God's Strange Act: the Destiny of Ephraim and the Restoration of the House of Israel

Book Description

This book explores the importance of Ephraim and the lost tribes of Israel in regards to the establishment of Zion in the last days. In the restoration of all things, spoken of by the prophets of old, God will bring about the restoration of the whole house of Israel, gather the lost tribes to a place of refuge, and set up an ensign for a witness to the world. This event is a mystery that has been hid from the world, and its time is nearly upon us.

Destiny of the Tribe of Ephraim and the Restoration of the House of Israel

Book Description

This book explores the importance of the tribe of Ephraim and the lost tribes of Israel in regards to the establishment of Zion in the last days. In the restoration of all things spoken of by the prophets of old, God will bring about the restoration of the whole house of Israel, gather the lost tribes to a place of refuge, and set up an ensign for a witness to the world. This event is known by several names, including: the great and marvelous work, the work of the Father, and God's strange act. This is a mystery that has been hidden from the world, but its time is nearly upon us. This is the second edition of this book, originally entitled: ""God's Strange Act.""

From the Church to the Kingdom

Book Description

Alfred Loisy famously wrote: Jesus preached the Kingdom, but what came was the church. This statement was designed to reveal an impoprtant truth. In the year 2000, a thought came to rest very powerfully in my conscience. It is the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the Kingdom Age. It permeated the very core of my being. Despite the emphasis many place on the church, Jesus mentioned the church only twice in all four Gospels. By way of contrast, He spoke continually about the Kingdom. New Testament Christianity wasn't a denomination. It was a movement. It was a radical, spiritual revolution. They did not join a denomination, but made a covenant with God and became a part of a wider community of believers. Those who came into this new and everlasting covenant with God would be referred to as the church, or the Body of Christ. Their goal was to bring forth the Kingdom of God through the manifest power of Christ within them.--Back cover.

The Stick of Joseph in the Hand of Ephraim

Book Description

The ancient House of Israel consisted of 12 families, or tribes, named for the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel). Ten of those tribes were conquered, driven from their homelands, and scattered throughout the world. Although their bloodlines continue, they have lost their identity with the House of Israel. The remaining two tribes have retained their identity, and are now known as the Jewish people, named for the tribe of Judah. Over 2500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel foretold a day when the spirit of YHWH would stir the scattered remnants of Israel and restore them to life (Ezekiel 37:11-14). He also prophesied of a second scriptural record to come forth from the tribe of Joseph to Judah, in the hand of Joseph’s son, Ephraim. This is that prophesied record. The Stick of Joseph in the Hand of Ephraimis a sacred, first-temple-period, Israelite text, written by a prophetic family from the tribe of Joseph, who fled Jerusalem in 601 BCE. YHWH led them for years in the wilderness and finally brought them “over the wall” to ancient America, in fulfillment of Jacob’s final blessing to Joseph. (Genesis 49:22) For 1,000 years, these ancient Israelites kept sacred records. When their civilization ended in destruction (420 CE), their final prophet, M’roni, hid this record in the ground, to come forth in the future for the prophesied restoration of scattered Israel to its former glory. This record is all of the following unique and extraordinary things: • The shofar sounding to scattered Israel as YHWH’s final attempt to gather His people; • A dire warning to the USA and a cry of repentance to the state of Israel. Any nation that does not honor the God of Israel will not survive; • An independent witness of the prophets, Mashiach, and the covenants given by YHWH to Israel; • A record of the means whereby all mankind can, as Moses, ascend to stand in the presence of YHWH; • An invitation to believe and receive the promises YHWH extends to those who will be His people. This is the only Hebrew Messianic/ascension document in existence that has not been influenced by entanglements with Babylon, Greece, or Rome, because those who kept the record left Jerusalem and the Eastern Hemisphere prior to the Babylonian captivity. It is the most sublime and direct Jewish ascension text available. This annotated Hebrew-roots English edition restores the ancient Hebraic nature of the record, to provide a clear understanding of Israel’s God, His work now underway, and the coming age of Mashiach. Whether you study religion in the Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, NIV Bible, Zohar, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Catholic writings, LDS scriptures, biblical commentary, or other holy books, this volume will inspire you to greater prophetic literacy, gifts in spirituality, understanding of history and theology, and most importantly, immerse your soul in a conversation and relationship with that God who loves, forgives, guides, and reconnects honest searchers with the tree of life. The Stick of Joseph is a greater discovery than the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi library, though it has received far less attention. It is the preeminent Messianic document in the world, untwisting the false Greek caricature known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It restores the basics of the complete ancient Israelite faith and culture largely absent from modern, rabbinic Judaism. The ten commandments, temples, altars, Passover, the law of Moses, patterns, evidence, and much lost understanding all come together in this invaluable journal-record of wandering Israeli Hebrews who founded a great civilization.


Book Description

Ephraim and Judah

Book Description

Batya's writings are causing a stir among Believers!. Her concise version of the best-selling classic, Who Is Israel? provides a quick overview of the hot new subject that everyone is talking about. Batya succinctly explains Israel, and the Biblical truths she presents are encouraging a reformation in the Body of Messiah! This Scripture-based book is inspiring Believers everywhere. It is helping Christian and Jews to see both the houses of Israel: Ephraim and Judah (Isa 8:14). It is helping them to understand how each fits into the Father's eternal plan and is thus helping to bring restoration to all Israel. Israel Revealed will encourage you. It will even change your life. It explains the fullness of the Gentiles and the blindness of Israel. If you have felt something is missing in your life, or have an unexplainable love for the Jewish people, or desire to celebrate the feasts of Israel, then this is the book for you. It lifts up Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and shows Him to be the epitome of all that is Israel. The truths that unfold on these pages will enrich your relationship with the God of Israel. They will lead Jewish and non-Jewish Believers -- Judah and Ephraim -- to become the promised one new man. Includes maps, charts, and lists, that help to clarify misconceptions about Israel. Read and be blessed.


Book Description

Ten Parts in the King

Book Description

About 2,500 years ago, Jeremiah wrote about a new covenant God would make with His people, Israel -"Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah..." Jeremiah 31:31He wrote this as the Babylonian Empire was on the verge of conquering the last independent part of Israel, the kingdom (or house) of Judah. Nearly a century and a half earlier, the Assyrian Empire had put an end to the other part of the nation: the northern kingdom (or house) of Israel, which the Bible often calls by the names of Joseph and Ephraim.Jeremiah's description of the new covenant is echoed in the New Testament in Hebrews 8:8-12. Readers of the Bible often overlook the fact that God makes this covenant not just with the Jewish people, nor solely with the Christian church, but with the two parts of the nation of Israel. Jeremiah explains the covenant in the context of God's promise to restore the entire nation. How does that change our understanding of God's unfolding plan for ushering the Messianic Age eagerly awaited by Christians and Jews?Ten Parts in the King offers an explanation for the Torah Awakening among Christians, linking it to the prophecies of Israel's restoration. Every part of scripture, from Moses to the prophets to the Apostles, points to the restoration of both parts of Israel: the Jewish House of Judah, and the non-Jewish House of Joseph/Ephraim. The Jewish people have been the visible portion of the nation for millennia, but now in the latter days the House of Joseph/Ephraim is becoming visible as Christians embrace the Hebrew roots of their faith.Without the Jewish people, there can be no Israel. Without the Hebrews of Ephraim, Israel cannot be complete.