Gottfried Von Strassburg and the Medieval Tristan Legend

Book Description

This volume comprises selected papers from a Tristan symposium held at the Institute of Germanic Studies in London. The symposium was conceived by the organizers as an experiment in transatlantic dialogue and the papers represent the views of scholars from a variety of North American and British universities. The main focus of attention is Gottfried's Tristan. Familiar assumptions about the text are questioned and fresh perspectives are offered on many contentious issues: those disagreements which persist are themselves a reflection posed by Gottfried's masterpiece. In addition, new light is thrown on the treatment of the Tristan theme in medieval and modern times.Contributors are: MICHAEL CURSCHMANN, W.J. MCCANN, MARGARET BROWN, C. STEPHEN JAEGER, M.H. JONES, ADRIAN STEVENS, ARTHUR GROOS, THOMAS KERTH, MICHAEL BATTS, MARIANNE WYNN, JANET WHARTON, GEORGE GILLESPIE, JOAN M. FERRANTE, LESLIE SEIFFERT, SIDNEY M. JOHNSON, PETRUS W. TAX, AUGUST CLOSS, H.B. WILLSON, ROY WISBEY.

Tristan with the Surviving Fragments of the Tristran of Thomas

Book Description

One of the great romances of the Middle Ages, Tristan, written in the early thirteenth century, is based on a medieval love story of grand passion and deceit. By slaying a dragon, the young prince Tristan wins the beautiful Isolde’s hand in marriage for his uncle, King Mark. On their journey back to Mark’s court, however, the pair mistakenly drink a love-potion intended for the king and his young bride, and are instantly possessed with an all-consuming love for each another - a love they are compelled to conceal by a series of subterfuges that culminates in tragedy. Von Strassburg’s work is acknowledged as the greatest rendering of this legend of medieval lovers, and went on to influence generations of writers and artists and inspire Richard Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde.

Tristan in the Underworld

Book Description

The findings of recent archaeological and folkloric studies are subsumed into this study where they possess literary relevance. The author finds that the Thomas/Gottfried branch of the legend has little to do with an uncritical glorification of courtly love as that term has been commonly understood. Rather, the tension arising from within the amorous triangle of Tristan, Isolde, and Marke is finally resolved on terms favourable to the collective and the adultery is not finally permitted to injure the fabric of courtly civilization which Tintagel symbolizes. Gottfried von Strassburg emerges less as a critic of the chivalric order than as a staunch defender of the feudal status quo.

A Companion to Gottfried Von Strassburg's "Tristan"

Book Description

The legend of Tristan and Isolde -- the archetypal narrative about the turbulent effects of all-consuming, passionate love -- achieved its most complete and profound rendering in the German poet Gottfried von Strassburg's verse romance Tristan (ca. 1200-1210). Along with his great literary rival Wolfram von Eschenbach and his versatile predecessor Hartmann von Aue, Gottfried is considered one of three greatest poets produced by medieval Germany, and over the centuries his Tristan has lost none of its ability to attract with the beauty of its poetry and to challenge -- if not provoke -- with its sympathetic depiction of adulterous love. The essays, written by a dozen leading Gottfried specialists in Europe and North America, provide definitive treatments of significant aspects of this most important and challenging high medieval version of the Tristan legend. They examine aspects of Gottfried's unparalleled narrative artistry; the important connections between Gottfried's Tristan and the socio-cultural situation in which it was composed; and the reception of Gottfried's challenging romance both by later poets in the Middle Ages and by nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors, composers, and artists -- particularly Richard Wagner. The volume also contains new interpretations of significant figures, episodes, and elements (Riwalin and Blanscheflur, Isolde of the White Hands, the Love Potion, the performance of love, the female figures) in Gottfried's revolutionary romance, which provocatively elevates a sexual, human love to a summum bonum. Will Hasty is Professor of German at the University of Florida. He is the editor of Companion to Wolfram's "Parzival," (Camden House, 1999).

Tristan with the 'Tristran' of Thomas

Book Description

One of the great romances of the Middle Ages, Tristan, written in the early thirteenth century, is based on a medieval love story of grand passion and deceit. By slaying a dragon, the young prince Tristan wins the beautiful Isolde's hand in marriage for his uncle, King Mark. On their journey back to Mark's court, however, the pair mistakenly drink a love-potion intended for the king and his young bride, and are instantly possessed with an all-consuming love for each another - a love they are compelled to conceal by a series of subterfuges that culminates in tragedy. Von Strassburg's work is acknowledged as the greatest rendering of this legend of medieval lovers, and went on to influence generations of writers and artists and inspire Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde.

The conflict of love and honor

Book Description

The Story of Tristan and Iseult

Book Description


Book Description

Gottfried von Strassburg's early 13th century retelling of the "Tristan and Iseult" legend is widely regarded as one of the most important works of the German Middle Ages. Left unfinished at the time of his death and subsequently finished by Heinrich von Freiberg and Ulrich von Türheim, Strassburg's "Tristan" is held out as one of the best examples of the "common", as opposed to the "courtly", version of the tale. "Tristan" tells the tale of a young Cornish knight, Tristan, who is tasked with the mission of escorting his Uncle King Mark of Cornwall's wife to be, the Princess Iseult from Ireland. However during the journey, when the two ingest a love potion, their fortunes are sent unexpectedly in a different direction. The exact origin of this classic and tragic tale of chivalric romance is unknown and thus comes down to us from its numerous retellings, of which Strassburg's version stands apart in its excellence. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper and follows the prose translation of Jessie L. Weston.