Gobernanza de las industrias extractivas : política, historia, ideas

Book Description

Las ideas para el proyecto de investigación sobre el cual se basa este trabajo se empezaron a gestar lentamente en 2012, como parte de discusiones más amplias al interior del Centro de Investigación sobre Estados Eficaces y Desarrollo Inclusivo (Effective States and Inclusive Development, ESID), un esfuerzo de colaboración internacional entre centros de investigación coordinado por el Instituto para el Desarrollo Global (Global Development Institute) en la Universidad de Mánchester. La pregunta unificadora del ESID fue la siguiente: ¿Qué tipo de dinámicas políticas pueden ayudar a garantizar el desarrollo inclusivo y cómo estas pueden promoverse? El proyecto de investigación indagaba sobre cómo podían entenderse en el largo plazo las interacciones entre acuerdos políticos, gobernanza de la industria extractiva y patrones de inclusión. Cada uno de los autores había trabajado el tema de las industrias extractivas durante varios años y era más que evidente que las dinámicas políticas constituían un elemento central de la manera en que se aplica la gobernanza en este sector. Sin embargo, el reto de encontrar un lenguaje formal para hablar sobre esta dimensión política y de hacerlo de manera tal que permita una comparación sistemática y una síntesis a través de diferentes contextos de país despertaba nuestro interés. Y así empezó la iniciativa que ha culminado en este libro.

forum for inter-american research Vol 6

Book Description

Volume 6 of 6 of the complete premium print version of journal forum for inter-american research (fiar), which is the official electronic journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS). fiar was established by the American Studies Program at Bielefeld University in 2008. We foster a dialogic and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Americas. fiar is a peer-reviewed online journal. Articles in this journal undergo a double-blind review process and are published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Transparent Governance in an Age of Abundance

Book Description

During the last decade, the Latin American and Caribbean region has experienced unprecedented natural resources abundance. This book highlights how transparency can help realize the benefits and reduce negative externalities associated with the extractive industries in the region. A central message is that high-quality and well-managed information is critical to ensure the transparent and effective governance of the sector. The insights from experiences in the region can help policymakers design and implement effective regulatory reforms and adopt international standards that contribute to this goal. This is particularly important at a time when the recent boom experienced by extractives in the region may be coming to an end.

Resource Radicals

Book Description

In 2007, the left came to power in Ecuador. In the years that followed, the “twenty-first-century socialist” government and a coalition of grassroots activists came to blows over the extraction of natural resources. Each side declared the other a perversion of leftism and the principles of socioeconomic equality, popular empowerment, and anti-imperialism. In Resource Radicals, Thea Riofrancos unpacks the conflict between these two leftisms: on the one hand, the administration's resource nationalism and focus on economic development; and on the other, the anti-extractivism of grassroots activists who condemned the government's disregard for nature and indigenous communities. In this archival and ethnographic study, Riofrancos expands the study of resource politics by decentering state resource policy and locating it in a field of political struggle populated by actors with conflicting visions of resource extraction. She demonstrates how Ecuador's commodity-dependent economy and history of indigenous uprisings offer a unique opportunity to understand development, democracy, and the ecological foundations of global capitalism.

Planetary Mine

Book Description

A clarion call to rethink natural resource extraction beyond the extractive industries Planetary Mine rethinks the politics and territoriality of resource extraction, especially as the mining industry becomes reorganized in the form of logistical networks, and East Asian economies emerge as the new pivot of the capitalist world-system. Through an exploration of the ways in which mines in the Atacama Desert of Chile—the driest in the world—have become intermingled with an expanding constellation of megacities, ports, banks, and factories across East Asia, the book rethinks uneven geographical development in the era of supply chain capitalism. Arguing that extraction entails much more than the mere spatiality of mine shafts and pits, Planetary Mine points towards the expanding webs of infrastructure, of labor, of finance, and of struggle, that drive resource-based industries in the twenty-first century.

Understanding and Managing Tourism Impacts

Book Description

This book discusses the complexity of understanding how tourism impacts the world and how the world impacts tourism – from the global scale to the local and individual scale.

Indigenous Responses to Mining in Post-Conflict Colombia

Book Description

This book examines Indigenous responses to mining and their connection to peacebuilding, focusing on the experience of the Nasa Indigenous people of North Cauca during the most recent Colombian post-agreement transition. Amid an armed conflict that has disproportionally affected and targeted the Nasa, as well as ongoing processes of dispossession and oppression, the Nasa have built a tradition of organised, peaceful resistance. This book examines the nature of their responses to mining and how this is linked to peacebuilding, with a focus on how resistance is shaped and enacted to respond to the relationship mineral extraction has with violence and peace. The work is exploratory, ethnographic and interdisciplinary in nature, sitting in the intersection between the anthropology of mining, development studies and peace and conflict studies. The author presents and analyses narratives, participant responses, and her own experiences to illustrate the context and interconnected processes shaping Nasa responses to mining during this transition period. The book will bring international readers closer to these intricate dynamics, where access is otherwise limited because of security, cultural, linguistic and other barriers. The book provides a novel perspective on post-conflict mining governance by focusing on the Nasa’s active role in responding to mining in a post-agreement, transitional context. It highlights, and encourages engagement with, the often-overlooked role of morality in debates about nature and development. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners of the extractive industries, natural resource management, conflict management and peacebuilding, Indigenous Peoples and Latin American studies.

Environmental Governance in Latin America

Book Description

This book is open access under a CC-BY license. The multiple purposes of nature – livelihood for communities, revenues for states, commodities for companies, and biodiversity for conservationists – have turned environmental governance in Latin America into a highly contested arena. In such a resource-rich region, unequal power relations, conflicting priorities, and trade-offs among multiple goals have led to a myriad of contrasting initiatives that are reshaping social relations and rural territories. This edited collection addresses these tensions by unpacking environmental governance as a complex process of formulating and contesting values, procedures and practices shaping the access, control and use of natural resources. Contributors from various fields address the challenges, limitations, and possibilities for a more sustainable, equal, and fair development. In this book, environmental governance is seen as an overarching concept defining the dynamic and multi-layered repertoire of society-nature interactions, where images of nature and discourses on the use of natural resources are mediated by contextual processes at multiple scales.

Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation

Book Description

The central aim of this publication is to consider the key elements of a modern, comprehensive, and effective legal framework for successful management of protected areas. They provide practical guidance for all those involved in developing, improving, or reviewing national legislation on protected areas, be they legal drafters and practitioners, protected area managers, interested NGOs, or scholars. These guidelines include fifteen case studies, eight dealing with the protected area legislation of individual countries and six cases dealing with specific sites providing fundamental solutions that stand the test of time.

Alternative Pathways to Sustainable Development: Lessons from Latin America

Book Description

This 9th volume of International Development Policy looks at recent paradigmatic innovations and related development trajectories in Latin America, with a particular focus on the Andean region. It examines the diverse development narratives and experiences in countries such as Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru during a period of high commodity prices associated with robust growth, poverty alleviation and inequality reduction. Highlighting propositions such as buen vivir, this thematic volume questions whether competing ideologies and discourses have translated into different outcomes, be it with regard to environmental sustainability, social progress, primary commodity dependence, or the rights of indigenous peoples. This collection of articles aims to enrich our understanding of recent development debates and processes in Latin America, and what the rest of the world can learn from them. Contributors include: Adriana Erthal Abdenur, Alberto Acosta, Ana Elizabeth Bastida, Luis Bustos, Humberto Campodónico, Gilles Carbonnier, Ana Patricia Cubillo-Guevara, Fernando Eguren, Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, Eduardo García, Javier Herrera, Antonio Luis Hidalgo-Capitán, Robert Muggah, Gianandrea Nelli Feroci, José Antonio Ocampo, Camilo Andrés Peña Galeano, Guillermo Perry, Darío Indalecio Restrepo Botero, Sergio Tezanos Vázquez, and Frédérique Weyer.