Exclusión social y diversidad cultural

Book Description

Reflexión sobre el trasfondo económico en el que se inscriben los movimientos migratorios actuales y sus consecuencias sociales y culturales.

Globalización, ciudadanía y derechos humanos

Book Description

En este libro se analizan los actuales contextos espacio-temporales de desarrollo de los derechos humanos, a saber: los procesos de globalización neoliberal de la economía y el mercado, por una parte, y los procesos de "localización", esto es, los procesos de fragmentación social y cultural de la ciudadanía, en búsqueda y en recuperación de identidades perdidas o marginadas. Ambos procesos se analizan como las dos caras de la misma moneda, esto es, como las dos caras de la disociación o ruptura producida entre, por una parte, la universalidad de la lógica individualista, acumulacionista y utilitarista del mercado capitalista global y, por otra parte, el pluralismo de la lógica identitaria y fragmentada de las actuales relaciones sociales y culturales; todo lo cual está produciendo unos específicos conflictos multiculturales propios de la globalización.

Diccionario de relaciones interculturales

Book Description

Se publica por primera vez en lengua española una obra en la que 50 autores de diferentes países y disciplinas -entre los que se encuentran estudiosos tan destacados como Néstor G. Canclini, Terence Turner, J. Friedman, James Fernandez, J. Jorge Carvalho, Gunther Dietz, etc.- asumen, junto a los coordinadores del volumen, el desafío de definir de forma clara y coherente, pero plural, los conceptos básicos relativos al emergente campo de problemas de las relaciones interculturales. Diccionario de relaciones interculturales es una iniciativa de la Editorial Complutense que proporciona a estudiosos, estudiantes y agentes sociales implicados una herramienta imprescindible para la comprensión de este campo de cuestiones clave en nuestra sociedad.

The Future of the Family

Book Description

High rates of divorce, single-parenthood, and nonmarital cohabitation are forcing Americans to reexamine their definition of family. This evolving social reality requires public policy to evolve as well. The Future of the Family brings together the top scholars of family policy—headlined by editors Lee Rainwater, Tim Smeeding, and, in his last published work, the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan—to take stock of the state of the family in the United States today and address the ways in which public policy affects the family and vice versa. The volume opens with an assessment of new forms of family, discussing how reduced family income and lower parental involvement can disadvantage children who grow up outside of two-parent households. The book then presents three vastly dissimilar recommendations—each representing a different segment of the political spectrum—for how family policy should adapt to these changes. Child psychologist Wade Horn argues the case of political conservatives that healthy two-parent families are the best way to raise children and therefore should be actively promoted by government initiatives. Conversely, economist Nancy Folbre argues that government's role lies not in prescribing family arrangements but rather in recognizing and fostering the importance of caregivers within all families, conventional or otherwise. Will Marshall and Isabel Sawhill borrow policy prescriptions from the left and the right, arguing for more initiatives that demand personal responsibility from parents, as well as for an increase in workplace flexibility and the establishment of universal preschool programs. The book follows with commentary by leading policy analysts Samuel Preston, Frank Furstenberg Jr., and Irwin Garfinkel on the merits of the conservative and liberal arguments. Each suggests that marriage promotion alone is not enough to ensure a happy, healthy, and prosperous future for American children who are caught up in the vortex of family change. They agree that government investments in children, however, can promote superior developmental outcomes and even potentially encourage traditional families by enlarging the pool of "marriageable" individuals for the next generation. No government action can reverse trends in family formation or return America to the historic nuclear family model. But understanding social change is an essential step in fashioning effective policy for today's families. With authoritative insight, The Future of the Family broadens and updates our knowledge of how public policy and demography shape one another.

Towards a Transnational Perspective on Migration

Book Description

This work comprising 15 papers develops a broad understanding of the emerging transnational experience of current immigrants to the United States, compares the patterns of transnationalism of different migrating populations, and re-examines current cconceptualisations of race, ethnicity, nationalism, class and gender.