Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution

Book Description

This book offers a critical reflection on the meaning and expected impact of the fourth industrial revolution, and its implications for industrial policy. Industrial revolutions are considered not only in terms of technological progress, but also in the context of the changing relationship between market and production dynamics, and the social and political conditions enabling the development of new technologies. Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution aims to increase our capacity to anticipate and adapt to the forthcoming structural changes. A concrete illustration of this industrial policy is provided through an experience of its implementation at regional level.

U.S. Manufacturing

Book Description

Evolving rapidly from a mass-produced product orientation to a flexible, solutions-oriented model, the changing manufacturing sector is poised to lead a global economic recovery. Truly an insider's guide to the future of this critical sector, this book provides policy recommendations based on a wealth of information. Despite the appearance of difficult economic times for U.S. manufacturing, that sector of the American economy is actually the most innovative and competitive in the world. Far from being confined to the tired stereotype of Industrial Age commodities, such as steel and mass-produced consumer products, U.S. manufacturing has long been an engine for growth. In the 1990s, this central role was strengthened as new technology development and application spurred higher levels of growth throughout the economy. In its present configuration, manufacturing includes such high-tech industries as fiberoptics and microchips. Globalization has accelerated the growth of the manufacturing sector by increasing competitive pressures to cut costs and develop new products faster, spreading out the fixed costs of R&D and investment. Truly an insider's guide to the future of this critical sector, this book provides policy recommendations based on a wealth of information. Evolving rapidly from a mass-produced product orientation to a flexible, solutions-oriented model, the changing manufacturing sector is poised to lead a global economic recovery. But it can do so only if the right policies are in place in the United States. To that end, the editors of this volume recommend fiscal and tort reform, higher educational achievement, and continued deregulation. At the international level, further trade liberalization and steps to reduce the trade deficit are recommended to ensure the staying power of U.S. competitiveness, particularly for technology-intensive industries.

The New Industrial World

Book Description

In The New Industrial World: Manufacturing Development in the Course of the Globalization Age, Romano and Traù analyse industrial development, focussing upon the spreading of manufacturing activities beyond the boundaries of the advanced economies. They explain how this event has completely changed the nature of the relationship between the 'North' and the 'South' of the world, linking them together for the very first time on productive grounds through the development of global value chains. Providing an overall account of the reasons for the Globalization Age to rise and, in later years, to fall, the authors offer a new interpretation of the relationship between globalization and the upsurge of industrialization outside the advanced world, highlighting the role played by industrial policy in the building of manufacturing capabilities in emerging countries. Starting with the great financial crisis that hit the world at the end of the first decade of the 2000s, Romano and Traù explain how a 'new normal' has emerged, the basic features of which can be found in a slowdown of manufacturing growth rates, and in the comeback of distance as a key determinant of economic behaviour (also in light of the upsurge, in later years, of exogenous shocks such as the pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian war).

Territory, specialization and globalization in European Manufacturing

Book Description

Although traditional manufacturing (textiles, clothing, footwear, furniture, etc) has been in decline in developed countries, it still represents an important part of European employment due to its labour-intensive character. Moreover, its geographical concentration particularly exposes certain regions of Europe to job loss as the industry declines. This book provides an explanation for the differences observed in the impact of globalization which is based on the influence of the territory and of the production specialization of the firms. The conclusions presented in the book are withdrawn from a detailed study of the Spanish textile-clothing sector. The book highlights the intensity of the relationship between the organizational model of the territory where the firms are located (high concentration of interrelated firms in a well-defined geographical area called "industrial district"), the specialization strategy implemented and the globalization of the economy. It also suggests the need to consider those factors as interdependent determinants of firm performance, particularly given the current trend for firms to simultaneously concentrate geographically and multilocalize domestically and internationally. The proposed methodology of analysis can be used to study other manufacturing sectors in other European countries.

Trouble in the Making?

Book Description

Technology and globalization are threatening manufacturing’s traditional ability to deliver both productivity and jobs at a large scale for unskilled workers. Concerns about widening inequality within and across countries are raising questions about whether interventions are needed and how effective they could be. Trouble in the Making? The Future of Manufacturing-Led Development addresses three questions: - How has the global manufacturing landscape changed and why does this matter for development opportunities? - How are emerging trends in technology and globalization likely to shape the feasibility and desirability of manufacturing-led development in the future? - If low wages are going to be less important in defining competitiveness, how can less industrialized countries make the most of new opportunities that shifting technologies and globalization patterns may bring? The book examines the impacts of new technologies (i.e., the Internet of Things, 3-D printing, and advanced robotics), rising international competition, and increased servicification on manufacturing productivity and employment. The aim is to inform policy choices for countries currently producing and for those seeking to enter new manufacturing markets. Increased polarization is a risk, but the book analyzes ways to go beyond focusing on potential disruptions to position workers, firms, and locations for new opportunities.

From Global to Local

Book Description

This brilliantly original book dismantles the underlying assumptions that drive the decisions made by companies and governments throughout the world, to show that our shared narrative of the global economy is deeply flawed. If left unexamined, they will lead corporations and countries astray, with dire consequences for us all. For the past fifty years or so, the global economy has been run on three big assumptions: that globalization will continue to spread, that trade is the engine of growth and development, and that economic power is moving from the West to the East. More recently, it has also been taken as a given that our interconnectedness—both physical and digital—will increase without limit. But what if all these ideas are wrong? What if everything is about to change? What if it has already begun to change but we just haven't noticed? Increased automation, the advent of additive manufacturing (3D printing, for example), and changes in shipping and environmental pressures, among other factors, are coming together to create a fast-changing global economic landscape in which the rules are being rewritten—at once a challenge and an opportunity for companies and countries alike.

Surviving Supply Chain Integration

Book Description

The managed flow of goods and information from raw material to final sale also known as a "supply chain" affects everythingâ€"from the U.S. gross domestic product to where you can buy your jeans. The nature of a company's supply chain has a significant effect on its success or failureâ€"as in the success of Dell Computer's make-to-order system and the failure of General Motor's vertical integration during the 1998 United Auto Workers strike. Supply Chain Integration looks at this crucial component of business at a time when product design, manufacture, and delivery are changing radically and globally. This book explores the benefits of continuously improving the relationship between the firm, its suppliers, and its customers to ensure the highest added value. This book identifies the state-of-the-art developments that contribute to the success of vertical tiers of suppliers and relates these developments to the capabilities that small and medium-sized manufacturers must have to be viable participants in this system. Strategies for attaining these capabilities through manufacturing extension centers and other technical assistance providers at the national, state, and local level are suggested. This book identifies action steps for small and medium-sized manufacturersâ€"the "seed corn" of business start-up and developmentâ€"to improve supply chain management. The book examines supply chain models from consultant firms, universities, manufacturers, and associations. Topics include the roles of suppliers and other supply chain participants, the rise of outsourcing, the importance of information management, the natural tension between buyer and seller, sources of assistance to small and medium-sized firms, and a host of other issues. Supply Chain Integration will be of interest to industry policymakers, economists, researchers, business leaders, and forward-thinking executives.

Growth in a Time of Change

Book Description

Growth in a Time of Change: Global and Country Perspectives on a New Agenda is the first of a two-book research project that addresses new issues and challenges for economic growth arising from ongoing significant change in the world economy, focusing especially on technological transformation. The project is a collaboration between the Brookings Institution and the Korea Development Institute. Part I of the book looks at key elements of change from a global perspective. It analyzes how technological change, shifts in investment, and demographic transition are affecting potential economic growth globally and across major groups of economies. The contributors explore possible scenarios for the global economy as the digital revolution drives rapid technological change, including impacts on growth, jobs, income distribution, trade balances, and capital flows. Technology is changing the global configuration of comparative advantage and globalization increasingly has a digital dimension. The implications of these developments for the future of sectors such as manufacturing and for international trade are assessed. Part II of the book addresses new issues in the growth agenda from the perspective of an individual major economy: South Korea. The chapters in this section analyze how macroeconomic developments and technological change are influencing the behavior of households and firms in terms of their decisions to consume, save, and invest. Rising income and wealth inequalities are a major concern globally. Against this backdrop, trends in the labor income share and wage inequalities in South Korea are analyzed in terms of the role played by technology, industrial concentration, shifts in labor demand and supply, and other factors. Throughout the book, the contributors, in their analysis of both global and Korea-specific trends and prospects, place emphasis on drawing implications for policy.

Global Production and Trade in East Asia

Book Description

Global Production and Trade in East Asia focuses on the profound change that the traditional paradigm of production and international trade has undergone in the last two decades or so as a result of worldwide trade and investment liberalization. This ongoing transformation has been both aided and stimulated by advances in telecommunications, transportation, and information management. The liberalization of trade and investment on the one hand and advances in communications technology on the other have further promoted global production networks in which vertical stages of final goods are fragmented across countries. International fragmentation of production, which enables international division of labor not only in final products but also in vertically related components, is more evident than ever before. The book documents the process of international production fragmentation and trade in East Asian economies, studies the mechanics of the process, explores the theory behind the phenomenon, and identifies important policy implications. It focuses on production fragmentation and trade in East Asia because this is the part of the world where the phenomenon is most visible. With contribution by well-known international economics scholars from North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific, the book distinguishes itself with high global quality and rich regional content. It achieves a fine balance between theory, policy, and empirical work. This book will interest scholars of international trade, foreign investment and international business, regional specialists in East Asian economies, policymakers and advisors in international economic relations, and anyone else who follows important economic issues of globalization.