Giving Globalization a Human Face

Book Description

This General Survey, which deals with all eight fundamental Conventions, seeks to give a global picture of the law and practice in member States in terms of the practical application of ratified and non-ratified Conventions, describing the various positive initiatives undertaken in some countries, in addition to certain serious problems encountered in the implementation of their provisions. The General Survey recognizes the interdependence and complementarity between these Conventions and their universal applicability, while bearing in mind the specificities covered by each Convention. The General Survey also highlights the main considerations elaborated by the Committee of Experts, as well as its corresponding guidance in order to achieve fuller conformity with the fundamental Conventions. The General Survey seeks to do this by analysing the scope, methods and difficulties of application for all eight Conventions, the most salient thematic features pertaining to each Convention, as well as their enforcement and impact.

Development with a Human Face

Book Description

With reference to developing countries.

The Human Face of Globalization

Book Description

International immigration, massive migrations, economic globalization and a world-wide communications revolution have brought about a mixing of races, cultures and lifestyles unprecedented in human history. What are the implications of this phenomenon? What options present themselves...a battle of cultures for power; a move toward communitarian cooperation, or, something new, the evolution of racially and culturally mixed societies? Anthropologist and sociologist Jacques Audinet proposes an alternative to culture wars and simple multiculturalism as he explores the history and evolution of mestizaje, the mixing of races and cultures resulting in a third and new force able to ease the tensions between the original two. Audinet reviews the tragic history of imperial and colonial conquests and traces the growth of mestizaje, especially stimulated by literature, music and sports. Audinet argues that, instead of chasing or preserving the illusion of "pure" races, we need to face the shifting boundaries of peoples and cultures. He acknowledges the uncertainty of the changes, but emphasizes the essential role that mestizaje can play in the avoidance of racial and cultural clashes while pursuing equality as part of the promise of a democratic society.

Globalization with a Human Face

Book Description

This collection of essays reflects a wide array of realities and experiences of people from different areas of the world, including England, Nicaragua, Colombia, Spain, and Guatemala. Globalization requires innovation and adaptation, things that are easier for some countries to achieve than others. This book states that the current form of globalization allows the West to dominate the world market at the expense of other countries. This collection challenges the framework of globalization and provides practical advice for making globalization beneficial to all countries. This volume seeks to transform globalization into something productive for humanity as a whole. The nature and history of globalization is discussed as well as its impact on the Third World. New approaches to globalization are presented, as well as the rationale of these recommendations. The book shows that globalization can be reworked in order to include all countries, from the First to Third World.