God Isn't Finished with Me Yet

Book Description

2019 Illumination Book Awards, Gold: Christian Living 2019 Living Now Book Awards, Gold: Meditation/Relaxation 2019 Best Book Awards, Finalist: Health: Aging/50+ 2018 Independent Press Awards, Winner: Aging I haven’t finished with my life, and neither has God. As we see fewer years ahead than behind, it can be easy to question our value or what we have left to contribute to our communities. How can we continue to give back and live with purpose in our later years? Barbara Lee is living this reality every day, and in this book she describes the intersection of aging with the timelessness of Ignatian spirituality. God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet shows readers how God meets us with unexpected grace. In five succinct chapters, Lee shows how Ignatian prayer and discernment offer those in later life a path to discovering previously unknown vocations and new ways of living and being of service. You’re still living your life, and God is still revealing His grace.

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table

Book Description

Louie Giglio helps you find encouragement, hope, and strength in the midst of any valley as you reject the enemy voices of fear, rage, lust, insecurity, anxiety, despair, temptation, or defeat. Scripture is clear: the Enemy is a liar who will stop at nothing to tempt you into poor decisions and self-defeating mindsets, making you feel afraid, angry, anxious, or defeated. It is all too easy for Satan to weasel his way into a seat at the table intended for only you and your King. But you can fight back. Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table outlines the ways to overcome those lies so you can find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation. With the same bold, exciting approach to Scripture as employed in Goliath Must Fall and his other previous works, pastor Louie Giglio examines Psalm 23 in fresh ways, highlighting verse 5: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." You can find freedom from insecurity, temptation, and defeat--if you allow Jesus, the Shepherd, to lead the battle for your mind and heart. This spiritual warfare book for those who are leery of spiritual warfare books will resonate with Louie's core Passion tribe as well as with Christians of all ages who want to live a triumphant life in God.

God's Not Done with Me Yet

Book Description

A story of survival, courage, compassion, forgiveness, and redemption. An emotional rollercoaster that will move you to tears. The author's real-life story of enduring a childhood of abuse that no child should experience. Pursuing his dreams of acting to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood while trying to escape his memories of the past through a wild and unsavory life of alcohol, drugs, and sex. Jails, suicide attempts. Getting clean and sober. Ultimately coming to Christ, surviving cancer, and embarking on mission work. You will journey with the author back to his childhood, re-living his life as he struggles with his demons. Ultimately to see the miracles that have taken place through God and Jesus Christ. His realization that God was always there and that God is still not done with him yet.

Breathe Again

Book Description

What Do You Do When It Seems God Hasn’t Come Through for You? When the miracle-working God whom Pastor Stacy Henagan loved and served did not answer the prayers on behalf of her terminally ill one-year-old daughter as expected, she was left crushed with grief and struggling to understand. How could a loving God allow this to happen? What do you do when it seems God has let you down? Is God trustworthy? Rather than choosing to remain in overwhelming pain and doubt, Stacy emerged with a much greater belief that God is good and trustworthy, even when we don’t think His plans make sense. Links to an in-depth study guide and 5-part video teaching series are available on stacyhenaganbook.com.

God's Not Finished With Me Yet

Book Description

Sunday morning. Church as usual. The worship team finished singing, the offering was collected. Pastor Craft turned the service over to me. I ascended to the pulpit. "Have you ever wrestled with God? I have," I declared. My sermon was about the importance of being honest with yourself and sharing your struggles with others. I invited those who were proud of their deliverance to join me on the platform, but how could I reciprocate given my hidden proclivities? I felt the urging of the Holy Spirit to admit my own struggle. Confession was good for the soul, right? Yet, I continued to wrestle with God. I can't tell them, Lord. What will they think of me? How can I hurt them by exposing my shame? This will just kill them. But the prompting of the Spirit was unmistakable... So I named the beast.

God Is Not Through with Me Yet

Book Description

Thelma Wells has known a lifetime of achievements and victories over obstacles, as well as a wealth of meaningful relationships and abundant ministry to countless others. But recently, God led her into dark valleys–including an almost fatal illness–as part of His plan to deepen her firsthand knowledge of Himself as the Great I AM. This rich experience is what she shares with you, along with plenty of smiles and laughter, in God Is Not Through with Me Yet. She’s the first to say, “Thelma doesn’t have it all together. No one has it all together.” But the Lord has filled her heart to overflowing with new appreciation for His loving wisdom and His healing truth. It’s an overflow that spills out, with clarity, and humor, on every page of this book. With personal stories and solid biblical teaching that open your heart to God’s truth, Thelma guides you to a deeper faith and an exuberant desire to follow your Lord…even through your life’s most turbulent storms. With the warmth of a grandmother, the wit of a jokester, and the wisdom of a woman in the Word, Thelma opens your eyes to the full wholeness God has for you.

Today We Win

Book Description

What does winning look like for you? Today, our constant access to analytics and instant feedback comes with a problem: there are no ready-made scoreboards for our lives. However, this doesn't stop us from keeping score. Internally, we tally points, and those points calibrate our emotional lives. They drive our decisions, self-perceptions, and actions in surprising-sometimes destructive-ways. Discover a system for finding your purpose, choosing where to grow, understanding what success looks like, defining how to get there, and knowing how to win every day. Not just for yourself, but for everyone in your life.

Answering God's Call

Book Description

God’s call for us doesn’t end when we retire. In fact, many of our biblical saints were in their later years before God called them to the adventures for which we know them: leadership, new life, transformation, healing. Their lives demonstrate that true callings are discerned not simply through reason and circumstance but also through self-knowledge and conversation with God. In Answering God's Call, spiritual director Barbara Lee uses Scripture-focused prayer to help readers connect with some of our elder saints and consider what God reveals to us through their lives. We will spend time with Anna and Abram, Simon’s mother-in-law and Namaan the Syrian, a widow, a leper, a king, and a late-in-life mother-to-be, among others, who will open for us the calls to trust humility stillness forgiveness service radical change letting go choosing caregiving courage... Dare to receive what your life is now—and ask God how to live it best.

Reflections of God's Grace

Book Description

Reflections of Gods Grace is a collection of devotional messages that have simple, yet profound illustrations for Godly living. They are reminders for many of us of what we have learned through sermons, songs and Scripture. Each devotion has a group of scriptures to support the message because Gods Word is most important. Psalm 119:11 says, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. These devotions will challenge you to examine your heart and your walk with the Lord, and help you become a brighter Reflection of Gods Grace.

A Teacher Called Nicodemus

Book Description

In a day when most religious leaders were known for their efforts to discredit the ministry of Jesus, there came one who earnestly sought Him. In a day when most religious leaders mocked Jesus as He hung on a cross, there came one who meekly helped bury His body. And in a day when most religious leaders felt threatened by Jesus, there came one who courageously chose to take a stand for Him.This is the story of a teacher called Nicodemus who God used to teach what it means to seek God, not only in word, but also in deed. Just as his life was a testimony to the people of his day, it remains an example to us today.There is an adage that says, "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Nicodemus was a humble man who willingly stood boldly for truth. Explore his story through this novella - the portion you may already know, and the rest of the story that could have been.