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Passion Week

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Backstory Preaching

Book Description

Instead of being a dour task on the checklist, what if the process of homily prep renewed you? Instead of feeling insecure about your message, what if your skills made you confident to preach a consistently clear message of Good News, authentic to you, relevant to your listeners, holding their attention and inviting transformation? Backstory Preaching: Integrating Life, Spirituality, and Craft shows you how. By integrating your life and spirituality with the practical skills necessary for effective preaching, you can move beyond the boredom, stress, or insecurity of preaching so it is no longer you who preach but Christ who preaches in you. By connecting with God in the midst of your sermon prep, the Gospel will be spread deeper and further. God’s joy—and yours—will be made complete.

Meditations for Passion Week

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Passiontide Sermons

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Love to the Uttermost

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Jesus willingly endured unimaginable depths of suffering for his friends. John 13:1 says he loved us to the uttermost. To love to the uttermost is to love freely, without reserve or limit, and without flaw or failure. As we journey with Jesus for eight days-from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday-from triumphal entry, to arrest and trial, to death and burial and triumphant resurrection, we gaze on a God-man who begrudges no pain or reproach on his pathway to redeem lost sinners. Here is the one who "humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8). In Love to the Uttermost: Devotional Readings for Holy Week, John Piper calls you to fix your eyes steadily on Jesus as he loves you to the uttermost.

The Dark Road to Triumph

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Passion Week Sermons

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