What Is Global Leadership?

Book Description

Discover the skill set - and mindset - that great global leaders must have to succeed. What is global leadership? It turns out that many companies around the world are missing a key point: that global leadership is distinctly different from the leadership skills needed in a domestic operation. The global economy requires a new set of leadership skills-imbued with a global mindset, multi-functional and effective across cultures and nationalities-that were not as critical even a decade ago. In What Is Global Leadership?, the authors draw on cutting-edge research conducted by Aperian Global, including first-hand interviews with successful global leaders, which highlights ten key behaviors critical to international settings, such as cultural self-awareness, frame-shifting, and developing "third-way solutions." In addition to providing a detailed description of each behavior, the authors demonstrate how these can be applied in the context of leadership development programs, executive coaching, global teams, and leader-led action learning. Whether one is leading an entire organization, a business unit, or a geographically dispersed team, this essential guide provides an important resource for developing global leadership talent.

Global Leadership

Book Description

Global leadership is an emerging field that seeks to understand and explain the impact of globalization processes on leadership. This is the first book to review the theoretical, empirical and conceptual literature on this important subject, and to analyze what this body of knowledge means for managers who lead in a global business context. Accessible to both student and practitioner alike, it explains how changes in the global context have created a demand for a distinctive set of qualities for effective leaders. This volume defines the skill set that global organizations are now looking for, highlighting the need to establish communities across diverse groups of stakeholders and initiate change as key aspects of global leadership. It also presents a critical analysis of the training and development of global leaders of the future. Global Leadership provides an important overview of a key emerging area within business and management. It is essential reading for students of leadership, organizational theory, strategic management, human resource management, and for anyone working and managing in the global arena.

The Global Leadership Challenge

Book Description

This book first examines the phenomenon of global business and then analyzes what is different about global business and, therefore, what is uniquely required to be a successful global leader. It lays out how companies can develop successful global leaders, and what individuals can do to develop themselves into successful global leaders. Readers will walk away with a clear understanding of how and why globalization of business took place. They will understand what is unique about global leadership compared to domestic leadership. With that insight and through examples, they will come to see what is uniquely required to be a successful global leader. Finally, readers will walk away with clear insights on how they can develop global leaders and what they can do to strengthen their own global leadership capabilities. The book is based on more than 300 interviews with top corporate executives from around the world and across a wide variety of industries, hundreds of surveys, and over 60 years of combined experience. Top executives will find this book helpful in determining how they can ensure that their firm has the right quality and quantity of global leaders it needs to capture the global growth opportunities before them.

The Choice

Book Description

The overwhelming reality of our time is this: In the opening years of the 21st century, the United States finds itself not only the most powerful nation on earth but the most powerful nation that has ever existed. Given the contradictory roles America plays in the world, we are fated to be the catalyst for either a new global community or for global chaos. If we don't lead, Zbigniew Brzezinski contends, rather than merely dominate by force, we could face worldwide hostility much like the regional hostility now confronting Israel. Brzezinski argues for a more complex and sophisticated view of our global role than much of our media and political leadership are willing to entertain. We are the world's policeman, but we have to be seen as a fair one. We are entitled to a higher level of security than other nations (because we assume greater risks), but we are also the proponent of essential freedoms. We are uniquely powerful, but our homeland is uniquely -and chronically-vulnerable. "Globalization" precludes immunity for even the most powerful. This is an impressively lucid assessment, informed by decades of experience on the front lines of foreign policy, of where we stand in the world and where we should go from here.

Global Leadership Perspectives

Book Description

A critical, global counterpoint to more western-centric texts that will appeal to critical leadership scholars, those teaching leadership from a critical perspective and those teaching leadership with an international focus. Split into two parts; its first part presents the local and regional variations in leadership from across the globe, with each of the twenty individual authors presenting the histories, cultures, tensions and social changes that shape the practice of everyday leadership in their respective region. Regions and countries included are: the Arab Middle East, Argentina, ASEAN, Australia, Brazil, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia, South Africa, Turkey, UK, USA. In the second part, the editors then critically analyse these chapters and identify the key themes and specific issues, enabling the reader to challenge their own leadership perceptions and move beyond the normative, uncritical approach to leadership. Suitable reading for leadership students, researchers and practitioners looking to enhance their knowledge of global leadership.

The Five Principles of Global Leadership

Book Description

The type of global leadership described in the five principles of this book is effective in any organization. Of course the context changes, but how you manage the context and complexities will determine the effectiveness of your leadership. Working with global organizations, I see the main obstacle to being a successful global leader is the inability to develop a clear strategy. Most of the leaders I work with have a good understanding of managing and following a task or directive, but few truly have the ability to create a strategic plan in which they identify local challenges and create global opportunities. Why do many leaders have difficulty developing into global leaders? This issue involves a good deal of complexity. What makes global leadership so complex? Is it the cross-cultural communication or the ability to develop a global mindset? Although the answer to both questions is yes, they are not the main reasons. The complexity of global leadership is most obvious when leaders have to make strategic decisions for an organization that has a diverse background of followers and the context is filled with crisis and conflict.

Responsible Global Leadership

Book Description

The need to ensure principle-driven, legally sound, and ethically acceptable behavior in the global context is not an easy task for leaders. They face the requirement of meeting the needs and expectations of a diverse set of stakeholders. They are increasingly called upon to protect, preserve, and restore the resources of the environment. They are expected to improve human well-being and social equity and recognize and effectively address economic and social issues concerning equality, social justice, and human rights protection. How should leaders in global organizations go about meeting the multiple demands of a complex global stakeholder environment? This book explores the dilemmas, paradoxes, and opportunities that leaders in global organizations of all types confront daily and addresses how managers can and should think about and approach these complex issues in responsible and productive ways. This book will be of interest to students and scholars across business, management and the social sciences more broadly.

Global Explorers

Book Description

In this age of globalization challenges--from economic uncertainty to emerging markets--there are no mapped out answers for the international manager. Global Explorers guides the global manager from the periphery to the center stage of international business leadership. In a 1997 survey of Fortune 500 firms conducted by authors J. Stewart Black, Allen J. Morrison and Hal B. Gregersen, virtually all companies indicated there was a severe shortage of global leaders. The demand for competent global leaders far outstrips the supply. Global Explorers provides the skills and outlines the competencies future global managers need to fill the leadership gap. Using extensive research, real-life examples, and 130 in-depth interviews with senior executives representing 50 global companies, including IBM, Disney, Exxon and Sony, Global Explorers suggests the reasons for the global leadership shortage, and identifies the necessary skills to compete in the international marketplace. For managers who want to safeguard their corporate future in these changing times, Global Explorers will help them develop a personal program for developing and balancing the skills they need to become successful global leaders.

Advances in Global Leadership

Book Description

Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 12 updates researchers and practitioners on the state of the field and ongoing research gaps. Part I presents new empirical studies; Part II features pioneering scholars and trainers in the Practitioner's Corner. Contributors range from well-known voices to newly minted scholars with fresh perspectives.

Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership

Book Description

My mouth watered when first I saw the publication of this title, as it promised a next step in the exploration of cultural phenomena from within a culture s view and vision of itself. George Simons, Delta Intercultural Academy Essential reading for all practitioners and researchers who seek to gain greater insights on cultural differences and leadership competencies. Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University, Past President, Academy of Management and author of 11 books including Learning from World Class Companies This fascinating collection of local mythology shows how widely leadership models differ across nations, and how deeply these differences are rooted. True global leadership is based on empathy with local variety. Geert Hofstede, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, author of Culture s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations I have yet to come across a more captivating study of global leadership patterns. The reader is taken into largely unchartered territory linking globalisation, culture and leadership. Delving deep into folklore, mythology and spirituality we begin to understand how these are manifested in human behaviour and are exhibited in leadership styles. A must-read! S. Ramadorai, CEO of Tata Consultancy Services . . . intriguing and worthy book . . . If you are a voracious reader of books on leadership and management style, this 4 part book does provide copious food for thought. The extensive bibliographies at the end of every article/chapter offer excellent suggestions for your further reading and research and it s a great series of 21st century critical commentaries. The Barrister Magazine This ground-breaking book explains how deep-seated cultural mythologies shape contemporary global leaders and provides insights into navigating the dynamics and complexities in today s era of globalization. The authors use myths to uncover core characteristics and values from 20 different cultural contexts spanning all major regions of the world the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and Asia and the Pacific Rim that have evolved over generations and continue to shape global leadership models. Commentaries are included from practicing managers and leaders to provide real world insights on the implications of the ideas discussed. International managers and executives, public officials, business consultants and corporate trainers will welcome the insights on cross-cultural leadership styles. The book will also find interest from researchers and students across a broad array of professional and social science disciplines.