Gradient Flows

Book Description

The book is devoted to the theory of gradient flows in the general framework of metric spaces, and in the more specific setting of the space of probability measures, which provide a surprising link between optimal transportation theory and many evolutionary PDE's related to (non)linear diffusion. Particular emphasis is given to the convergence of the implicit time discretization method and to the error estimates for this discretization, extending the well established theory in Hilbert spaces. The book is split in two main parts that can be read independently of each other.

Gradient Flows

Book Description

This book is devoted to a theory of gradient ?ows in spaces which are not nec- sarily endowed with a natural linear or di?erentiable structure. It is made of two parts, the ?rst one concerning gradient ?ows in metric spaces and the second one 2 1 devoted to gradient ?ows in the L -Wasserstein space of probability measures on p a separable Hilbert space X (we consider the L -Wasserstein distance, p? (1,?), as well). The two parts have some connections, due to the fact that the Wasserstein space of probability measures provides an important model to which the “metric” theory applies, but the book is conceived in such a way that the two parts can be read independently, the ?rst one by the reader more interested to Non-Smooth Analysis and Analysis in Metric Spaces, and the second one by the reader more oriented to theapplications in Partial Di?erential Equations, Measure Theory and Probability.

Morse Theory Of Gradient Flows, Concavity And Complexity On Manifolds With Boundary

Book Description

This monograph is an account of the author's investigations of gradient vector flows on compact manifolds with boundary. Many mathematical structures and constructions in the book fit comfortably in the framework of Morse Theory and, more generally, of the Singularity Theory of smooth maps.The geometric and combinatorial structures, arising from the interactions of vector flows with the boundary of the manifold, are surprisingly rich. This geometric setting leads organically to many encounters with Singularity Theory, Combinatorics, Differential Topology, Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, and especially with the boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. This diversity of connections animates the book and is the main motivation behind it.The book is divided into two parts. The first part describes the flows in three dimensions. It is more pictorial in nature. The second part deals with the multi-dimensional flows, and thus is more analytical. Each of the nine chapters starts with a description of its purpose and main results. This organization provides the reader with independent entrances into different chapters.

An Invitation to Optimal Transport, Wasserstein Distances, and Gradient Flows

Book Description

This book provides a self-contained introduction to optimal transport, and it is intended as a starting point for any researcher who wants to enter into this beautiful subject. The presentation focuses on the essential topics of the theory: Kantorovich duality, existence and uniqueness of optimal transport maps, Wasserstein distances, the JKO scheme, Otto's calculus, and Wasserstein gradient flows. At the end, a presentation of some selected applications of optimal transport is given. Suitable for a course at the graduate level, the book also includes an appendix with a series of exercises along with their solutions. The second edition contains a number of additions, such as a new section on the Brunn–Minkowski inequality, new exercises, and various corrections throughout the text.

Hamiltonian and Gradient Flows, Algorithms and Control

Book Description

This volume brings together ideas from several areas of mathematics that have traditionally been rather disparate. The conference at the Fields Institute which gave rise to these proceedings was intended to enourage such connections. One of the key interactions occurs between dynamical systems and algorithms, one example being the by now classic observation that the QR algorithm for diagonalizing matrices may be viewed as the time-1 map of the Toda lattice flow. Another link occurs with interior point methods for linear programming, where certain smooth flows associated with such programming problems have proved valuable in the analysis of the corresponding discrete problems. More recently, other smooth flows have been introduced which carry out discrete computations (such as sorting sets of numbers) and which solve certain least squares problems. Another interesting facet of the flows described here is that they often have a dual Hamiltonian and gradient structure, both of which turn out to be useful in analysing and designing algorithms for solving optimization problems. This volume explores many of these interactions, as well as related work in optimal control and partial differential equations.

The Ricci Flow in Riemannian Geometry

Book Description

This book focuses on Hamilton's Ricci flow, beginning with a detailed discussion of the required aspects of differential geometry, progressing through existence and regularity theory, compactness theorems for Riemannian manifolds, and Perelman's noncollapsing results, and culminating in a detailed analysis of the evolution of curvature, where recent breakthroughs of Böhm and Wilking and Brendle and Schoen have led to a proof of the differentiable 1/4-pinching sphere theorem.

Lectures on Optimal Transport

Book Description

This textbook is addressed to PhD or senior undergraduate students in mathematics, with interests in analysis, calculus of variations, probability and optimal transport. It originated from the teaching experience of the first author in the Scuola Normale Superiore, where a course on optimal transport and its applications has been given many times during the last 20 years. The topics and the tools were chosen at a sufficiently general and advanced level so that the student or scholar interested in a more specific theme would gain from the book the necessary background to explore it. After a large and detailed introduction to classical theory, more specific attention is devoted to applications to geometric and functional inequalities and to partial differential equations.

A Field Guide to Dynamical Recurrent Networks

Book Description

Acquire the tools for understanding new architectures and algorithms of dynamical recurrent networks (DRNs) from this valuable field guide, which documents recent forays into artificial intelligence, control theory, and connectionism. This unbiased introduction to DRNs and their application to time-series problems (such as classification and prediction) provides a comprehensive overview of the recent explosion of leading research in this prolific field. A Field Guide to Dynamical Recurrent Networks emphasizes the issues driving the development of this class of network structures. It provides a solid foundation in DRN systems theory and practice using consistent notation and terminology. Theoretical presentations are supplemented with applications ranging from cognitive modeling to financial forecasting. A Field Guide to Dynamical Recurrent Networks will enable engineers, research scientists, academics, and graduate students to apply DRNs to various real-world problems and learn about different areas of active research. It provides both state-of-the-art information and a road map to the future of cutting-edge dynamical recurrent networks.

Tame Flows

Book Description

The tame flows are ``nice'' flows on ``nice'' spaces. The nice (tame) sets are the pfaffian sets introduced by Khovanski, and a flow $\Phi: \mathbb{R}\times X\rightarrow X$ on pfaffian set $X$ is tame if the graph of $\Phi$ is a pfaffian subset of $\mathbb{R}\times X\times X$. Any compact tame set admits plenty tame flows. The author proves that the flow determined by the gradient of a generic real analytic function with respect to a generic real analytic metric is tame.