Globalization, Trade Imbalances and Labor Market Adjustment

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We study the role of global trade imbalances in shaping the adjustment dynamics in response to trade shocks. We build and estimate a general equilibrium, multi-country, multi-sector model of trade with two key ingredients: (a) Consumption-saving decisions in each country commanded by representative households, leading to endogenous trade imbalances; (b) labor market frictions across and within sectors, leading to unemployment dynamics and sluggish transitions to shocks. We use the estimated model to study the behavior of labor markets in response to globalization shocks, including shocks to technology, trade costs, and inter-temporal preferences (savings gluts). We find that modeling trade imbalances changes both qualitatively and quantitatively the short- and long-run implications of globalization shocks for labor reallocation and unemployment dynamics. In a series of empirical applications, we study the labor market effects of shocks accrued to the global economy, their implications for the gains from trade, and we revisit the "China Shock" through the lens of our model. We show that the US enjoys a 2.2% gain in response to globalization shocks. These gains would have been 73% larger in the absence of the global savings glut, but they would have been 40% smaller in a balanced-trade world.

Globalization, Trade Imbalances and Labor Market Adjustment

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We argue that modeling trade imbalances is crucial to understanding transitional dynamics in response to globalization shocks. We build and estimate a general equilibrium, multi-country, multi-sector model of trade with two key ingredients: (a) endogenous trade imbalances arising from households' consumption and saving decisions; (b) labor market frictions across and within sectors. We use our model to perform several empirical exercises. We find that the “China shock” accounted for 25% of the decline in US manufacturing between 2000 and 2014--twice the magnitude predicted from a model imposing balanced trade. A concurrent rise in US service employment led to a negligible aggregate unemployment response. We then benchmark our model's predictions for the gains from trade against the popular “ACR” sufficient statistics approach. We find that our predictions for the long-run gains from trade and consumption dynamics significantly diverge.

Sticky Feet

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The analysis in this report confirms the findings of previous studies that trade liberalization improves aggregate welfare and is in the long run associated with higher employment and wages. The analysis addresses a major gap in the literature, which has heretofore provided limited evidence about the trade-related adjustment costs faced by workers in developing countries and how they are affected by mobility costs. Labor market frictions reduce the potential gains from trade reform. For a tariff reduction in a given sector, the resulting change in relative prices raises real wages in some sectors and reduces them in the liberalized sector. The emerging wage gaps lead to labor reallocation. But workers typically incur costs to change jobs; the higher the mobility costs, the slower the transition to the new labor market steady state. Workers’ sticky feet result in foregone welfare gains from trade. This report presents an estimation strategy for capturing mobility costs when only net flows of workers between industries are observed, generating cross-country estimates for 47 developed and developing countries. The basic analytical approach is then refined to take advantage of micro-level data on worker transitions and wages when gross flows can be observed to derive mobility cost estimates that account for sector and formality status. These cost estimates are used to model the dynamic paths of labor reallocation between sectors and in and out of the labor force, the associated wage paths, and the resulting labor adjustment costs. The main findings of the report are that: labor mobility costs in developing countries are high; foregone trade gains due to frictions in labor mobility can also be substantial; workers bear the brunt of adjustment costs; mobility costs and labor market adjustments to trade-related shocks vary by industry, firm type, and worker type; entry costs are significantly higher for formal than for informal employment; trade reforms increase economy-wide wages and employment; and workers displaced by plant closings are likely to face relatively long adjustment periods. The findings provide insights that could be helpful to policymakers hoping to mitigate negative short-term consequences of trade liberalization and facilitate labor adjustment.

The Assessment

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Over the last two decades there has been a significant deterioration in the labour-market outcomes of less-skilled labour in most OECD countries. This has manifested itself either in terms of a decline in wages relative to the most skilled, or in terms of the relative likelihood of being in work. Much recent research has focused on the impact of trade and skill-biased technical change as alternative explanations of the phenomenon; some has also investigated the role of cross-border investment and migration. This paper reviews recent research on globalization and labour-market adjustment and sets the scene for the papers that follow.

Labor Market Adjustment to Globalization, Automation, and Institutional Reform

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This thesis analyzes how national and local labor markets re equilibrate after shocks to labor market institutions (Chapter I), demand (II-III), and supply (IV). Chapter I analyzes Germany's 2005 Hartz IV reform, which lowered the generosity of longterm UI benefits available once short-term benefits run out. Using administrative records, I exploit cross-worker heterogeneity in the timing of when Hartz IV bites to estimate how long-term benefit cuts affect jobless durations, wages, and job characteristics. The job-finding hazard starts rising several months before cuts bind, culminating in a larger "spike at UI exhaustion" under Hartz IV. I find that UI reform reduced the probability of a one-year jobless spell by 12.4 percent, with employment gains driven by full-time jobs. Consistent with lower reservation utility, workers experiencing benefit cuts accept lower-paying jobs. Chapter II (joint with Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon Hanson) argues that Chinese import competition, which surged after 2000, was a major force behind both recent reductions in US manufacturing employment and-through input-output linkages and other general equilibrium channels-weak overall job growth. Our central estimates suggest import induced job losses over 1999-2011 in the range of 2.0-2.4 million. Chapter III (joint as above) reassesses the conventional wisdom that IT is revolutionizing productivity while making workers redundant. Examining IT usage in US manufacturing, we find only mixed evidence of faster productivity growth in IT-intensive industries. Surprisingly, output in IT-intensive industries falls relative to other manufacturing industries. Productivity increases, when detectable, reflect even faster employment declines. Chapter IV exploits German high school reforms to estimate the labor market effects of sharp fluctuations in cohort size. These reforms, which eliminated grade 13 at upper-track high schools, led to an idiosyncratically timed "double cohort" in each reforming state, as students graduated under both old and new curricula. Consistent with the fact that a modest share of upper-track students enter firm-based apprenticeships after graduation, new training contracts jump by about 2 percent in double-cohort years. This increase is driven by upper-track graduates; I find no clear evidence that other graduates are crowded out, but the results are imprecise.

Labor Markets in the Global Economy

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The strikingly different labor market performance of major industrial countries suggests that neither globalization nor skill-biased technological change necessarily result in rising unemployment or declining wages of low-skilled workers. Rather, globalization and technological change cause labor market problems in those economies that fail to adjust sectoral production structures in accordance with their comparative advantages. Labor market outcomes in Germany - especially when compared with the United States - suggest that high unemployment is the price for insufficient wage flexibility. However, the experience of Japan and the United Kingdom points to missing links in the debate on labor market effects of globalization and skill-biased technological change. In Japan, both unemployment and wage disparities remained low. The contrasting experience is provided by the United Kingdom, where the rising wage gap did not prevent high unemployment of low-skilled workers. All major industrial countries have been confronted with fiercer import competition and outsourcing in low-skill labor-intensive industries. But the response to this common challenge has different remarkably. Japan has outperformed its major competitors in restructuring manufacturing employment towards more sophisticated lines of production, and in achieving an appropriate pattern of trade specialization. Hence, structural change is the key to avoid labor market problems in the era of globalization. Different labor market outcomes are closely related to differences in the rate of factor accumulation, which comprises physical, human and technological capital. Especially industrial countries currently plagued with high unemployment have little choice but to forego consumption today in order to improve future real incomes and employment opportunities of lowskilled workers. Thus, successful structural change does not come for free.