Global Warming and the World Trading System

Book Description

In 2006, a team led by the English economist Sir Nicholas Stern issued a striking report that analyzed the economic dimensions of global climate change and called for immediate collective action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This seminal report poses the critical question of how much emissions should be reduced within specific timeframes. To answer the challenge of finding a best-practices approach, Global Warming and the World Trading System looks at the economic aspects of GHG emissions and seeks a policy method to reduce them without adversely affecting global trade. The book begins with a survey of relevant data—such as emissions reports per sector—and evaluates current US climate policy options, focusing on the intricacies of specific Congressional bills. In this vein, this study examines whether the competitiveness provisions now under consideration are compatible with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and explores the pragmatic opportunities the WTO should capitalize on in order to accomplish two goals simultaneously: ensure "policy space" for countries to limit national GHG emissions without sacrificing the competitive position of their own industries and preserve an open trading system relatively free of discrimination and opportunistic protectionist measures. Should governments use trade measures to encourage other countries to cooperate in the adoption of environmental policies? The authors anticipate the potential negative environmental and economic outcomes as well as the disputes over violation of GATT articles. This book addresses how to avoid serious setbacks in an effort to reduce emissions without compromising the status of both domestic and international carbon-intensive industries. Most importantly, the book considers what can be done by environmental organizations to head off conflict with the WTO.

A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

When designing a world trading system for the twenty-first century, “Keep calm and carry on” beats “Move fast and break things.” Global trade is in trouble. Climate change, digital trade, offshoring, the rise of emerging markets led by China: Can the World Trade Organization (WTO), built for trade in the twentieth century, meet the challenges of the twenty-first? The answer is yes, Robert Staiger tells us, arguing that adapting the WTO to the changed economic environment would serve the world better than a radical reset. Governed by the WTO, on the principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), global trade rules traditionally focus on “shallow integration”—with an emphasis on reducing tariffs and trade impediments at the border—rather than “deep integration,” or direct negotiations over behind-the-border measures. Staiger charts the economic environment that gave rise to the former approach, explains when and why it worked, and surveys the changing landscape for global trade. In his analysis, the terms-of-trade theory of trade agreements provides a compelling framework for understanding the success of GATT in the twentieth century. And according to this understanding, Staiger concludes, the logic of GATT's design transcends many, if not all, of the current challenges faced by the WTO. With its penetrating view of the evolving global economic environment, A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century shows us a global trading system in need of reform, and Staiger makes a persuasive case for using the architecture of the GATT/WTO as a basis for that reform.

Climate Change and International Trade

Book Description

Rafael Leal-Arcas expertly examines the interface of climate change mitigation and international trade law with a view to addressing the question: How can we make best use of the international trading system experience to aim at a global climate change agreement? The insightful book contributes to developing the architecture for a post- 2012 global climate agreement and, in doing so, seeks and proposes new approaches to climate change mitigation by linking it to the international trade system. The author suggests the adoption of a bottom-up approach to climate change negotiations by using the evolution of multilateral trade agreements as a model for reaching a global climate treaty. He discusses the innovative approach of inserting climate goals within regional trade agreements, given their proliferation – especially bilateral – in the international trading system. He explains the trade implications of climate change mitigation policies by analyzing a couple of areas where the international regimes for trade and climate change mitigation may potentially clash. Climate Change and International Trade will strongly appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of international and European trade law, international and European environmental law as well as social science academics. NGOs, think tanks, practitioners, researchers, and international organizations will also find plenty of valuable information in this timely resource.

The World Trading System

Book Description

Comprises a collection of papers and comments which discuss challenges confronting the World Trade Organization (WTO). Analyses the implementation of WTO agreements and unfinished business from the Uruguay Round, the impact of proliferating regionalism, the desirability of expending the WTO agenda to "new" issues, and institutional issues such as WTO accession and linkages with other international institutions.

Trade and Climate Change

Book Description

This report aims to improve understanding about the linkages between trade and climate change. It shows that trade intersects with climate change in a multitude of ways. For example, governments may introduce a variety of policies, such as regulatory measures and economic incentives, to address climate change. This complex web of measures may have an impact on international trade and the multilateral trading system.

Rethinking the Global Trading System

Book Description

With the global economy slowing, global trade negotiations currently not making sufficient progress, and the emergence of a risk of increased protectionism, the need to demonstrate the importance of trade and the positive contribution it can make to positive economic growth and global welfare has never been more pressing. Given the fundamental changes under way in the global economy, however, progress on trade will require a strategy that looks beyond the Doha Round -- one that rethinks the ends and means of trade policy in a more globalized world economy. This conference had three main objectives: 1. assessing what changes in the structure of international trade and development mean for the conduct of trade policy in globally integrated markets 2.) exploring how trade policy and the trading system can best contribute to addressing the broader challenges the global community confronts, specifically to a reduction in global poverty and a response to global warming and 3.) determining the appropriate role for the WTO and the trade regime in the light of the growing debate over reforming the international economic architecture.

Termites in the Trading System

Book Description

Jagdish Bhagwati, the internationally renowned economist who uniquely combines a reputation as the leading scholar of international trade with a substantial presence in public policy on the important issues of the day, shines here a critical light on Preferential Trade Agreements, revealing how the rapid spread of PTAs endangers the world trading system. Numbering by now well over 300, and rapidly increasing, these preferential trade agreements, many taking the form of Free Trade Agreements, have re-created the unhappy situation of the 1930s, when world trade was undermined by discriminatory practices. Whereas this was the result of protectionism in those days, ironically it is a result of misdirected pursuit of free trade via PTAs today. The world trading system is at risk again, the author argues, and the danger is palpable. Writing with his customary wit, panache and elegance, Bhagwati documents the growth of these PTAs, the reasons for their proliferation, and their deplorable consequences which include the near-destruction of the non-discrimination which was at the heart of the postwar trade architecture and its replacement by what he has called the spaghetti bowl of a maze of preferences. Bhagwati also documents how PTAs have undermined the prospects for multilateral freeing of trade, serving as stumbling blocks, instead of building blocks, for the objective of reaching multilateral free trade. In short, Bhagwati cogently demonstrates why PTAs are Termites in the Trading System.

Emerging Powers and the World Trading System

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This book explains the rise of China, India, and Brazil in the international trading system, and the implications for trade law.

Climate Change and the Trading System

Book Description

As the global community moves to forge a new climate change agreement, complex questions arise concerning the implications for the international trading system. This was the topic of a meeting in Toronto on October 26 and 27, 2009 that brought together experts from the two communities - trade policy and climate change. The discussion focussed on border carbon adjustments, on the implications of free carbon emission allowances for particular industries in cap-and-trade systems, which may run afoul of World Trade Organization (WTO) rules on subsidies, and more generally on issues relating to subsidies. Given the present uncertainties about how these features of climate change action may evolve, the group recognized the risk of mounting pressures on the WTO dispute settlement system and indeed the possibility of a 'train wreck' in the WTO. Accordingly, ways need to be found to avert the dangers so that the two important objectives can be met - dealing with climate change while preserving a sound trading system.