Goethe Yearbook 9

Book Description

The latest volume in the respected series, this issue as usual contains cutting-edge criticism on topics of interest to scholars of the period 1770-1832. The Goethe Yearbook, first published in 1982, is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, and is dedicated to Goethe scholarship in North America. It aims above all to encourage and publish original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 9 of the Goethe Yearbook provides cutting-edge literary criticism onworks by Goethe and his contemporaries. Editor Thomas Saine has demonstrated in this respected series that he is especially interested in new critical directions and solid research. The book review section is important for all scholars of 18th-century literature.

Goethe Yearbook

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Goethe Yearbook

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Goethe yearbook

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Goethe Yearbook 22

Book Description

Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and the Goethezeit, featuring in this volume a special section on environmentalism. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 22 features a special section on environmentalism, edited by Dalia Nassar and Luke Fischer, with contributions on: the metaphor of music in Goethe's scientific work and its influence on Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty, Uexküll, and Zuckerkandl (Frederick Amrine); his conceptualization of modern civilization in Faust (Gernot Böhme); a non-anthropocentricvision of nature in his writings on the intermaxillary bone (Ryan Feigenbaum); his geopoetics of granite (Jason Groves); the historical antecedents of biosemiotics in "Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen" (Kate Rigby); and the conceptof the "Dark Pastoral" in Werther (Heather I. Sullivan). In addition, there are articles on Goethe as a spiritual predecessor of phenomenology (Iris Hennigfeld); concepts of the "hermaphrodite" in contributions to theEncyclopédie by Louis de Jaucourt and Albrecht von Haller (Stephanie Hilger); on Goethe's poem "Nähe des Geliebten" (David Hill); on the link between commerce and culture in West-östlicher Divan (Daniel Purdy); on Goethe's thoughts on collecting and museums (Helmut Schneider); and on intrigues in the works of J. M. R. Lenz (Inge Stephan). Contributors: Frederick Amrine, Gernot Böhme, Ryan Feigenbaum, Luke Fischer, Jason Groves, Iris Hennigfeld, Stephanie M. Hilger, David Hill, Dalia Nassar, Daniel Purdy, Kate Rigby, Helmut J. Schneider, Inge Stephan, Heather I. Sullivan. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmeris Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.

Goethe Yearbook 23

Book Description

Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and the Goethezeit, featuring in this volume a special section on Goethe and visual culture. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 23 features a special section on visual culture with contributions on the visual aesthetics of Goethe's 1815 production ofProserpina (Bersier); on the Farbenlehre (Lande); on Tableaux Vivants in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Solanki); on the relationship between Goethe and C. G. Carus and their respective views on the representation of nature in art and science (Allert); and on visual and verbal bricolage in Clemens Brentano's Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia (MacLeod). There are also articles on Goethe and ancient mystery religions (Amrine); on Goethe's fairy-tale aesthetics (Brown); on the concept of neutrality (Holland); on the concept of the mathematical infinite (Smith); on virginity and maternity in Werther (Nossett); on the Classical aesthetics of Schlegel'sLucinde (ter Horst); and on motherless creations in Faust (Nielsen). Contributors: Beate Allert, Frederick Amrine, Gabrielle Bersier, Jane K. Brown, Jocelyn Holland, Joel B. Lande, Catriona MacLeod, WendyC. Nielsen, Lauren Nossett, John H. Smith, Tanvi Solanki, Eleanor ter Horst. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Bookreview editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.

Goethe Yearbook 8

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Latest volume in series devoted to Goethe criticism (and studies of his contemporaries), with an extensive book review section.

Goethe Yearbook 11

Book Description

Eighteen new articles on the works of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit, along with the customary book review section. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America. It publishes original contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit. Its book review section evaluates awide selection of publications on the period, and is important for all scholars of 18th-century literature. The eighteen articles in this volume treat a wide range of topics. The volume opens with the last work of the late StuartAtkins, on Renaissance and Baroque elements in Faust, and proceeds to a critical appreciation of the Goethe scholarship of the late Géza von Molnár, before offering Molnár's last essay, also on Faust. A number of articles explore questions of the "Ich," the Ego, and subjectivity in the writings of Goethe and of others of his age such as Rousseau, Moritz, Fichte, and Novalis. Three articles deal with Faust, one with Götz von Berlichingen's Weislingen, one with the genealogy of the poem 'Auf dem See, ' and one with Egmont. An article focuses on the women figures in Wilhelm Meister, and there is a short story titled 'Mignon' by Irmgard ElsnerHunt. Other articles explore Grillparzer's Sappho, Wilhelm Müller's Lieder der Griechen, and Karls Enkel's Dahin! Dahin! Ein Göte-Abend. There is also a Laudatio to Daniel Barenboim in addition to the customary book review section. Contributors: Stewart Atkins, Katharina Mommsen, Peter Fenves, Géza von Molnár, Fritz Breithaupt, Anthony Krupp, Elliott Schreiber, Edgar Landgraf, Horst Lange, Volker Kaiser, Rainer Nägele, Martha B. Helfer, Marion Schmaus, Brigitte Prutti, Charles A. Grair, Lorna Fitzsimmons, Irmgard Elsner Hunt. Book review editor is Martha B. Helfer. Simon J. Richter is associate professor of German at the Universityof Pennsylvania.

Goethe Yearbook 24

Book Description

Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and his age, featuring in this volume a special section on the poetics of space in the Goethezeit. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 24 features a special section titled "The Poetics of Space in the Goethezeit," co-edited by John Lyon and Elliott Schreiber, with contributions on blind spots in Goethe's Elective Affinities; on the topography and topoi of Goethe's autobiographical childhood; on disorientation and the subterranean in Novalis; on selfhood, sovereignty, and public space in Die italienische Reise and Dichtung und Wahrheit; on Goethe's theater of anamnesis in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre; and on spatial mobilization in Kleist's Berliner Abendblätter. There are also articles on the horror of coming home in Caroline de la Motte Fouqué's "Der Abtrünnige" and on Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi's Eduard Allwills Papiere. Contributors: Colin Benert, Stephanie Galasso, Tove Holmes, Edgar Landgraf, Sara Luly, John B. Lyon, Anthony Mahler, Monika Nenon, Joseph O'Neil, Elliott Schreiber, Inge Stephan, Gabriel Trop, Christian P. Weber. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.

Goethe Yearbook 20

Book Description

A new crop of essays on topics in the literature of Goethe and the Goethezeit, with a special section providing innovative readings of Goethe's lyric poetry. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 20 contains a special section on Goethe's lyric poetry with contributions from leading scholars. The essays incorporate a range of new methodologies that provide innovative readings of Goethe's most important poems, including contributions by Benjamin Bennett on Faust and Daniel Wilson on the West-östliche Divan. The volume also includesessays on Götz von Berlichingen, the Sturm-und-Drang sublime, the Nibelungenlied's place within Weltliteratur, as well as an examination of Schiller's notion of freedom. Contributors: Constantin Behler, Benjamin Bennett, Frauke Berndt, Fritz Breithaupt, Hannah Vandegrift Eldridge, Andrew Erwin, Patrick Fortmann, Edgar Landgraf, Horst Lange, Charlotte Lee, Claudia Maienborn, Joseph D. O'Neil, Elizabeth Powers, Christian P. Weber, W. Daniel Wilson. Daniel Purdy is Associate Professor of German at Pennsylvania State University. Book review editor Catriona MacLeod is Associate Professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania.