Global Voice #23

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As is tradition this Global Voice magazine summer issue brings together the talented winning, runner-up and finalist student articles in the CoBS 2022 student CSR article competition – now, the fifth year – to sit side-by-side with insights gleaned from the published research of our professors from the now eight member schools of this alliance dedicated to responsible leadership education. No time to waste! Welcome to this special summer solstice issue of Global Voice magazine #22 and delighted to publish this special issue of the Council on Business & Society quarterly magazine for your reading and download. We’re honoured to kick off the magazine with Prof. Adrian Zicari, ESSEC Business School-CoBS, co-authoring the editorial with special guest Camille Putois, CEO of the B4IG (Business For Inclusive Growth) initiative that brings together leading global companies, subject matter experts and academia to work on strategies to develop future business for the good of the widest number of citizens and the planet. We also feature a special spotlight on Prof. Mark Smith, Dean of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa – Africa’s leading higher education institution and the latest member school of the CoBS alliance. A focal point of the highest importance in the coming years, Mark outlines the stakes at hand for the continent and the need for education to play an essential role in promoting diversity, responsible leadership and responsible business practices. In this issue, a host of insights and research-based content hosted in two sections: Business, Society and Planet. In Business, Society the contributors tackle the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the workplace, wellbeing and society; coopetition and how business rivals can become allies for a better world; the impact of political populism on climate action; how to deal with negative workplace emotions and aim at the positive; the role of business schools in building back better; and the phenomenon of presenteeism in companies that ultimately leads to poorer performance for firms – and poorer health for its employees. In the Planet section, you’ll find insights on how corporations can become more sustainable; an exploration of greenflation and the challenges facing our transition to a green economy; the stock exchange and building corporate value for potential investors through CSR; a spotlight on the ground-breaking ISE sustainability index in Brazil by one of its founders, Prof. Mario Monzoni; how to cope with the barriers in the way of reaching Net-Zero; and practitioner insight from ESG consulting firm Ksapa on designing solutions for resilient raw materials supply. In addition, our CoBS design team provides its usual beautiful graphics and our latest wry take on modern times with our opening double-page cartoon. And if you wish to apply for one or several of the top-ranked degree programmes offered by our CoBS member schools, outlines of these and contact details can be found throughout the magazine. Apply now – and positively change both your life and those of others! Do what you have to do And finally, a word on the latest Global Voice magazine front cover and its accompanying subtitle. For some of us, the strawberry may be associated with June and the long summer months – succulent, sun-drenched and tasty. This time, this gift of nature looks in a pretty bad way. “Food”, as it were, “for thought” in today’s chaotic context of supplies of essential necessities and the probable food risks for the wider world that conflict and intolerance in Europe may bring us. So interpret the cover wisely – and do what you have to do. No time to waste! Enjoy your reading! Tom Gamble, Council on Business & Society

Voice Training Programs for Professional Speakers: Global Outcomes

Book Description

Voice Training Programs for Professional Speakers: Global Outcomes is a professional resource for voice education and training programs used to care for the voice of different professional speakers and occupational voice users. This includes teachers, media reporters, fitness instructors, telemarketers, clergy, speech pathologists, and more. Each chapter is authored by an experienced voice clinician who provides a clear description of a target population and its challenges, as well as a detailed roadmap describing a unique global experience in developing, implementing, and advocating for these programs in academic institutions, professional unions, and workplaces. This book provides detailed steps and outcomes of globally tested health care and voice training programs for each of the professional speaker populations addressed. Voice Training Programs for Professional Speakers can thus be used by phoniatricians, logopedists, speech-language pathologists, and vocal coaches as a comprehensive resource for tailored preventative and management programs. It can also be used by future and current professional speakers as a great self-education resource to help them better care, develop, and advocate for their own voices and careers.

Nordic voices

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According to the Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, the countries of the Nordic Region are the strongest countries in the UN’s 70-year history. “This is a fact that commands respect and strengthens you as a region,” he said. The individuals in this book, all of whom are active in various international arenas, are testament to the great interest in the Nordic Region and the fact that the global Nordic voice is now perhaps more important than ever.

Book Description

Global Voice #23

Book Description

Welcome to the Council on Business & Society’s Global Voice magazine, autumn issue #23 – Back to the Future?! 108 pages of research-based features on responsible leadership and management practices, sustainability, marketing strategy, climate philanthropy and job markets. Made readable, made practical! We’re particularly proud of the autumn issue of Global magazine that we offer you on download from the 8 leading international business schools that make up the Council on Business & Society (CoBS) – an alliance dedicated to offering its students, corporates and the wider world the latest in cutting-edge research and practical insights in the fields of corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and responsible business practices. The cover, Editorial by Prof. Adrian Zicari, and our traditional wry look at society via our double-page cartoon focus on what many have described as a long, hard winter of energy crisis ahead triggered by the tragic events Ukraine. The energy crisis which, for the older, European readers among us, echoes the energy crisis of the early 70s when many governments exhorted their populations to reduce consumption and seek innovative ways to keep away the winter cold. But although times may well turn out to be tougher, it is also an occasion to step back and learn, and perhaps for governments, business and citizens to accelerate the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources that will, as it turns out, not only benefit the planet in its efforts to assuage the climate crisis, but will also provide a degree of independence and freedom from those wishing to make energy a weapon of pressure and bargaining. 22 feature articles are included in this download in two sections: Management & Leadership and Business, Society, Planet. For the most part research-based, these articles explain deep analysis of business and society issues in a readable, engaging and often practical tone-of-voice. We hope they will offer you knowledge, understanding, food for further thought. We also hope that they set the spark for positive change – whether for your studies, business ventures, leadership, or mindset on how you view the world. Knowledge from the 8 CoBS schools with campuses in France, Singapore, Morocco, Brazil, China, Spain, Japan, South Africa, Ireland, and the United Kingdom is highlighted that gives a unique, multi-dimensional, global yet local perspective on major issues today. Guest articles also appear in this magazine from Kenya, Canada, Denmark and from the ESG-Sustainability consulting firm Ksapa. In the Management & Leadership section, responsible leadership and responsible management education are topics, along with HR strategies, business ethics, foreign investment and job markets, corporate social responsibility and marketing strategy. Business, Society, Planet continues with spotlights on social entrepreneurship and crisis, gender-based violence, climate philanthropy, the importance of language learning, and how businesses can find opportunity and purpose in the UN decade of ecosystem restoration. For those wishing to go further, this issue also features pre-order links to the first in the Routledge-CoBS Focus on Responsible Business series of books – Responsible Finance & Accounting – as well as the opportunity to discover and apply for the various MBA and EMBA programmes of the CoBS schools across 10 countries and 4 continents. How can you use Global Voice? Well, principally, for quenching your thirst for knowledge and interest in how responsible business can benefit society! But for those of you who are students, perhaps these research-based insights can offer you a widened, deeper view on topics that your assignments deal with and that you can use and quote in your essays and dissertations, or put into practice during internships. For young managers to experienced CEOs, Global Voice can offer a fresh look on challenges in your industry sectors and ideas and triggers to help you make your career more meaningful, your company more sustainable. And lastly, for instructors – teachers, trainers, coaches, lecturers and higher education faculty – Global Voice offers you a wealth of content to use for classroom debate, flipped learning, insightful lectures and critical analysis. So please make use of our autumn issue #23 and why not send in your own insights and research for publication via CoBS Insights, the Council on Business & Society’s internationally recognised blog offering weekly cutting-edge research made readable, made understandable – and also open to external submissions on a business and society issue. So, from the magazine’s Editorial team and representatives in each CoBS member school, Enjoy your reading and keep your hope burning bright!

Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Anesthetists: The Evolution of the Global Roles

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As the only book of its kind, this publication provides students, clinicians, researchers, ministries of health, and others with a valuable, thorough, and focused understanding of the development of the nurse practitioner (NP) and nurse anesthetist (NA), two advanced practice nursing roles which have improved access to care and healthcare outcomes as bilateral role development has progressed internationally. As the two roles have significant clinical differences, the book will appraise each role separately within two sections utilizing different approaches. After a thorough platform of defining and describing each role, including history and origins, education, practice, regulation, and leadership, the book guides by example, utilizing unique country case studies divided by WHO regions as exemplars for international role development as well as an outlook for the future of advanced practice nursing on the global stage. The book expands on the tenets and principles as outlined in the ICN Guidelines on Advanced Practice Nursing for Nurse Practitioners (2020) and Nurse Anesthetists (2021), providing the reader with an internationally vetted and accepted comprehension of the roles, guiding and inspiring future role development to improve global health care.

Covid-19 in Palestine

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Israel and Palestine were worlds apart during the pandemic that claimed over five million lives globally. While Palestinians were forced to adopt crude survival measures and endure economic privations, Israel was praised as a vaccination world leader. This book demonstrates how Israel utilized the pandemic to tighten surveillance and control over Palestine and the Palestinians. Drawing on theories of settler colonialism and the concept of 'necropolitics', the book is a vital testament to the reality of the Israeli settler colonial project today. The author uses case studies and interviews with Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, Hebron, Kufr Aqab and the Jalazoon refugee camp to understand the lived experiences of Palestinians. The newest colonial policies are discussed including how Israel activated a counter-terrorism database that could track citizens and ensure they adhered to lockdown regulations. It also shows how Israel destroyed Palestinian infrastructure essential for water, sanitation and hygiene, leaving Palestinians unable to fight the virus. The book shows that, for Palestinians, the pandemic was simply the latest in a long line of national catastrophes in a context where settler colonialism prevails.

Casting Light Differently

Book Description

Global Voice has a vocation to offer others the high-level research output of the schools making up the Council on Business & Society in a readable, enjoyable and practical style. It also aims to spark awareness on key issues challenging us today and provoke food for thought and debate. This quarter’s magazine focuses on business and society (including financial and cultural insights), leadership and management (including HR issues such as employee welfare and diversity), entrepreneurship, and sustainability. For professionals, these sections provide a look at future trends in business practice, new methods and ways of managing teams, and research into entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. For those working in education – teachers, trainers, consultants and faculty – our features can also be used for classroom study and debate. For students, our articles can offer additional knowledge to deepen their understanding and strengthen their assignments with.