God Manifest in the Flesh

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Manifested in the Flesh

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Christ as the Reality

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Jesus Christ Is God Almighty

Book Description

1 Timothy 3:16 KJV And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.Jesus Christ is God Almighty, yet many Trinitarian churches have put him as the 2nd person in their Trinity and taught millions this fallacy...This book explains why, and how you can have victory over it!!! In Jesus Name...Amen...

The Word Made Flesh

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Christ and His Righteousness

Book Description

Ellet Joseph Waggoner (1855 – 1916) was a leading Seventh-day Adventist preacher and writer. In his famous book Christ and His Righteousness, he writes, "Christ has been set forth by God as the One through whom forgiveness of sins is to be obtained; and this forgiveness consists simply in the declaration of His righteousness (which is the righteousness of God) for their remission. God, “who is rich in mercy” (Eph. 2:4), and who delights in it, puts His own righteousness on the sinner who believes in Jesus, as a substitute for his sins. Surely, this is a profitable exchange for the sinner, and it is no loss to God, for He is infinite in holiness, and the supply can never be diminished." Chapters include: 1. How Shall We Consider Christ? 2. Is Christ God? 3. Is Christ a Created Being? 4. God Manifest in the Flesh 5. Important Practical Lessons 6. Christ the Lawgiver 7. The Righteousness of God 8. The Lord Our Righteousness 9. Acceptance With God 10. The Victory of Faith 11. Bond-Servants and Freemen 12. Practical Illustrations of Deliverance From Bondage