Good Governance and Civil Society Participation in Africa

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governments and the public at large. --Book Jacket.

Public Participation in Democratic Governance in South Africa

Book Description

This book examines public participation in democratic governance in South Africa. The South African democracy is fairly new, giving rise to a variety of new channels and processes for public participation. In addition, the overwhelming majority of South Africans have little experience of democratic governance, having only acquired political power for the first time in 1994. However, more than seven years of universal suffrage and access to political power is ample justification for assessing the consolidation of democracy in this country. The book focuses on four case studies of public participation: interest group participation in the National Economic Development and Labour Council; the participation of civil society and the legislatures in the formulation of the budget; public participation in legislative processes; and public participation in the integrated development planning processes of local government. Each case study outlines a number of opportunities for, and constraints to, public participation in the processes of democratic governance.

Promoting Good Governance and Wider Civil Society Participation in Eastern and Southern Africa

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A collection of twenty-four research papers presented at a regional conference convened by OSSREA on good governance and the roles of civil society, higher education, the media and culture, in promoting progressive governments and societies. The papers cover six African countries: Botswana, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The subjects include: plural politics in Botswana; indigenous institutions and good governance in Ethiopia; the contribution of the University of Lesotho to civil society through community service; crises in politics and governance in Sudan; Uganda's 'movementocracy' experiment; and the role of the legal disciplines in promoting good governance in Zimbabwe.

Civil Society-based Governance in Africa

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This book examines the liberal conception of civil society and its applicability to the context of Africa. Although it acknowledges the reality of civil society as a paradigmatic way of thinking about democracy and good governance, it questions the conception of civil society and its use for development in Africa. The book argues that if the concept of civil society is to be successful, it has to capture fully and correctly most aspects of Africa's associational life without leaving out major portions of the socio-political mosaic. Only then, can the concept of civil society be a legitimate tool for recognizing groups and associations and organizing their problems and claims for a sustainable democracy. The African experience is different from the liberal context of civil society. The liberal argument of civil society springs from the Western conception of state-society relationships. In this convention, power, authoritarianism and exploitation are the exclusive property of the state, while society belongs to the realm of freedom, rights, and liberty To examine this argument, this study uses Senegal as a case study to explore how the idiosyncrasy of societal development in this country has constructed and produced different types of associational life and how they fit within the liberal conception of civil society. Senegal was selected as an ideal case because it is widely regarded as a vibrant model of civil society and democracy. In essence, the question is whether the civil society that exists in Senegal conforms to the liberal argument of civil. The findings reveal that, in Senegal, civil society differs in many forms from the liberal propositions.

Breaking Barriers, Creating New Hopes

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A study of Africa's current strides towards democracy, good governance and the interposition of the civil society in the process. The authors identify and delineates the phases of these processes and examine key theoretical and methodological issues of the governance project. Also includes analysis of hitherto neglected issues such as gender, pastoralism, ethnicity, constitutionalism, local governance, the economy and the African Union. Reviews six country case studies on progress so far: Botswana, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Zambia and Ethiopia.

E-Governance in Africa, from Theory to Action

Book Description

Integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) into governance processes can greatly enhance the delivery of public services to all citizens. ICT integration will not only improve the performance of governance systems, it will also transform relationships amongst stakeholders, thereby influencing policymaking processes and regulatory frameworks. In the developing world, however, the potential of ICTs for effective governance remains largely unexplored and unexploited. This book presents the context, theory, and current thinking on the interaction between ICTs and local governance, particularly in Africa. It discusses the shift from OC governmentOCO to OC e-governance, OCO describes the role of local-level authorities, and presents the benefits and limitations of introducing ICTs in government operations. Case studies from Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda describe local governance/ICTs projects executed by civil society organizations, academic institutions, and government authorities. Drawing from the findings in these case studies and from the introductory research and original conceptual framework, the book presents a series of conclusions and recommendation on the future of effective ICTs use for better governance and improved economic development at the local level. This book will be of interest to professionals, practitioners, and policy advisors at local and national government levels in developing countries (particularly in Africa); international organizations staff, bilateral aid agencies, international financial institutions, civil society organizations, and private sector; researchers, academics, students, and professors of public administration and governance in Africa and throughout the world."

Demanding Good Governance

Book Description

Social Accountability Refers To The Wide Range Of Citizen Actions To hold the state to account, as well as actions on the part of government, media, and other actors that promote or facilitate these efforts. Social accountability strategies and tools help empower ordinary citizens to exercise their inherent rights to hold governments accountable for the use of public funds and how they exercise authority. This book explains what social accountability means in the African context, distilling some common success factors and lessons that can help other practitioners and innovators in the field. Demanding Good Governance: Lessons from Social Accountability Initiatives in Africa presents case studies from a cross-section of countries, drawing on initiatives launched and implemented both by civil society groups and by local and national governments in countries with a wide range of political contexts and cultures. The case studies demonstrate that although social accountability approaches are strongly influenced by many underlying legal, social, cultural, and economic factors, they can still be implemented in difficult political environments (for example, in Zimbabwe). They point to the overriding problem of access to information (Ghana, Malawi, and Zimbabwe) and the low readability of information when it is available (Benin). They demonstrate what can happen when governments and civil society work together to institute accountability measures (Nigeria) and the implementation challenges they face in environments ranging from decentralized (Tanzania) to more centralized (Senegal). Development professionals have traditionally assumed that Africa's governance and service delivery challenges must be addressed from the top down. The reality is the opposite; bottom-up civilian-led social accountability mechanisms have proven to be versatile, adaptable, and highly effective in enhancing development prospects across a number of African countries. This collection of case studies is an invaluable guide to practitioners seeking a better grasp of how to implement and strengthen such mechanisms, and it represents an important contribution to the literature.-James D. Wolfensohn Wolfensohn Fund Management, L.P. Former President, World Bank Group This book provides a succinct exposition of the central role of civil society organizations in governance enforcement through social accountability. I find it a welcome addition to the extant literature on social accountability and its intertwined relationship with good governance and the need for increased public participation of both women and men for improved public service delivery.-Frannie A. LTautier Executive Secretary The African Capacity Building Foundation Harare, Zimbabwe

Legitimate Governance in Africa

Book Description

Any attempt to address the ever-present problem of instability in Africa gives rise to questions regarding legitimate governance. Without future thinking and action on the legitimacy of governance in Africa and how to secure it, past mistakes will go unheeded rather than informing forward movement. Surprisingly, no existing work has comprehensively addressed this critical issue. Legitimate Governance in Africa provides this needed coverage for the first time, examining such key components in the struggle for legitimate governance as the role of the international community in addressing the problem, the particular role women can play and ways in which women can improve their involvement in the whole enterprise of governance, and the roles of non-governmental organizations and civil society. In this diverse collection of essays, a wide range of expert legal contributors, all familiar with the status of the struggle for legitimate governance in a specific institution or particular African state, brings unique perspectives to the scholarly investigation of legitimate governance in Africa. The individual authors have thought deeply about the complexities and subtleties of conducting and evaluating the business of African state governance, considering both the practical sustainability of potential approaches and theoretical problems and issues. The probing, high-quality essays facilitate a real understanding of the obstacles to progress in the struggle for legitimate governance. Through their depth and diversity of views, every one of the papers included in this collection enriches the pool of knowledge on this important subject.

Corruption, Good Governance, and the African State

Book Description

African states are often called corrupt, indicating that the political system in Africa differs from the one prevalent in economically advanced democracies. This, however, does not give us any insight into what makes corruption the dominant norm of African statehood. Thus we must turn to the overly neglected theoretical work on the political economy of Africa in order to determine how the poverty of governance in Africa is firmly anchored both in Africa’s domestic socioeconomic reality, as well as in the region’s role in the international economic order. Instead of focusing on increased monitoring, enforcement and formal democratic procedures, this book combines economic analysis with political theory in order to arrive at a better understanding of the political-economic roots of corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa.