
Book Description

Retells the events of Jesus's life, reflecting on the five themes of birth, identity, love, miracles, and resurrection, and aims to help the reader recognize the truths Jesus experienced in their own lives

Godseed: the Alchemy of Primordial Memory

Book Description

Gentle impressions from deep within that Emerge thru the fingers without conscious awarenessthe text is unedited and was/is VASTLY important saving this life in form over and over during the Heights and Depths of a most naked and raw alone with the Alone time that lasted a quarter of a century in the life. The Wisdom in GODSEED is a reflection of ews Quantum Dimensional, international lifetime of workplay, study and prodigal Remembrances in the areas of natures solitude, psychiatry, social work, special education, psychology, addictions and spiritual healing. elizabeth walker is well-seasoned in the dynamics of human pain and all in between and beyondsome have said she is a Beacon for the Atonement which supersedes all human suffering.


Book Description

ADAM KYLE, an acclaimed documentary filmmaker for Netwerk Zero, is covering a team of mercenaries engaged in corporate espionage. A company executive wants to smuggle stolen data to Cairo. Fascist extremists, Islamic terrorists, corrupt government officials and a religion as old as Mankind become fused into a gruesome knot of lies, treachery and murder. Kyle finds himself struggling to save the documentary and his life as a violent ambush launches him onto a dramatic quest that pulls him across the globe, and beyond, into the heart of a monstrous ceremony.

God Seed

Book Description

The book is a poetic vision of the world as seen through prison walls. Christopher's poetry describes his journey from despair to hope, from mistrust to finding the good in others. His purpose is to earn an education and create a second chance for those who want one in the current American prison system.Christopher J. Scarver was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 6, 1969. Over a period of 18 years, Mr. Scarver earned his way out of solitary confinement where he was placed 20 years ago (1994). For the past two years he has lived in a medium security prison without incident.Mr. Scarver spends his leisure time writing songs, music compositions, short stories, poetry, and prison policy proposals, as well as creating original art. He desires to attend college for mechanical and electrical engineering partially through his initiative called The American Prisoner Repatriation Act (APRA).

The God Seed

Book Description

Thomas explores the path of spiritual development illustrating that human beings already possess the potent seeds for unfolding into more highly developed beings and that spiritual practices can shape the mind into and instrument for facilitating spiritual growth and experience -- often referred to as continuing from "grace to grace."

The God Seed

Book Description

The God Seed is a little book with a big story. It holds an accessible message delightfully told through a few profound words and rich illustrations. It is a story that tells children of all ages that God loves them; they are wonderful, enough, great, and terrific just as they are; and that God is always with them. Its' simple, soul-filled theology is a powerful way to deliver the truth that each person needs to hear again and again-they are loved just as they are. The God Seed is a little book that is sure to bring happy, joyful wonderment for small and big people alike.

Growing God

Book Description

The Pen

Book Description

What is God, and what is humanity's place in the universe? The author attempts to shed light on these archetypal queries through a spiritual tale of love and rejection, death and shamanism, a search for truth and meaning, and ultimately, multidimensional verities and enlightenment. Yet it's verily everyman's journey. On a voyage transcending identification with Ego, the reader is transported to a Presence beyond rational acuity. But the telling and intellectual consideration of this chronicle only gets you so far. It's akin to teaching algebra to a dog; the dog's not going to get it in its present propensity for understanding. It has to evolve. Each and every Now, Choice creates endless quantums of possibilities. The human, intent on continuity of story, abides outside the Shekinah, in Ego, where Destruction propagates. Yet the Eternal State of Being is there, as close as your jugular. At the core of the book is a clarion call for a transformation of consciousness; a spiritual evolution, from Homo sapiens to Homo Spiritus. The author presents a simple-to-grasp but difficult-to-hold-to edict for ascension: Believe, Obey, and Receive. Recounting his own journey to Wisdom, he identifies the direct link which Jesus heard and mastered, and compels awakening readers to wholly integrate into their lives as essential the awesome responsibility of Choice.

God, Seed

Book Description

Poetry. Art by Lorna Stevens. "Rebecca Foust knows what goes on in 'the cricket-sung, grass-sweet dark,' and she isn't afraid to sing it. If there are moments of anxiety, intimations of mortality--if, as she writes, 'ours is the curse of the blighted touch'--they cannot, in the end, overwhelm the exuberant, muscular joy that emanates both from Foust's poems, and from Lorna Stevens' charming and evocative illustrations. Together, the words and pictures of God, Seed make a beguiling duet, a fine romance, a garden of earthly and, at times, unearthly delights"--Troy Jollimore. "A lovely, singing book, in both the art work and the language--intricate beauties informed by informed passion"--William Kittredge.

Seed Man

Book Description

When a mysterious stranger carrying a bag of seeds comes to town, magical things start to happen. After Seed Man plants the seeds, a wonderful tree grows, bearing special "fruit" such as toys, musical instruments, and even a puppy! With assistance from some helpful fairies, Seed Man's gifts are delivered all over town. Each gift perfectly suited to its recipient. And even if someone didn't know they needed a special gift, Seed Man and the fairies knew. But not all the gifts are welcome at first, especially to someone whose heart has been broken.