Repensar la Educación para un Mundo Global y Transcultural

Book Description

Además disponible en inglés: Rethinking Education for a Global, Transcultural World Repensar la educación es esencial en un mundo, global, transcultural, cambiante y comunicado. A través del libro Repensar la Educación para un Mundo global, Transcultural se argumenta y se analiza cómo construir relaciones entre la escuela y la sociedad, y las posibilidades de trascender las barreras en diferentes contextos nacionales: Chile, Israel, México, Marruecos, Polonia y España. El principal objetivo que queremos conseguir con las aportaciones realizadas en el libro, es conocer cómo los Sistemas Educativos y las escuelas de diferentes países responden a los cambios sociales causados por la globalización, las migraciones y las tecnologías de la comunicación. Los autores son profesores de diferentes disciplinas científicas y de diferentes religiones, culturas y puntos de vista que viven las realidades descritas en los capítulos y piensan desde estas realidades cómo mejorar y cómo debe ser la educación en un mundo global, desafiante y cambiante. Hacemos hincapié en la importancia de este libro y sus implicaciones en la educación de niños y jóvenes, y en la formación de los maestros. Por esta razón, este es un libro diseñado para profesores de escuelas primarias y secundarias, padres, directores, supervisores, profesores universitarios que forman a los maestros, para los estudiantes de la universidad y para todos los que quieren saber y pensar acerca de la educación en un mundo global e intercultural y las nuevas formas de comunicación para hacer frente al aprendizaje, ya sea a nivel local o a nivel mundial. La misión de todos es continuar construyendo la educación, y para ello en este libro se presentan las contribuciones y recomendaciones de los profesionales de diferentes partes del mundo que permitirán al lector conocer, analizar, comprender y apreciar la importancia de la educación para preparar a los estudiantes en un pensamiento abierto y crítico en un mundo global. Los capítulos no ofrecen una panacea, pero ofrecen muchas ideas sobre cómo, a través de la educación, preparar a los ciudadanos para una sociedad global y transcultural.

Globalización, educación y pobreza en América Latina

Book Description

A principios del siglo XXI América Latina sigue presentando unas cifras de pobreza escalofriantes. Proyecciones recientes de la CEPAL sitúan el número de personas pobres en 213 millones. Estamos ante unos escenarios de política económica, social y educativa que hoy por hoy parecen cuestionar la idea , entre otras, de que la educación es un mecanismo de superación de la pobreza .Este libro recoge las diferentes aportaciones a este seminario internacional celebrado en octubre de 2005 en Barcelona en la que se ofrecen nuevos enfoques ante las nuevas necesidades políticas.

Globalization and Education

Book Description

This book presents the results of a joint meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences where renowned international scholars discussed the importance of education in an increasingly globalized world. The papers cover a wide range of topics, including immigration, education in developing countries, knowledge transfer, social, economic, cultural, and political conditions in global education, technology, communication, access to information and knowledge, as well as, bio-anthropological issues.

WTO/GATS and the Global Politics of Higher Education

Book Description

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) has furthered international pressure towards the liberalization of education all over the world. Antoni Verger explores the constitution of global liberalization entailed by the GATS as well as the opposition to this process.

Handbook of Research on Promoting Global Citizenship Education

Book Description

A global citizen is an individual who believes in a public responsibility for their local community to grow and interconnect amongst the world’s diverse people and things. Global citizenship education is a fast-moving process that continues to intertwine communities all over the world. As we move toward a more global world, the improvement in education, health, poverty rates, and standard of living should come with it. This global world must be a place where people are aware of what is going on and can have an impact as well. The Handbook of Research on Promoting Global Citizenship Education explores various ways to empower educators to design and implement a curriculum that incorporates global citizen education. Covering a range of topics such as global issues and academic migration, this major reference work is ideal for academicians, industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, scholars, instructors, and students.

Global Education Policy and International Development

Book Description

Exploring the interplay between globalization, education and international development, this book surveys the impact of global education policies on local policy in developing countries. With chapters written by leading international scholars, drawing on a full range of theoretical perspectives and offering a diverse selection of case studies from Africa, Asia and South America, this book considers such topics as: How are global education agendas and policies formed and implemented? What is the impact of such policy priorities as public-private partnerships, child-centred pedagogies and school-based management? What are the effects of political and economic globalization on educational reform and change? How do mediating institutions affect the translation of global policies to particular educational contexts? What are the limitations of globalised policy solutions and what problems do they encounter at local levels? From students of education, development and globalization to practitioners working in developing contexts, this book is an important resource for those seeking to understand how global forces and local realities meet to shape education policy in the developing world.

Global Migration and Civic Education

Book Description

Global migration, the rise of popular nationalism, and the quest by diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious groups for recognition, civic equality, and structural inclusion within their nation-states have complicated the attainment of citizenship in countries around the world. Virulent and pernicious nationalism in some nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Switzerland, and Italy, has made it difficult for migrant, refugee, and other marginalized groups to attain citizenship rights and to fully participate in their nation-states. The enormous increase in the number of migrant and refugees in many nations has also complicated citizenship acquisition for marginalized populations. In this book, scholars working in civic education from selected nations share perspectives, policies, research, and strategies for constructing and implementing civic education programmes that will help students from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious groups attain political efficacy and become structurally integrated and fully participating citizens of their nation-states. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Intercultural Education.

Transformative Intercultural Global Education

Book Description

In this tumultuous world, characterized by unprecedented migratory movements, societal evolution intersects with an increasing diversity that presents profound challenges. The global landscape is marked by 33 armed conflicts in 2022 alone, resulting in forced displacement and an exceeding count of 100 million displaced individuals worldwide. The traditional understanding of migration as a response to individualized prosecution has expanded to encompass "survival migration," incorporating environmental change and livelihood collapse. This paradigm shift necessitates a reevaluation of human rights and a compelling call for transformative global and intercultural education to address the vulnerabilities, inequities, and discrimination faced by displaced and native youth. Transformative Intercultural Global Education is a project aimed at shedding light on educational inequalities stemming from race, migration, forced displacement, and cultural factors. Through innovative empirical results, theoretical frameworks, and educational practices, this book seeks to contribute to quality education and, subsequently, a more sustainable society. The objective is to provide educators with proposals that strengthen educational policies and programs aligned with global citizenship, fostering sensitivity, critical thinking, and commitment towards respectful and tolerant coexistence. The research outcomes are designed to encourage actions that promote equity, social justice, and the sustainable development of a global society.

Rethinking Education for a Global, Transcultural World

Book Description

The global networking promoted by technology, globalization and migration that are occurring at a large scale, requires school systems that develop in the students new types of skills, based on the ability to understand the world and its problems and instill a sense of responsibility and cooperation to enhance the resolution of the great problems of mankind. Rethinking education is essential in a global, transcultural, changing and communicated world. Throughout the book Rethinking Education for a Global, Transcultural World is argued and analyzed how to build relationships between the school and society, and the possibilities of transcending the barriers in different national contexts: Chile, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, and Spain. The main goal we want to achieve with the contributions made in the book is to know how education systems and schools in different countries respond to the social changes caused by globalization, migration and new communication technologies. The authors are professors of different scientific disciplines and different faiths, cultures and points of view, living the realities described in the chapters and thinking from these realities how to improve and how should be the education in a global, challenging and ever-changing world. We stress the importance of this book and its implications in the education of children and youth and in the preparation of teachers. For this reason, this is a book designed for teachers of primary and secondary schools, parents, principals, supervisors, university teachers who prepare school teachers, university students and those who want to know and think about education in a global and intercultural world and new forms of communication to face learning, whether at local or at world level. The mission of all is continue building education, and to facilitate this work in this book are presented contributions and recommendations of professionals around the world that will allow the reader to know, analyze, understand and appreciate the importance of education to prepare students to function with open and critical thinking in a global world. The chapters do not offer a panacea, but offer many ideas on how, through education, prepare citizens for a global and transcultural society.