A blueprint for dementia research

Book Description

Research and innovation are integral parts of the global response to dementia. Yet, the Global status report on the public health response to dementia shows that despite some encouraging efforts most countries are far from reaching the adopted targets of the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017–2025. This blueprint for dementia research summarizes the current state of dementia research across six broad themes, identifies existing knowledge gaps, and outlines 15 strategic goals with actions and timebound milestones to address these gaps. The blueprint also outlines drivers of research that together create an enabling research environment that is essential for accelerating dementia research globally. Going forward, the blueprint will guide policymakers, funders, and the research community on future activities in dementia research, and contribute to making dementia research more efficient, equitable, and impactful.

Global status report on the public health response to dementia

Book Description

Dementia is a leading cause of disability and dependency globally. It is a syndrome, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, that leads to deterioration in cognitive function (i.e. ability to process thought) beyond what would be expected from normal ageing. Dementia can be overwhelming not only for the person who has it, but also for carers, families and society as a whole. Globally, a lack of awareness and understanding of dementia continues to lead to widespread stigmatization and discrimination, which may prevent people from accessing diagnosis and care. The World Health Organization (WHO) has long recognized the importance of addressing dementia and the need for increased investments in health and social care systems. The First Ministerial Conference on Global Action Against Dementia was held in March 2015, convening health ministers and delegations from 89 countries around the world to discuss comprehensive actions to address dementia. Two years later, WHO Member States unanimously approved the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017–2025. Further, WHO’s Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) was established to monitor global progress on key targets and indicators within these action areas.


Book Description

The report “Dementia: a public health priority” has been jointly developed by WHO and Alzheimer's Disease International. The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of dementia as a public health priority, to articulate a public health approach and to advocate for action at international and national levels.

Global status report on physical activity 2022

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An advocacy brief calling for stronger multisectoral action to promote and enable more physical activity through provision of supportive environments, accessible programmes and sustained communication campaigns in all communities. It provides global guidance on priority actions and is suitable for use by advocates, government and non-government organizations.

Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018

Book Description

The report provides an overview of alcohol consumption and harms in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Chapter 1) presents global strategies action plans and monitoring frameworks (Chapter 2) gives detailed information on: the consumption of alcohol in populations (Chapter 3); the health consequences of alcohol consumption (Chapter 4); and policy responses at national level (Chapter 5). In its final chapter 6 the imperative for reducing harmful use of alcohol in a public health perspective is presented. In addition the report contains country profiles for WHO Member States and appendices with statistical annexes a description of the data sources and methods used to produce the estimates and references.