God-Greed Bless America?

Book Description

Lulled into comfort by the luxuries and freedoms enjoyed in the United States, many Christians come to the conclusion that this country must be the recipient of a special blessing from God. Using his keen insight and extensive experience, Joseph Redman dismantles this common belief. Instead, he argues convincingly that our modern culture is structured to reward greed and selfishness, not true godliness. What effect does this have on the strength of the Church as a whole? Through the use of Scripture and commentary based on many years of study, Joseph shows how excessive greed and the abuse of what he calls ego-power are pulling Christians away from the Church. He then challenges us to examine our own lives, and to find a better way to actively express true, Christ-like love to the least of these in our world. Only when we focus on Christ can we view our nation in proper perspective. Joseph Redman does community service as a hospital clown, but there is nothing funny in the arguments he sets out in this book. With passion and insight, he has identified the fixation on wealth as America's Golden Calf, he has called into question the easy identification of God and country, and he has reminded Christian believers of which 'first things' should come first. This is a serious book that deserves to be read seriously. - Mark Noll, Francis A McAnaney Professor, University of Notre Dame, The Search for Christian America

God Bless America

Book Description

"Steve Almond is one of our finest literary provocateurs. His stories are without equal in their beautiful terrible honesty. Stylish and finely wrought, these are tales with the force of life itself.

God Bless America

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Can God Bless America?

Book Description

Recently, and seemingly overnight, the once cliche slogan "God Bless America" became almost a national mantra. John MacArthur gets to the heart of the matter by asking the questions most Americans choose to ignore: "Should God bless America?" and "Is America deserving of blessing?" Turning to the Old Testament, he presents the simple truth of God's word, his blessing has always had conditions. MacArthur calls the Nation to turn back to God by showing us how we can become a nation that is once again blessed by God.

God Bless America

Book Description

God Blessed America No More

Book Description

God Bless America. Is this just a slogan, or did God really ordain that America would be blessed with the greatest material and spiritual blessings of any nation on earth? Amazingly, over 4000 years ago God implemented a plan that has resulted in prosperity and wealth that these United States of America enjoys above any other nation on our earth. Our founding fathers seemed to know this and proclaimed it on their knees. Sadly, God promised something else; "if you will not yet hearken to me, I will break the pride of your power" Lev. 26:18-19. That is what is happening to America today. With all our military power and technology, we cannot stop the suicide bombers, the hijackers, and the terrorists. They have the will and the means to destroy our way of life. With all of our religious enlightenment, we are satisfied with the slaughter of millions of innocent and helpless babies each year and call it Freedom of Choice. We spew out filth from a unparalleled sources and call it Art. We all allow a godless few to shout deplorable vulgarities against the Son of God and everything that is holy and call it Freedom of Speech. All of this taking place because God is permitting evil men to openly advocate our national destruction, and are determined to carry out their threat. How much longer will God wait? Read from the pages of His Word, outlined here. Discover how He has blessed our nation, how these blessings came about, and how He is now removing his divine hand opening the way for a national judgment that is rapidly coming upon us.

God Bless America

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God Bless America

Book Description

God Bless America

Book Description

God Bless America is a powerful and captivating analysis of the social, legal, economic, political and religious fabric of American life and governance, through the lenses of Justice, Truth and Compassion. Social commentator, diversity consultant and psychotherapist Dr. Melvin James, posits that an application of these lenses is critical for Americaâs moral restoration in this twenty-first century. Topics include: Where was God on September 11?; Who is an American?; America, Corporate Greed and Poverty; The Prevalence of Racism; Truth and Political Correctness; Legal Injustice by Design; A Message to African Americans; Hurricane Katrina and Moral Visual Impairment; America: A City on a Hill; America and Democracy; America and the World. A series of chapter questions can stimulate dynamic group discussions in community, educational, religious and political settings. The book can serve as a supplementary text for college courses in the social sciences, education and religion.

God Bless America!

Book Description