Governments, Banks and Global Capital

Book Description

Published in 1997, this study analyzes the global capital market as one of the most dynamic aspects of the world economy. As more financial markets were created, the security of the structure came under scrutiny. The book examines the crises in its history and how the global structure can be regulated.

Governments, Banks and Global Capital

Book Description

Published in 1997, this study analyzes the global capital market as one of the most dynamic aspects of the world economy. As more financial markets were created, the security of the structure came under scrutiny. The book examines the crises in its history and how the global structure can be regulated.

Global Capital and National Governments

Book Description

Global Capital and National Governments suggests that international financial integration does not mean the end of social democratic welfare policies. Capital market openness allows participants to react swiftly and severely to government policy; but in the developed world, capital market participants consider only a few government policies when making decisions. Governments that conform to capital market pressures in macroeconomic areas remain relatively unconstrained in supply-side and micro-economic policy areas. Therefore, despite financial globalization, cross-national policy divergence among advanced democracies remains likely. Still, in the developing world, the influence of financial markets on government policy autonomy is more pronounced. The risk of default renders market participants willing to consider a range of government policies in investment decisions. This inference, however, must be tempered with awareness that governments retain choice. As evidence for its conclusions, Global Capital and National Governments draws on interviews with fund managers, quantitative analyses, and archival investment banking materials.

Creating an Efficient Financial System

Book Description

Financial sector development fosters economic growth and reduces poverty by widening and broadening access to finance and allocating society's savings more efficiently. The author first discusses three pillars on which sound and efficient financial systems are built: macroeconomic stability and effective and reliable contractual and informational frameworks. He then describes three different approaches to government involvement in the financial sector: the laissez-faire view, the market-failure view and the market-enabling view. Finally, the author analyzes the sequencing of financial sector reforms and discusses the benefits and challenges that emerging markets face when opening their financial systems to international capital markets.

The Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions

Book Description

Provides an in-depth overview of the Federal Reserve System, including information about monetary policy and the economy, the Federal Reserve in the international sphere, supervision and regulation, consumer and community affairs and services offered by Reserve Banks. Contains several appendixes, including a brief explanation of Federal Reserve regulations, a glossary of terms, and a list of additional publications.

Governing the Global Economy

Book Description

This text examines the actions that governments have taken to cope with the economic and political consequences associated with the globalization of international finance. Topics covered include the Third World debt crisis and the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI.

Managing the Sovereign-Bank Nexus

Book Description

This paper reviews empirical and theoretical work on the links between banks and their governments (the bank-sovereign nexus). How significant is this nexus? What do we know about it? To what extent is it a source of concern? What is the role of policy intervention? The paper concludes with a review of recent policy proposals.

Banks, Government Bonds, and Default

Book Description

We analyze holdings of public bonds by over 20,000 banks in 191 countries, and the role of these bonds in 20 sovereign defaults over 1998-2012. Banks hold many public bonds (on average 9% of their assets), particularly in less financially-developed countries. During sovereign defaults, banks increase their exposure to public bonds, especially large banks and when expected bond returns are high. At the bank level, bondholdings correlate negatively with subsequent lending during sovereign defaults. This correlation is mostly due to bonds acquired in pre-default years. These findings shed light on alternative theories of the sovereign default-banking crisis nexus.

Current State and Future of the Financial Services Markets

Book Description