God's Poiema

Book Description

You think what you feel; you say what you think. Words are nothing less than expressions of the heart i.e.,..."out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Matthew 12:34. My poetry has its origin from my heart-what I feel (and know), what I have experienced from an intimate relationship with the lover of my soul, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:10 says, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." In this verse, the word "workmanship" comes from the Greek root word "poiema" (pronounced poi' a ma), a thing that is made; created; a workmanship, and where we get our word poem. Each one of us has been given gifts, talents, and abilities that enable us to do the "good works" that God "hath before ordained", or planned for us to do "that we should walk in them". We are the ryhthm, the meter of His heartbeat. It is my prayer you will find encouragement, hope, peace, and joy while reading this book of poetry, for I am His workmanship, His poem.

God’s Poiema Vol. II

Book Description

“God’s Poiema, Vol. II”, is poetry portraying the human experience of joy, suffering, doubt, mercy, loss, forgiveness, and grace. The author’s poems render the reader a point of decision-making and a personal need for intimacy with God.


Book Description

God calls us his poiema, his workmanship, and in this collection of poetry Cherie Burbach ponders the divine blessings of life, from the struggles we face to the times we celebrate each other. This collection contains over 160 poems covering themes of faith, forgiveness, love, and self-worth.

Opening King David

Book Description

The human experience is an intimate, tough, and, at times, hilarious conversation with what is familiar and what is mystery. Poetry at its best turns this conversation into art and teaches by example how to employ language creatively and courageously--even coyly--in exploring the full range of human response to whatever life may deliver. Certainly the biblical Psalms set the highest of standards in this regard. In Opening King David, Davis takes aim at making contemporary poems in conversation with the Psalms; his personal, cultural, and natural surroundings; and the wonder and mess of his own soul. As a painter with all colors at his disposal, Davis writes with the full spectrum of his available vocabulary, sometimes reaching for the glorious ineffable, at other times bluntly telling it like it--darkly--is. Neither devotional nor inspirational nor religious, these human poems take God seriously and honor our common struggle toward what Saint Paul calls "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."


Book Description

Discover how to live out your unique calling from an unlikely biblical pairing At first glance, Esther and Jonah don't have much in common. Esther is an orphan girl, out of place in royal courts, who nonetheless becomes queen and saves her beloved Jewish people. Jonah is a reluctant prophet who ran as hard as he could from God. And when he finally gave in and his efforts eventually saved his enemies, he did nothing but complain. While Esther and Jonah endured wildly different circumstances and had distinctly singular callings, they were both appointed by God. They were placed in a certain time and space in history. God carried them through unique experiences and gave them specific gifts. Despite their opposite attitudes of willingness, their lives are proof of the great things we can accomplish when we follow God's call. In this nine-week inductive Bible study, Jodie Niznik invites you to learn that you too are uniquely equipped and called by God for a particular assignment in a specific time and place. Now you stand at a crossroads, and the choice is yours. Will you choose to boldly respond like Esther or will you fight your calling like Jonah? With thoughtful questions and practical exercises, Niznik will gently help you examine your life through the lens of Scripture and take brave, bold steps forward into the life you long for!

First Sips

Book Description

First Sips describes the inward expression of God, His heart, His Spirit towards you! His first and utmost desire is that you experience all His heart offers you!

The Life You've Always Wanted

Book Description

Ignite a deeper, more vibrant relationship with God that impacts not just your spiritual life but every aspect of your daily life. John Ortberg calls readers back to the dynamic heartbeat of Christianity--God's power to bring change and growth--and reveals how and why transformation takes place. The Life You've Always Wanted offers modern perspectives on the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines. But it is more than just a book about things to do to be a good Christian. It's a road map toward true transformation that starts not with the individual but with the person at the journey's end--Jesus Christ. As with a marathon runner, the secret to finishing a race lies not in trying harder, but in training consistently--training with the spiritual disciplines. The disciplines are neither taskmasters nor ends in themselves. Rather they are exercises that build strength and endurance for the road of growth. The fruit of the Spirit--joy, peace, kindness, etc.--are the signposts along the way. Paved with humor and sparkling anecdotes, The Life You've Always Wanted is an encouraging and challenging approach to a Christian life that's worth living--a life on the edge that fills an ordinary world with new meaning, hope, change, and joy.

An Infinite Journey

Book Description

After we’ve come to faith in Christ, God leaves us in this world for a very clear purpose: his own glory. But how are we to glorify God for the rest of our lives? The Bible reveals that God has laid before every Christian two infinite journeys which we are to travel every day: the internal journey of growth into Christlike maturity, and the external journey of worldwide evangelism and missions. This book is a road map for the internal journey, laying out how we are to grow in four major areas: knowledge, faith, character, and action. In this book, we’ll learn how God grows us in knowledge, faith, character, and action. We’ll also discover that spiritual knowledge constantly feeds our growing faith, faith will transform our character, our transformed character will result in an array of actions more and more glorifying to God, and our actions will feed our spiritual knowledge. This upward spiral will lead us to become more and more like Jesus Christ in holiness. And not only will this book help us understand Christian growth in detail, it will also give us a passion to grow every day for his glory.


Book Description

The world has a love affair--with itself. Armed with Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, we think of ourselves as mini celebrities, and we use consumption and technology to convince our friends that this facade is who we are. Veneer illustrates that consumption is more than just acquiring more stuff; it is a potentially dangerous mindset--a mindset turning everything, even people, into products. According to authors Timothy Willard and R. Jason Locy, there is evidence of consumption in all channels of culture--even the church. Most Christian commentators suggest that the church should speak the language of the congregants. Willard and Locy suggest the opposite approach: if congregants are steeped in a culture of consumption, the church should not speak their language at all. Veneer encourages the church to become a refreshing voice amidst a veneered world, inviting you to lead an unveneered life of freedom, honesty, and beauty. Taking on an original concept that addresses the potential dangers of consumption and technology, Veneer speaks to many Christians who are unsure how to live with true meaning among the ever-changing trends and technology our culture offers.

Blue Heart

Book Description

A blue heart is one that bleeds from withina broken, bruised, bleeding heart. Grief is painful, excruciatingly painful. This book divulges a personal account of a loving couple joined together in true marriage, separated by physical death, the pain of that separation, and the miracle of Gods unfailing compassion to a blue heart. Despite the knowledge of Gods Word, Cherie agonized over unanswered questions after the passing of her husband. As the Lord promised, He did not leave her. Through her struggle with grief, God, in His tender, loving kindness, revealed Himself to her to sustain and encourage her faith. This book reveals Gods assurance during grief. Uplifting and faith-filled. Cherie Metcalf stylistically narrates a marriage of hope, struggles, yet an undying connection to spouse, family, and God. Dr. M.A. Gallo Sunyoger, author of Life Lessons: A Connection of Souls throughout Lifes Journey The faith, hope, and love that Mrs. Metcalf has always embodied in the classroom and in her life emanate throughout her writing. This book is genuine and inspiring, as is the woman who authored it. Megan Keenan, former student Cherie Metcalf distills the bitter poison of grief and, without taking away its bitterness, turns the poison to medicine. Her rooted faith is manifest in every word she writes. John R. Holmes, PhD