A Science Policy for Canada

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Science Policy for Canada

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Browsing Science Research at the Federal Level in Canada

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Wilks provides a historical background, list of publications, and description of activities for most of the major science initiatives undertaken at the federal level. He surveys a wide range of government documents and monographic and serial science collections used by both faculty and students.

A Science Policy for Canada

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North American Social Report

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For readers who intend to read this volume without reading the ftrst, some introductory remarks are in order about the scope of the work and the strategy used in all ftve volumes to measure the quality of life. In the ftrst chapter of Volume I, I reviewed the relevant recent literature on social indicators and social reporting, and explained all the general difficulties involved in such work. It would be redundant to repeat that discussion here, but there are some fundamental points that are worth mentioning. Readers who fmd this account too brief should consult the longer discussion. The basic question that will be answered in this work in this: Is there a difference in the quality of life in Canada and the United States of America, and if so, in which country is it better? Alternatively, one could put the question thus: If one individual were randomly selected out of Canada and another out of the United States, would there be important qualitative differences, and if so, which one would probably be better off? To simplify matters, I often use the terms 'Canadian' and 'American' as abbreviations for 'a randomly selected resident' of Canada or the United States, respectively.

The Social Sciences in Canada

Book Description

The Social Sciences in Canada is about the background and history of the Social Science Federation of Canada in honour of its fifty years of national activity. There can be little doubt that during the last fifty years the federation, and its predecessors, have had a substantial impact on the development of the social sciences in Canada. The history of this organization is probably the best barometer that we have for recording the changes that have occurred in the relation between social scientists and Canadian society.