of recent macroeconomic shocks on Asia's real economy; the spillover effects of macroeconomic shocks on financial markets and flows in Asia; and key challenges for monetary, exchange rate, trade and macro prudential policies of developing Asian economies. It is authored by experts in the field of international macroeconomics from leading academic institutions, central banks, and international organizations including the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlement, and the Asian Development Bank Institute.

Monetary Policy Coordination and the Role of Central Banks

Book Description

The unconventional monetary policies (UMPs) pursued by the advanced economies (AEs) have posed macroeconomic challenges for the emerging market economies (EMEs) through volatile capital flows and exchange rates. AE central banks need to acknowledge and appreciate the spillovers resulting from such UMPs. Central banks of the AEs, who have set up standing mutual swap facilities, should explore similar arrangements with other significant EMEs with appropriate risk mitigation measures. These initiatives could do much to actually curb volatility in global financial markets and hence in capital flows to EMEs, thus obviating the need for defensive policy actions on the part of EMEs.

Managing Complexity

Book Description

A critical look at the challenges facing international policy cooperation in the new postcrisis environment. The global financial crisis of 2007–09 highlighted the economic interdependencies between all major countries, raising the issues of international cooperation. Managing Complexity: Economic Policy Cooperation after the Crisis looks at how, following the global financial crisis, countries have changed the way they cooperate with each other on matters of economic policy. In this volume, the result of a joint research project of Chatham House and the International Monetary Fund, researchers and policymakers who were directly involved in the crisis take a critical look at the challenges facing international policy cooperation in the new postcrisis environment and at how the theory and practice of cooperation have evolved as a result of the crisis.

Essays on Unconventional Monetary Policy

Book Description

Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 { 2010, central banks around the world were forced into unprecedented policy interventions to stabilise asset markets and prevent the global nancial system from collapsing. Because interest rates around the world were at historical lows, \conventional" interest rate policy was not an option. Central banks, led by the US Federal Reserve, resorted to \unconventional" monetary policies, rst to stabilise markets during the height of the crisis, and then to support the economic recovery thereafter. The distinguishing characteristic of these unconventional policies was that they involved direct intervention by central banks in long-term xed income markets, such as government bonds and agency debt. This thesis considers the theoretical channels through which central bank purchases of long-term securities could impact (i) bond yields, (ii) other domestic asset markets, and (iii) spillovers to foreign countries. The theory is then tested and evaluated against the empirical evidence. Based on the empirical results, a simple closed-economy DSGE model is constructed. The model captures and illustrates the transmission from central bank asset purchase shocks to the aggregate economy. The asset purchase shock is subsequently converted to an endogenous balance sheet rule. Simulations show that combining this unconventional (balance sheet) rule with a conventional (short-term interest rate) rule yields a superior policy mix than under the conventional rule alone. Finally, the closed-economy model is extended to an open-economy framework, within which a similar balance sheet rule is evaluated in the context of international capital ows. Again, the combination of the balance sheet and interest rate policy is found to yield a superior outcome than interest rate policy alone. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. It contributes to the understanding of the impact of central bank interventions in xed income markets on long-term yields, as well as the externalities and spillovers to other asset markets. Furthermore, this thesis develops a robust and versatile framework, which is intuitively easy to grasp, within which various aspects of central bank balance sheet policy could be investigated. This thesis' main conclusion is that unconventional monetary policy could complement conventional policy under normal market conditions, and that unconventional policy need not be restricted to crisis times only.

Implementation Plan in Response to the Board-Endorsed Recommendations from the IEO Evaluation Report on IMF Advice on Unconventional Monetary Policies

Book Description

This Management Implementation Plan was prepared before COVID-19 became a global pandemic and resulted in unprecedented strains in global trade, commodity and financial markets. The actions in the plan and their timeline, therefore, do not reflect the implications of these developments and related policy priorities. This MIP includes a package of self-reinforcing actions that aim to: • Strengthen in-house expertise on monetary policy • Deepen the work on UMP and related policies • Further strengthen financial spillover analysis • Explore ways to enhance the Fund’s traction

Global Financial Stability Report, April 2013

Book Description

The Global Financial Stability Report examines current risks facing the global financial system and policy actions that may mitigate these. It analyzes the key challenges facing financial and nonfinancial firms as they continue to repair their balance sheets. Chapter 2 takes a closer look at whether sovereign credit default swaps markets are good indicators of sovereign credit risk. Chapter 3 examines unconventional monetary policy in some depth, including the policies pursued by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Staff Guidance Note on Macroprudential Policy

Book Description

This note provides guidance to facilitate the staff’s advice on macroprudential policy in Fund surveillance. It elaborates on the principles set out in the “Key Aspects of Macroprudential Policy,” taking into account the work of international standard setters as well as the evolving country experience with macroprudential policy. The main note is accompanied by supplements offering Detailed Guidance on Instruments and Considerations for Low Income Countries