Gods “Literal” Plan of Creation - Vs.- the Great Satan Generation of Viper

Book Description

The Holy Bible is the figurative allegory of Gods creation. It was only fitting that in a dual heaven and earth unity of object and subject that both the literal translation of the word as well as the figurative be combined in the only absolute truth known to man. This inspired revelation was nullified by the 15th century age of science which will bisect creation, closing the subjective curtain to heaven and placing Big Bang upon Gods vacated throne. This will turn creation inside out unleashing the great Satan viper to adulterate freedom in its constraint of earths fiery genesis of chaos. America will become an immoral cesspool script to a deceptive liberal and progressive mindset of a false utopia unattainable on imperfect earth. This book cries out to the Tea Party freedom loving patriot to rid the scourge now overtaking the land.

Hell's Demi-Paradise (Let's Make America Blessed Again)

Book Description

Jack Hall is a former teacher of American history, Freedom Foundation George Washington Teacher of the Year award winner and Outstanding Teacher of Secondary Education recipient. His previous books: God's Literal Plan of Creation vs. the Great Satan Generation of Viper, The Spiritron Sperm and Education, Tea Party - Patriot or Villain, The Scourge of Liberalism and the Universal Lie, Miracles and Madness. All are a roadmap to save the country, its constitution and freedom inspired conservative beliefs. Books can be purchased on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Hell’s Demi-Paradise (Let’s Make America Blessed Again)

Book Description

Jack Hall is a former teacher of American history, Freedom Foundation George Washington Teacher of the Year award winner and Outstanding Teacher of Secondary Education recipient. His previous books: God’s Literal Plan of Creation vs. the Great Satan Generation of Viper, The Spiritron Sperm and Education, Tea Party – Patriot or Villain, The Scourge of Liberalism and the Universal Lie, Miracles and Madness. All are a roadmap to save the country, its constitution and freedom inspired conservative beliefs. Books can be purchased on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

The Serpent Within the Beast

Book Description

How many times have you heard incomplete facts explaining why the dinosaurs and prehistoric man walked on the earth? Have these theories given by man left you more confused and unsure of what the truth really is? First Corinthians 14:33 tells us, gFor God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. h Who is really behind the mystery of evolution that leaves you confused and unsure of what to believe? Job 41:32 warns of Satan fs deception as the mighty sea serpent, "He maketh a path to shine after him, one would think the deep to be hoary (to appear ancient or old)." The confusion of evolution comes from a spiritual power struggle between God, "the Creator", and Satan, "the counterfeiter" who is reaching for his own glory over the earth's inhabitance. John 8:44 says of Satan, "When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it." In all reality, why would God create the primary dinosaurs that cause doubt in Him and continues to rob Him of His glory of a perfect creation? As you read The Serpent Within The Beast, you will discover Satan fs hidden power to deceive mankind through the discovery of the giant prehistoric bones and fossils. Satan is the evil counterfeiter of the ways of God which dates back to before God created perfect flesh on the earth. Through Satan fs powers to do great wonders, he said, gI will be like the Most High, h and attempted to exalt himself as a god. Now learn how, when, and why the earth struggles with evolution fs past, as we journey through the Word of God to unveil Satan fs lies of deception. This book clearly provides a complete biblical explanation of why the dinosaurs and prehistoric man came into existence and of their destruction as it is written in God fs Word.

Creation and the Consequence of Satan's Fall

Book Description

The Gap Theory shows evidence of the dinosaurs becoming extinct as the result of Satan's fall and explores the origin of demons as being disembodied spirits of a pre-Adamic race, who were judged by God, as the result of Satan's sin. Why was man commissioned by God in Genesis 1:28 to "replenish" the earth? Why did God use that word? Could this be a reference to a pre-Adamic race that was created in Genesis 1:1 and destroyed in Genesis 1:2 due to Satan's fall, and which the human was to "replace" or "replenish"? Read where angels that sinned left their heavenly habitation and came down to earth to procreate with humans and whose children were called "Mighty men, which were of old, men of renown," offspring that are the source of all the ancient secular myths that claim the "gods" came down to earth and married human women.

Satan Vs. God

Book Description

Did Noah's Flood really occur, or is it a MYTH? Yes! God did really drown that world, except for Noah and a PART of his family. But why did God submerge that entire world? How really WICKED had that society become? Who were the main characters that led it to its doom? What kind of EVILS were they practicing? Gleaning information from ancient sources, Herman Saini provides detailed answers to these questions. He explains why pre-Flood history seemed lost, and restores much of that history. He tells the gripping, yet sobering history of the universe and man from the creation of Adam and Eve, and how their son Cain sold himself to work EVIL. His descendents followed in his footsteps and led the world to its doom. He draws vital lessons from that experience to enable men to avoid the same fate in a fast approaching great tribulation. HERMAN SAINI has been an accountant and business consultant for over 16 years. He has developed a model of economic development and international trade that nations can use as a guide to develop plans for economic growth. He holds a chemical engineering degree, a MBA, and has been a Ph.D. candidate in marketing, having completed three years of work towards the degree. He is also licensed as a Certified Public Accountant. He maintains two blogs, the purpose of which is to "preach the gospel of the soon coming kingdom of God," in fulfillment of the prophecy in Matthew 24:14. You can read his articles at www.thetruereligionreport.com, and his weekly messages at www.thetruereligionreport.com/blog1. He currently lives in Holiday, Florida.

The Serpent of Paradise

Book Description

How we perceive our enemy will largely determine how we fight against him. Unless we grasp how the devil fits into God's scheme of things, we will find it difficult to stand against his conspiracy against us personally and his influence within our culture. We can have a proper theology of the devil only if we have a proper theology of God. Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan. As Martin Luther once said, 'The devil is God's devil.' God is still in control. The Serpent of Paradise gives an overview of the career of Satan and his interaction with the Almighty. It traces his fall from an exalted position to his demise in everlasting shame and contempt. It shows us that Satan always loses even when 'he wins.' Best of all, it confirms that we who have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light are able to stand against him. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. ~ Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV. The Serpent of Paradise is a book about Satan, but it is also a book about God's power, God's program, and God's purposes in this world.

Philosophical Approaches to the Devil

Book Description

This collection brings together new papers addressing the philosophical challenges that the concept of a Devil presents, bringing philosophical rigor to treatments of the Devil. Contributors approach the idea of the Devil from a variety of philosophical traditions, methodologies, and styles, providing a comprehensive philosophical overview that contemplates the existence, nature, and purpose of the Devil. While some papers take a classical approach to the Devil, drawing on biblical exegesis, other contributors approach the topic of the Devil from epistemological, metaphysical, phenomenological, and ethical perspectives. This volume will be relevant to researchers and scholars interested in philosophical conceptions of the Devil and related areas, such as philosophers of religion, theologians, and scholars working in philosophical theology and demonology.

Satan Vs. God

Book Description

After Noah's Flood, a curtain hangs over four centuries of history, which witnessed a monumental struggle between Noah, Shem and those loyal to God and the rebels led by Nimrod, Cush, Semiramis and Asshur to control the direction in which the world would go. The rebels created a counterfeit religion, sought to create a world-ruling empire and enforce their political system and religion on the world. Only a century after the Flood, they constructed a massive waterproof Tower at Babel, in case, they said 'God should have a mind to drown the world again.' God responded by destroying the Tower and giving man multiple languages. This volume restores that "lost" history, detailing the attempts of the rebels to build empires through intrigue and conquest, origins of nations, world's religions and worship systems, how history was perverted, with fascinating biographies of additional key players like Ninus II, Horus, Naamah and Ham. HERMAN SAINI has been an accountant and business consultant for over 16 years. He has developed a model of economic development and international trade that nations can use as a guide to develop plans for economic growth. He holds a chemical engineering degree, a MBA, and has been a Ph.D. candidate in marketing. He is also licensed as a Certified Public Accountant. He is the author of Volume 1 of SATAN vs. GOD: A BRIEF HISTORY, which details world history from the beginning when only God existed, to Noah's Flood. He maintains two blogs, the purpose of which is to "preach the gospel of the soon coming kingdom of God," in fulfillment of the prophecy in Matthew 24:14. You can read his articles at www.thetruereligionreport.com, and his weekly messages at www.thetruereligionreport.com/blog1. He currently lives in Holiday, Florida.