God’S Redeeming Plan

Book Description

This book is about the hope of mankind for a more satisfying and meaningful life based on the knowledge of God and Christ. A better understanding of the Word of God results in producing faith, hope, and love in the hearts of readers and believers. The complete Word of God revealed in the Bible is believed and practiced by millions. This book is written in language that is easy to understand and reveals the mystery of salvation for everyone. Author William Edward Dewberry hopes to give a comprehensible view of Gods plan that will lead readers to examine the Holy Scriptures more thoroughly and become better acquainted with the plan of God that is able to lead a person to salvation through their faith in Christ. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart [that is, the word of faith that we preach] that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10) This book explains the redeeming plan of God, the great benefits of believing, and the dire consequences of ignoring the Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ. It explains Gods plan from the day of creation to the day that the earth and everything in it will be destroyed by extreme heat. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness. (2nd Peter 3:10-11)

God's Redeeming Plan

Book Description

This book is about the hope of mankind for a more satisfying and meaningful life based on the knowledge of God and Christ. A better understanding of the Word of God results in producing faith, hope, and love in the hearts of readers and believers. The complete Word of God revealed in the Bible is believed and practiced by millions. This book is written in language that is easy to understand and reveals the mystery of salvation for everyone. Author William Edward Dewberry hopes to give a comprehensible view of God's plan that will lead readers to examine the Holy Scriptures more thoroughly and become better acquainted with the plan of God that is able to lead a person to salvation through their faith in Christ. "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart [that is, the word of faith that we preach] that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10) This book explains the redeeming plan of God, the great benefits of believing, and the dire consequences of ignoring the Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ. It explains God's plan from the day of creation to the day that the earth and everything in it will be destroyed by extreme heat. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness." (2nd Peter 3:10-11)

God's Plan of Redemption

Book Description

Your Dream. God's Plan.

Book Description

Satisfaction can be yours, but it might look different than you thought. Like a lot of young women, Tiffany Smiling had been assured that the path to fulfillment looked like the one she’d seen in her favorite movies: She’d be swept away by a soul mate, live in a southern estate, and start a family. But Tiffany’s story unfolded quite differently. Weeks after serving on her high school’s homecoming court, while doctors operated to remove the brain tumor that was killing her, Tiffany suffered a paralyzing stroke. In the nick of a scalpel she lost her beauty and most of her physical ability. Returning to high school in a wheelchair, head half-shaved and face distorted, Tiffany vowed to be normal and live the dream. And for a season, she did. But just when the fairytale was within reach, God surprised Tiffany. Wooing her heart, God convinced her that there was something even better in store for her. . . .And He has something better in store for you, too. Read Your Dream. God's Plan. and see how the Lord wants to use the broken pieces of your life for His greater plan for you. Smiling's story will help you see the ways God is writing your own amazing story—designed for His glory and your fulfillment.

Think Like Jesus

Book Description

The main reason people don't act like Jesus is because they don't think like Jesus. Discover the seven core questions that Christians must be able to answer biblically in order to live a transformed life. The latest data from researcher George Barna’s polls across America shows that we are confused by the issues that confront us today. We find ourselves wrestling with what is right and wrong. Some of us cut ethical corners and don’t even know it. We often base our actions on what feels right or keeps people happy rather than on what is best or true. All because, Barna concludes, we lack an active, clear belief system based on solid, scriptural principles. Now more than ever, we need a way of life that brings us clarity in chaos, peace in the problems, and boldness in the bad times. We need a new way of seeing—a biblical perspective that guides our every thought and action. What is a biblical perspective on life? To put it simply, Barna says, it is a "way of dealing with the world so that we act like Jesus, twenty-four hours a day, because we think like Jesus. It’s like wearing a pair of eyeglasses that enable us to see things differently, to see things from God’s point of view, and to respond to these perceptions in the way He prescribes.” Think Like Jesus: Uncovers the seven core beliefs of Christianity necessary for developing a strong Christian worldview Provides a firm explanation of why Christians believe what we believe Includes detailed statistics and polls on where Americans agree with the Bible on key topics Exposes causes of concern in modern Christianity through the misalignment of key beliefs Would you like to simplify your life, shore up your moral foundations, and strengthen your Christian witness? Think Like Jesus can help you chart a path that will allow you to make a difference for eternity in your home, your job, your church, and your community.

Creation Regained

Book Description

with a Postcript coauthored by Michael W. Goheen In print for two decades and translated into eight languages, Albert Wolters's classic formulation of an integrated Christian worldview has been revised and expanded to reach new readers beyond the generation that has already benefited from this clear, concise proposal for transcending the false dichotomy between sacred and secular. Wolters begins by defining the nature and scope of a worldview, distinguishing it from philosophy and theology. He then outlines a Reformed analysis of the three basic categories in human history -- creation, fall, and redemption -- arguing that while the fall reaches into every corner of the world, Christians are called to participate in Christ's redemption of all creation. This Twentieth Anniversary edition features a new concluding chapter, coauthored with Michael Goheen, that helpfully places the discussion of worldview in a broader narrative and missional context.

Redeeming Your Time

Book Description

Manage your time the way Jesus managed his with a biblical antidote to swamped to-do lists and hurried schedules. “A highly practical road map.”—Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author and lead pastor of National Community Church Despite the overwhelming amount of resources for time management and work-life balance, the ability to cultivate the efficiency and equilibrium needed to manage all our worthy pursuits can often feel frustratingly out of reach. The reason for our struggle is that productivity and time-management systems focus on individual habits rather than more meaningful and lasting lifestyle changes. But as it turns out, there is a better way to reach our full potential. We don’t need just another approach to changing our habits. What we need is an operating system that takes into account the full scope of our lives. In these pages, bestselling author Jordan Raynor presents this system, using seven powerful time- management principles drawn from the example of how Jesus lived: 1. Start with the Word: Find meaningful connection with the author of time daily. 2. Let Your Yes Be Yes: Accept only the commitments you can fulfill. 3. Dissent from the Kingdom of Noise: Create room for silence, stillness, and reflection. 4. Prioritize Your Yeses: Confidently maintain your commitments. 5. Accept Your “Unipresence”: Focus on one important thing at a time. 6. Embrace Productive Rest: Live the God-designed rhythms of rest which are productive for our goals and souls. 7. Eliminate All Hurry: Embrace productive busyness while ruthlessly eliminating hurry from our lives. With these principles, you’ll see how Jesus managed his time on earth and how he responded to human constraints much like the ones you face today. More than that, you’ll discover corresponding practices that will help you embrace the best, most Christlike version of yourself possible: purposeful, present, and wildly productive.

God's Plan of Salvation

Book Description

God's love for his creation, and for humankind led him to develop a plan to rescue mankind and his creation. The guiding principle was covenant faithfulness, beginning with the call of Abraham, and culminating in Abraham's descendant, the Lord Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection brought victory over the Devil, sin and death, to bring new creation to his people and God's Kingdom on earth, as we pray, in heaven. The day will come when with new heavens and a new earth the whole creation is redeemed