Gobierno electrónico y percepción sobre la corrupción

Book Description

A pesar del hecho de que la tecnología tiene cada vez mayor presencia en la sociedad moderna y el desarrollo del Gobierno electrónico (eGobierno) es cada vez más avanzado, esto no se refleja necesariamente en una reducción de la percepción de corrupción, especialmente en América Latina. Este trabajo de investigación doctoral examina la relación entre el desarrollo del eGobierno en los países latinoamericanos y la percepción de corrupción que tienen sus ciudadanos, buscando encontrar factores intervinientes para explicar esa relación. Los factores o variables intervinientes definidas son institucionalidad, madurez de la democracia y confianza política. El objetivo general de la investigación es determinar el grado de relación entre el nivel de desarrollo de eGobierno con la percepción de corrupción por parte de los ciudadanos. Los objetivos secundarios son: a) Determinar cuál es el grado de incidencia entre percepción de la corrupción y otras variables relevantes. b) Identificar a partir de cuál grado de desarrollo del eGobierno empieza a mejorar significativamente la percepción de corrupción por parte de los ciudadanos. c) Dentro del indicador de gobierno electrónico, determinar cuál es el peso específico en la percepción de corrupción de los subindicadores: servicios en línea, infraestructura de telecomunicaciones y capital humano...

The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America

Book Description

This handbook presents contemporary research on public administration in Latin America. The first section explores the range of administrative systems in existence across the region. The second portion of the book discusses important topics such as public personnel management, accountability and policy coordination in Latin America.

Gobierno Abierto: Un análisis de su adopción en los Gobiernos Locales desde las Políticas Públicas

Book Description

El uso masificado de las nuevas tecnologías y la progresiva democratización de Internet han supuesto múltiples transformaciones de la realidad social en los últimos años. Los gobiernos están intentando brindar respuestas a las nuevas formas de interacción social presentes en el panorama cotidiano. Dentro de este esfuerzo, la incorporación de estrategias tecnológicas que permitan diseñar modelos alternativos de gestión pública surgen como una necesidad.En este contexto de configuración de nuevas estrategias de gestión pública se ha producido el surgimiento de un nuevo modelo que ha despertado la atención de académicos, funcionarios públicos y sociedad civil: el Gobierno Abierto (GA). Este modelo emergente propone reinventar la forma de gobernar introduciendo elementos que combinan el uso de nuevas tecnologías y fortalecen los valores democráticos.

Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave

Book Description

Public authorities from all levels of government increasingly turn to Citizens' Assemblies, Juries, Panels and other representative deliberative processes to tackle complex policy problems ranging from climate change to infrastructure investment decisions. They convene groups of people representing a wide cross-section of society for at least one full day – and often much longer – to learn, deliberate, and develop collective recommendations that consider the complexities and compromises required for solving multifaceted public issues.

Corrupt Schools, Corrupt Universities

Book Description

This publication draws conclusions from IIEP's research into ethics and corruption in education. It defines the key concepts of corruption, transparency, accountability and ethics and identifies the main opportunities for corruption in education. It then looks at tools that can be used to assess corruption problems such as perception and tracking surveys. Lessons are drawn from strategies used worldwide to improve transparency and accountability in educational management.

Guidance Note

Book Description

The education sector is vulnerable to a broad range of risks that can threaten development effectiveness. Risks can spring from several factors: substantial share of education in total government expenditure, opportunities for discretionary decision making, political interference and patronage networks, weak sector institutions, and nontransparent and inefficient systems. Vulnerabilities may exist at any stage and among any group of actors from policy makers to education providers and to education beneficiaries. Weak accountability increases the likelihood of misaligned priorities, resource leakages, and poor service delivery. This guidance note aims to explain key features of the education sector and identify entry points for mapping governance risks.

Why INEGI? The saga of a Mexican institution in search of the truth

Book Description

The book presents the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, what is and how it has developed over time, since it was founded in 1983. The Institute is today an eminently technical and at the same time autonomous body of the Mexican State.Beyond a chronology of events, this book raises two needs that have marked the Institute's evolution: the first, to properly measure the many components of reality, whether social, economic or natural; and the second, decisive for the public's trust and whose absence would invalidate the purposes of the previous need, to preserve the information from any consideration, other than strictly professional, in all stages of its production and dissemination.This work conveys INEGI's transcendence as an indispensable institution for the country to respond to the fundamental question, common to all human beings: to know and understand the reality of their environment.

Full Disclosure

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Corruption and Government

Book Description

This new edition of a 1999 classic shows how institutionalized corruption can be fought through sophisticated political-economic reform.

The Rational Spirit in Modern Continuum Mechanics

Book Description

Through his voluminous and in?uential writings, editorial activities, organi- tional leadership, intellectual acumen, and strong sense of history, Clifford - brose Truesdell III (1919–2000) was the main architect for the renaissance of - tional continuum mechanics since the middle of the twentieth century. The present collection of 42 essays and research papers pays tribute to this man of mathematics, science, and natural philosophy as well as to his legacy. The ?rst ?ve essays by B. D. Coleman, E. Giusti, W. Noll, J. Serrin, and D. Speiser were texts of addresses given by their authors at the Meeting in memory of Clifford Truesdell, which was held in Pisa in November 2000. In these essays the reader will ?nd personal reminiscences of Clifford Truesdell the man and of some of his activities as scientist, author, editor, historian of exact sciences, and principal founding member of the Society for Natural Philosophy. The bulk of the collection comprises 37 research papers which bear witness to the Truesdellian legacy. These papers cover a wide range of topics; what ties them together is the rational spirit. Clifford Truesdell, in his address upon receipt of a Birkhoff Prize in 1978, put the essence of modern continuum mechanics succinctly as “conceptual analysis, analysis not in the sense of the technical term but in the root meaning: logical criticism, dissection, and creative scrutiny.