Marine Scout Snipers

Book Description

Author Lena Sisco, a former Department of Defense Military Interrogator and U.S. Navy officer,takes the reader through the missions and personal lives of U.S. Marines who have been forward-deployed in hostile environments all across the Middle East. She shows how they use the mastery of their sniper skills to mitigate threats and negate the enemy’s ability to disrupt U.S. operations. Her book lets you feel the stress and anxiety of their operational tempo; you witness their successes and failures, their struggles, and lessons learned. Snipers are highly trained, brave, silent killers. They undergo specialized training and operate independently with little support from their parent commands, close to enemy positions. Snipers are chosen based on their marksmanship, mental stability, patience, and physical ability. They stalk the enemy, while concealed in their operational overwatches, to protect our checkpoints and convoys, and to direct action missions. Despite the renown of Chris Kyle and the extraordinary success of the book and movie American Sniper, snipers do not have lead lives of glory and fame; their lives are a struggle. Serving as a sniper requires that you do your job successfully every time, because the consequences of not being successful include the loss of innocent lives, or living with other consequences that can haunt a shooter till the day he dies. In the end, just like any other service members, they put their lives on the line – willingly – to defend our freedom and liberties, and our country.

Horrible Eschaton System

Book Description

Wang Ren, an orphan without money or food, accidentally acquired the Apocalypse System. Under the outbreak of the biological crisis, relying on the Apocalypse System, he walked step by step to the peak, establishing an immortal dynasty of survivors, fighting zombies, killing the mutated beasts. When Wang Ren took back the lost land of the entire human race, he realized, this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy of an alien invading Earth.

God’s Headquarter

Book Description

Aydin, back from his journey through the realms of the Creator, is back home and still reeling from what he has experienced. He can’t stop thinking about the levels he visited on his travels through time and space to a place no one on Earth could ever comprehend. He has tried to tell his parents of his fantastic adventure, but they have dismissed it as a wild and wonderful dream. He wrestles with whether he should confide in his best friend Jim Birsha. Jim’s father, the rich, virologist and CEO of Belial Corp., Dr Samael Birsha, owns a state-of-the-art bio laboratory, where top-secret scientific experiments are conducted. Eventually he plucks up the courage to tell Jim, whom he has known since primary school. Understandably, Jim is doubtful at first but knows Aydin well enough to realize that it must be the truth. Jim listens in awe as Aydin recalls his journey through the different levels, explaining the storage of DNA designs in their trillions, and how he came within touching distance of wild and wonderful hybrids. Jim is astounded—this is a far cry from the microorganisms they studied at school. Then Aydin suggests researching what he saw in God’s HQ in the high-tech bio lab of Jim’s father. Jim agrees, but with one condition – that Aydin tells Dr Birsha every detail of his experience. Otherwise, they might not be allowed to use the lab. Aydin reluctantly goes along with the suggestion. The consequences, however, are disastrous. The saga picks up speed as Aydin is sucked into a return to God’s HQ to steal some data files. Dr Birsha and Jim successfully convince him that it isn’t stealing from the Creator but taking information that will help cure devastating diseases on Earth—a purely humanitarian mission. Their true intentions become clear to Aydin once Dr Birsha and Jim have the data files in their clutches. They use this sacred information to develop aliens for a park that would put Disneyworld to shame. Dr Birsha has become a Dr Evil. In no time at all he breeds an alien that is half fish and half tree, much like the one Aydin encountered on Level Three on his initial visit. Now the power-hungry, megalomaniac scientist proclaims himself a new Creator. Aydin watches in helpless horror as more and more hybrids emerge from the bio lab’s incubators. Meanwhile the grand opening of the Alien Park is close. More surprises come when Aydin manages to regain control of the aliens with the help of Ridz. To his shock, Dr Birsha has been working secretly on robotic versions of the biological aliens he has created, so in case things go wrong with aliens, he has a robotic alien army in reserve. In desperation, Aydin tries one more time to convince his father that he had been given privileged access to God’s Headquarters, and that he’d been duped into taking the precious data files, which are now being abused for one man’s greed. “Tell Ridz,” his father advises. But Aydin’s acute shame and regret prevent him from coming clean with the angel who gave him entry to the most sacred of places. A catastrophe is imminent if Aydin doesn’t rectify his mistakes by admitting his responsibility and returning the DNA drives to their proper place. Will Aydin be able to defeat Dr Birsha’s robotic alien army? Will biological life show itself to be superior to robotics and prove Dr Birsha wrong? In this fight to save the Federation of Pacific States and restore God’s faith in humanity, embark on a journey that will have you biting your nails and willing with all your heart good to conquer evil.

The Final God

Book Description

When magazine journalist, Jonathan Tame arrives on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico; after an alleged, devastating hurricane has struck the Island; it doesnt take long for the nearly burned-out writer to re-awaken his investigative training. There is a ton of money being poured into emergency coffers, but only a small portion has been allocated for repairs. Following the money trail, he discovers that a powerful entity is attempting to control the U.S. government, and other world leaders. The cash flow seems to be related to some secret project that is intended to disarm all of them. And further; that ancient archaeological artifacts, discovered years before, and said to have immeasurable power, may be the core reason behind the whole thing. In his pursuit of the truth, he finds that he is not alone; other investigators are moving in the same direction -- it's when their paths intersect that all of hell is stirred up.

Living by the Power of God

Book Description

"Living By the Power of God" is a balm for everyone. It allows for victorious, harmonious relationships with God and one another, instead of being enslaved to sin. (Christian Religion)

The Killing School

Book Description

As a SEAL sniper and combat veteran, Webb was tapped to revamp the U.S. Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Scout/Sniper School, incorporating the latest advances in technology and ballistics software to create an entirely new course that continues to test the skills and even the best warriors. In this revealing new book, Webb takes readers through every aspect of this training, describing how Spec Ops snipers are taught each dimension of their art. Trainees learn to utilize every edge possible to make their shot--from studying crosswinds, barometric pressure, latitude, and even the rotation of the Earth to becoming ballistic experts. But marksmanship is only one aspect of the training. Each SEAL's endurance, stealth and mental and physical stamina are tested and pushed to the breaking point. Webb also shows how this training plays out in combat, using real-life exploits of the world's top snipers, including Jason Delgado, who led a Marine platoon in the Battle of Husaybah and made some of the most remarkable kill shots in the Iraq War; Nicholas Irving, the U.S. Army Ranger credited with thirty-three kills in a single three-month tour in Afghanistan; and Rob Furlong, who during Operation Anaconda delivered the then-longest kill shot in history. During Webb's sniper school tenure, the course graduated some of the deadliest and most skilled snipers of this generation, including Marcus Luttrell (Lone Survivor), Adam Brown (Fearless), and Chris Kyle (American Sniper). From recon and stalk, to complex last minute adjustments, and finally the moment of taking the shot, The Killing School demonstrates how today's sniper is trained to function as an entire military operation rolled into a single individual--an army of one.

Game of Snipers

Book Description

"When Bob Lee Swagger is approached by a woman who lost a son to war and has spent the years since risking all that she has to find the sniper who pulled the trigger, he knows right away he'll do everything in his power to help her. But what begins as a favor becomes an obsession, and soon Swagger is back in the action, teaming up with the Mossad, the FBI, and local American law enforcement as he tracks a sniper who is his own equal ... and attempts to decipher that assassin's ultimate target before it's too late."--

Destroying Fear

Book Description

Fear is a form of torment the enemy tries to plague people with in order to paralyze them, to steal their purpose and destiny from God's best. None of us is immune to these attacks. Jesus came to destroy fear and set the captives free. Speaking as one whom Jesus Christ set free from the devil's grip, John Ramirez, once a satanic high priest, exposes the tormenting weapons of fear of our number one spiritual enemy, the devil, and equips and arms believers with the weapons of our warfare that God has given us through his Son, Jesus Christ, to abort the enemy's mission. In this book, Destroying Fear, you will learn how to get back your peace and purpose and walk fearless into your destiny by dismantling every stronghold and stopping the enemy's attacks once and for all, for a life of freedom!

In Deep but Never Too Deep for God’s Amazing Grace

Book Description

This Book captures a lifetime of experiences, of struggles and overcoming, and of faith. The historical context alongside those personal experiences is a great touch. The readers will appreciate both.

Voice of God

Book Description

This fictitious war story follows a troop from boot camp to Geneva. From high school to Washington. From private to general. From learning to walk to fighting PTSD. Using a weekend retreat to bring peace of mind for the whole troop. Lead by the “Voice of God” to victory in Vietnam. If soldiers have post-traumatic stress disorder, a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LITSS) will relieve the haunting of dead soldiers from the battlefield in the war. Give it up to God. -Life in the Spirit -Knights of Columbus