Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law

Book Description

In Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law, Avi-Yonah covers basic, corporate and international tax law from a comparative perspective. The book both supplements readings in U.S. tax law courses and serves as a textbook for a comparative tax law class. It is arranged by subject matter in the order in which they are usually covered in U.S. tax law classes. The materials are drawn from a wide variety of countries, including developing countries.

Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law

Book Description

In 'Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law', Avi-Yonah covers basic, corporate and international tax law from a comparative perspective. The book both supplements readings in U.S. tax law courses and serves as a textbook for a comparative tax law class.

Global Perspectives on E-Commerce Taxation Law

Book Description

In its most advanced form, e-commerce allows unidentified purchasers to pay obscure vendors in 'electronic cash' for products that are often goods, services and licenses all rolled into one. This book considers the implications for the domestic and international tax systems of the growth of e-commerce. It covers a wide variety of activities, from discussion of the principles governing direct and indirect taxation, to explanation of the implementation and use of e-commerce on the part of businesses as well as the application of existing tax principles in this field. With its focus on the broader issues surrounding the expansion of e-commerce and its attention to the problems arising internationally in this field, Global Perspectives in E-Commerce Taxation Law will appeal to scholars worldwide.

The Intricacies of Tax & Globalization

Book Description

This article reviews Avi-Yonah, Sartori, and Marian's Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law (Oxford, 2011). It outlines the book's key features and strengths in the quest for understanding the effect of globalization on taxation. In this process, the article also looks into available data to explore global trends in taxation over the past three and a half decades to evaluate whether and to what extent globalization leads to convergence or divergence of national tax policies. The article concludes that as Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law illustrates, while globalization may lead to at least some observed trends in taxation--including the flattening of income tax rates and the move toward the taxation of less mobile sources, and thus more regressive, tax schemes--there is clearly far more than meets the eye. Here, Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law provides a valuable reference for how different countries confront challenges that are common among tax systems. Keeping in mind that differences among national tax systems nonetheless exist and understanding how tax systems converge and diverge constitutes a vital first step toward crystallizing the necessary actions to better coordinate between multiple tax systems while retaining national sovereignty in tax design. Over the long run, this could also lead to better evaluation of the net benefit or cost of globalization, allowing policymakers to respond effectively to the fiscal challenges that globalization presents.

Taxation and Migration

Book Description

Migration has become an increasingly important phenomenon for societies, especially given its highly controversial political dimension. The complexity of the migrant integration process and its many varieties present challenges to policymakers who need high-quality information on which to base decisions. Nowhere is this necessity more pressing than in the development of relevant tax rules that meet the basic requirements of efficiency and equity. Moreover, the ascent of the so-called emerging economies coupled with the stagnation of the richest economies of the world implies reform of the current competition-based international tax regime and the adoption of a more cooperative paradigm. This important and timely book, for the first time in such depth, explores such aspects of the problem as the following: - migration for tax reasons, especially corporate "inversions" (change in corporate residence for tax purposes); - tax consequences related to individuals who receive free or subsidized education in one country and profit from it in another; - taxing cross-border retirement income; and - migration-related aspects of tax preferential treatment of the elderly. With particular emphasis on the effects and opportunities created by the changing international tax regime - and with attention to the role of tax treaties and recent court cases - chapters by well known tax experts present evidence on the consequences of migration in all its facets and simulate the effects of several recently enacted and proposed changes in tax law in European countries, the United States, and other jurisdictions. The grounded propositions and recommendations offered in this deeply informed book will allow policymakers to draft tax-residence rules that minimize distortion and promote fairness. The book will also be of interest to tax law practitioners and other tax specialists, migration experts, and academics investigating one of the crucial political issues of our time.

Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law

Book Description

The authors introduce students to the various ways that nations other than the United States resolve contemporary constitutional questions. Covering both structural issues and individual rights, each chapter presents foreign case materials on a particular topic, comparing U.S and other nations' laws.

Comparative Income Taxation

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to compare different solutions adopted by nine industrialized countries to common problems of income tax design. As in other legal domains, comparative study of income taxation can provide fresh perspectives from which to examine a particular national system. Increasing economic globalization also makes understanding foreign tax systems relevant to a growing set of transnational business transactions. Comparative study is, however, notoriously difficult. Full understanding of a foreign tax system may require mastery not only of a foreign language, but also of foreign business and legal cultures. It would be the work of a lifetime for a single individual to achieve that level of understanding of the nine income taxes compared in this volume. Suppose, however, that an international group of tax law professors, each expert in his own national system, were asked to describe how that system resolved specific problems of income tax design with respect to individuals, business organizations, and international transactions. Suppose further that the leaders of the group wove the resulting answers into a single continuous exposition, which was then reviewed and critiqued by a wider group of tax teachers. The resulting text would provide a convenient and comprehensive introduction to foreign approaches to income taxation for teachers, students, policy-makers and practitioners. That is the path followed by Hugh Ault and Brian Arnold and their collaborators in the development of this fascinating book. Henceforth, a reader interested in how other developed countries resolve such structural issues as the taxation of fringe benefits, the effect of unrealized appreciation at death, the classification of business entities, expatriation to avoid taxes, and so on, can turn to this volume for an initial answer. This book should greatly facilitate comparative analysis in teaching and writing about taxation in the US and elsewhere.

Comparative Fiscal Federalism

Book Description

Judicial review of taxation in the world’s two most economically significant multistate systems, the European Union and the United States, has exposed a remarkable divergence. Although there are important differences between the competences of the two tribunals, the fact remains that the European Court of Justice has been much more aggressive in striking down Member State income tax rules than has the United States Supreme Court in comparable cases. This book – the only full-scale comparative analysis of the tax jurisprudence of the two judicial systems, now in an updated second edition – asks: Why this divergence? And what can the two tribunals learn from each other about adjudicating issues that arise from the interaction of tax regimes in the context of a single market? Among the contributory issues and topics covered are the following: – conceptions of sovereignty and federalism; – discrimination in direct tax matters as an obstacle to a meaningful single market; – allocation of taxation competences; – nonresident versus resident taxation; – double burdens on cross-border economic activity; – retroactive recovery of unlawful state aid in the European Union; – role of competition law; – the revenue interests of states; – levels of corporate taxation; – the OECD Model’s nondiscrimination rules; and – the preliminary interpretation mechanism of the Court of Justice. An insightful and penetrating analysis of a topic of material importance to governments, tax policy makers, and tax lawyers on both sides of the Atlantic, this book clearly explains how the Supreme Court and the Court of Justice continue to struggle with the conflict between generally accepted tax principles and the effective prevention of discriminatory treatment of taxpayers. All tax professionals concerned with the interaction of sovereignty, tax assignment, legislation, and judicial decisions in tax law will benefit greatly from its clearsighted and comprehensive treatment, as well as from its perspectives on the practical implications of each tribunal’s decision making.

International Applications of U.S. Income Tax Law

Book Description

A clear, concise explanation of United States tax law’s international aspects In tackling a sometimes thorny set of laws and treaties, international tax expert Ernest Larkins emphasizes their economic effects, showing how to avoid hazards while reaping rewards which often go ignored. Coverage includes: Special issues arising when a foreign person invests in U.S. real estate, as well as the best structures for holding such real estate What a controlled foreign corporation is and what consequences result from this status Acceptable transfer pricing methods and what penalties apply when taxpayers do not follow arm’s-length principles International Applications of U.S. Income Tax Law also contains many useful tools which allow readers to build understanding through practice, as well as formulate and solve the complex problems international taxes can present. Order your copy today!