Gods' Games We Play Chapter 14

Book Description

Fay loves to play games. He learned how to play by a beautiful woman, Onee-chan, who had a long, red hair. In the world he is living, Gods--spirits, demons, angels, dragons--are bored and they make humans play games with them. Human players are called Apostles...and if they win ten times, Gods will grant any wish for them. Fay, winning three games a row even though he is a rookie, is said to be the best player among all Apostles. He just wishes to meet Onee-chan again if he wins ten times. But he never expected to be paired with a red-haired girl--looks just like Onee-chan!--who is a former God just awoke from a long sleep. The two of them seems to be a really good pair, but can Fay win seven more times and have his wish granted!?

Gods' Games We Play Chapter 24

Book Description

Fay loves to play games. He learned how to play by a beautiful woman, Onee-chan, who had a long, red hair. In the world he is living, Gods--spirits, demons, angels, dragons--are bored and they make humans play games with them. Human players are called Apostles...and if they win ten times, Gods will grant any wish for them. Fay, winning three games a row even though he is a rookie, is said to be the best player among all Apostles. He just wishes to meet Onee-chan again if he wins ten times. But he never expected to be paired with a red-haired girl--looks just like Onee-chan!--who is a former God just awoke from a long sleep. The two of them seems to be a really good pair, but can Fay win seven more times and have his wish granted!?

The Cap

Book Description

This is really not a book but the cries and screams of millions of American and free world Veterans; crying out from their graves and their PTSD prison cells. Thirty seven million American vets are alive as these screams and cries are being recorded and what a giant sacrifice for a freedom loving world. For millions of American vets who returned from war during the most publicly hated and unpopular war in history; I was one of the lucky few because of an accident. In a hurry running out the back door; I grabbed the TABOO cap, the one which had the taboo words Vietnam vet written on it. While pumping gas a busy lovely brown eyed lady walked up to me and tilted her head reading my cap and said Vietnam correct? I yanked off the cap and said Woops wrong cap, sorry and through it in the truck. With lovely manicured hands she took my dirty farm hands; looked me in the eyes and said, Sir I want to thank you for your service. The lovely lady disappeared in the flood running down my dirty face. I screamed and cried with so much joy and happiness the birds hushed their singing. My old flop eared dog tilted his ugly head and said whats wrong boss, did your head jump time? That was the first time I felt okay after a century; and feeling okay is heaven and I know there are millions of vets who do not yet feel okay and millions have gone to their eternal rest not feeling okay. I was one of the lucky few. Sweet lady you wrote this little book and saved a life and many PTSD lives. This little book talks about trapped emotions which is a big part of PTSD and anyone who suffers with traumas; children and wives, husbands to horses, dogs and cats can suffer with trapped emotions so hug your kid, wife or husband, your horse, your dog or cat and they will feel good and so will you. It also talks about what you and I can do about the vet and teen suicide epidemic; school shootings and bombings, school or public bombings and how an epidemic of caring and hugging may slow it down. The book shows how shootings, bombings and suicides often happen in the actors 90% subconscious mind and the 10 % conscious mind knows nothing about it; so the actor feels no guilt and would pass a lie detectors test. Our favorite news caster asks the expert on suicides why; and she says were the last to know, they dont tell anyone they just do it? The expert forgot to add the actor knows nothing about it either because his subconscious survivor mechanism was at work Many are able to control their rage through a belief system as in prayer or talking about it to a friend or a willing listener. The called have the gift of forgiving so they can go on with their happy caring life.

We've Been Warned!

Book Description

We’ve Been Warned! Repent For The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand! By: Lou K Coleman-Yeboah Prepare yourself for a Spiritual Awakening. We’ve Been Warned, encourages all to detour away from sin and direct their path to God. For the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent [Acts 17:30]. The consequences for those who refuse to repent: They will perish – [Luke 13: 3, 5] even though that is not what God desires – [2 Peter 3:9]. Yet even now, declares the LORD, return to me with all your heart, with fasting… weeping and… mourning; and rend your hearts… Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. [Joel 2:12-17]. God has spoken – Repent or Perish! Understanding that once God’s wrath begins, it will not end until it has accomplished its purpose. As God said through the prophet Ezekiel, “All flesh shall see that I, the LORD, have kindled it; it shall not be quenched” [Ezekiel 20:48]. The prophet Jeremiah adds, “The fierce anger of the LORD will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In days to come you will understand this. [Jeremiah 30:24]. The wrath of God, when the seventh seal is opened, God will deliver terrible punishments upon the earth because of disobedience. This punishment will be so severe that it will decimate huge populations [Isaiah 13:12]. After the sixth seal, “The kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” [Revelation 6:15-17]. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things that are written in it, for the time is near. [Revelation 1:3].

I Didn't Get It Right God, But I Tried!

Book Description

Rheumatic fever came at an early age and took several of his cousins and caused him to be confined to bed for many months while recovering. This confinment and curtailment caused Jack to develop his artistic talent in a more acute way. While always being a jokester, he has had a funny way of telling a yarn and he hopes you enjoy reading about some of the funny things that happened to him on the way to the forum.

The Game Maker's Apprentice

Book Description

The Game Maker's Apprentice shows you how to create nine exciting games using the wildly popular Game Maker game creation tool. This book covers a range of genres, including action, adventure, and puzzle games--complete with professional quality sound effects and visuals. It discusses game design theory and features practical examples of how this can be applied to making games that are more fun to play. Game Maker allows games to be created using a simple drag-and-drop interface, so you don't need to have any prior coding experience. It includes an optional programming language for adding advanced features to your games, when you feel ready to do so. You can obtain more information by visiting book.gamemaker.nl. The authors include the creator of the Game Maker tool and a former professional game programmer, so you'll glean understanding from their expertise.

Hello Gorgeous

Book Description

"Hello Gorgeous" was his pick-up line. Camille had fallen for it immediately. How was she to know that Connery had been the same man she had viewed from her workplace windows months before? She had just begun dating and signed up with one of the free local dating sites. Connery would become much more than just a lover to Camille. Would he end up losing more than he anticipated? Camille was on the road to destruction, and in the process could possibly destroy many lives, but she never set out to destroy Connery's life. She adored him dearly, and was appreciative of all he had done for her since that day in June when they stowed away making love in her bedroom on their very first encounter. Who would have known that the entangled lives of Camille Bella and Connery Jackson would share so much in the future and it all started with those two little words "Hello Gorgeous".

God and Spirituality

Book Description

This book takes us on a journey through three thousand years of history, showing us men and women searching for God and finding the answers to their quest in an amazingly diverse variety of life experiences. The author introduces us to pagan Greeks and Romans, ancient Hebrew authors, Christians (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant) from all periods of history, the physicists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, the mathematician Kurt Gdel, existentialist philosophers, process theologians, New Thought teachers, and the great spiritual masters of the modern twelve step program.


Book Description

What words come to mind when we think of God? Merciful? Just? Compassionate? In fact, the Bible lays out God’s primary qualities clearly: jealous, petty, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, vindictive—and worse! Originally conceived as a joint presentation between influential thinker and bestselling author Richard Dawkins and former evangelical preacher Dan Barker, this unique book provides an investigation into what may be the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Barker combs through both the Old and New Testament (as well as 13 different editions of the “Good Book”), presenting powerful evidence for why the Scripture shouldn’t govern our everyday lives. This witty, well-researched book suggests that we should move past the Bible and clear a path to a kinder and more thoughtful world.

The Games People Play

Book Description

In 'The Games People Play', Robert Ellis constructs a theology around the global cultural phenomenon of modern sport, paying particular attention to its British and American manifestations. Using historical narrative and social analysis to enter thedebate on sport as religion, Ellis shows that modern sport may be said to have taken on some of the functions previously vested in organized religion. Through biblical and theological reflection, he presents a practical theology of sport's appeal and value, with special attention to the theological concept of transcendence. Throughout, he draws on original empirical work with sports participants and spectators.'The Games People Play' addresses issues often considered problematic in theological discussions of sport such as gender, race, consumerism, and the role of the modern media, as well as problems associated with excessive competition and performance-enhancing substances.